jamie's head went to the side, the force of herself falling waking her up and making her catch herself.
the starbucks was empty and she was the only one working because it was not only late but her coworkers had clocked out to get drinks, saying she was too young to drink so she had to stay.
the empty promises of them letting her leave early one day and then take her place had been pushed to the back of her head, not particularly caring because jaemin normally took the subway over and would do his homework there and keep her company until he had to leave again.
however the boy was busy that day, something along the lines of babysitting his aunt's dog and having a meeting with his aunt and his lawyer over his parents.
so jamie was alone, leaning against the counter and staring blankly through the big windows in front of the store. her homework was long done and forgotten, sitting in her backpack on the floor next to her.
her mind, naturally, went into overdrive, analyzing and thinking situations over.
mainly about two of her friends, huang renjun and lee jeno.
huang renjun, the male she often found in her head. as far as she knew, he was still with yena, even after their huge fight week prior, and was still blocked on her phone. she tried following mark's and donghyuck's advice, but she hadn't been able to push the male out of her head completely. she often found herself at a standstill, trying to find ways to make him look at her the way she looked at him, simple things like makeup or clothes that she hoped wouldn't go unnoticed that sadly did.
jaemin always picked up on her small changes however, commenting on them and how her makeup was done well or how she planned her outfit perfectly. at some points it led jamie to wonder if the male liked her, but then convince herself it was just his personality.
jamie always thought about how easy her life would've been if she had fallen for jaemin or mark instead of renjun. the two boys were boyfriend material to her, always trying to make her comfortable over themselves and be there for her whenever.
sadly, her heart chose renjun, the broken down boy with skewed visions of love.
lee jeno also appeared in her mind often as of recent, the idea of her friend, mia, not talking to anyone or even assuring them that he was alright concerned her. she always wanted to be someone people could lean on, and the fact that no matter what she did, jeno still pushed her away concerned her, because as far as she knew, he wasn't leaning on anyone and was alone.
she couldn't imagine how scary it must be for him, alone and wondering. did he even have a home at the moment? where was he residing? how was he eating? was he eating?
"funky town" had been working for the past week on trying to find jeno yet again, the boy getting better at hiding himself from the group. even donghyuck couldn't find him and donghyuck was held highly for his computer skills and his ability to find people hiding from him.
so when lee jeno walked into the starbucks, jamie could barely believe her eyes.
he didn't have the duffle bag he had the past two times he had been spotted nor the mask, instead his brown hair was held back in a clip and he had on his normal black and white combo.
he looked slightly alarmed when he saw jamie there, but didn't make a move to leave or get closer.
she didn't either, the two staring at each other like deer in headlights.
jeno finally approached slowly, "can i, um, order please?"
jamie nodded, standing straight up and cracking her back before turning to the cash register, "what can i get you?"
jeno ordered, jamie not able to stop the smile on her lips when she heard him order an iced americano.
jamie made the four drinks quietly, not wanting to push jeno into being uncomfortable.
jeno anxiously rocked on his heels, looking around the empty starbucks.
"jaemin isn't here?" he voiced quietly, startling jamie, "i thought he always came during your shifts. he mentioned something about a deal with johnny and jaehyun."
jamie laughed lightly, handing him his americano, "johnny didn't want me to get a job because he was afraid i was 'growing up too fast' and that i would get hurt, so when we moved jaehyun and i made a deal with johnny that if we both worked at the same cafe at the same time johnny would let me. after jaehyun and i got into that fight, jaemin offered to stay with me so i could still work. he's busy today though."
jeno nodded slowly, "i would stay, but i have to go sadly."
jamie nodded, not pushing what he had said.
"you're... not going to ask?" jeno asked hesitantly.
jamie glanced at him, "do you want me to?"
jeno blinked in surprise, "not... particularly."
jamie shrugged, going back to her work, "then i won't. i won't tell anyone i saw you if you don't want me too as well."
jeno nodded, a small smile on his lips, "thank you."
"of course, that's what friends are for."
jeno watched as jamie diligently worked, finishing the rest of the drinks fairly quickly.
"tell mark i said hello," jamie said, making jeno stop in his advance to the door.
"how..." jeno trailed off, seeing her grin.
"mark only ever gets that same thing each time he orders, it's so unique i've memorized it," jamie leaned against the counter again, "don't worry, i won't tell anyone."
jeno nodded slowly, "i'll tell him."
"oh, tell him to stop ignoring me too please," jamie scoffed, "the man is so bad at answering, i've finished a conversation with over a hundred texts with donghyuck before mark has even responded once."
jeno laughed lightly, his eye smile appearing and making jamie relax.
"you're safe right? that's all i want to know," jamie suddenly said, her smile faltering, "i just want to know that you are eating and sleeping safely and enough."
jeno nodded his head, beaming at her, "i am."
"good," jamie nodded, grabbing a rag from under the counter, "now go, you don't want your drinks to be cold and or warm now do you?"
jeno nodded, "thank you."
"of course," jamie smiled, walking around the counter to get to the tables, "see you later."
she waved as jeno left before turning the sign to closed and sitting on the closest chair to her, letting out the breath she didn't know she was holding.
he's been with mark, he's safe, relief flooded her system, physically relaxing her. she leaned her head back, taking in a deep breath.
why mark? the question couldn't help but poke at her, why not me?
jamie shook her head, at least he was with someone she had to remind herself, better than no one.
she couldn't help the doubts that seeped in, no matter how much she tried to ignore them.
a flick to her forehead woke her up, her hand immediately going to the injury and her eyes looking for the culprit.
lucas stood there, his hands in his pockets and his backpack on, "i've been calling you for the past twenty
minutes. i'm honestly surprised you've learned to block out my yelling so quickly."
jamie smiled softly, "sorry lu, a lot in my head."
lucas nodded, "want help cleaning up?"
jamie nodded in reply and lucas took the rag from her, excitedly going to put water on the now dry cloth to clean tables with it.
a laugh left her lips at the excited laughs leaving his lips as he danced and cleaned the tables, her sweeping.
he eventually got her to join in on the dancing, singing to some random song playing from his phone, enjoying the normally tedious task.
that's what jamie liked about lucas, he was always positive and cheerful, making even the worst thing seem better.
and so, she allowed herself to fall under his captivating spell of unicorns and rainbows, not dreading the next day as much as she normally would.
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