As his small body was wheeled into the operating room my heart fluttered. He was already under and was placed on his side so we could get a better view of the tumor. My assistances attached him to another oxygen mask and a few other machines as I picked up my scalpel. I began making a few cuts to peel back the skin above his tumor. Soon I began the long process of removing the mass.
"Why do you think they continue these surgeries even though there is no point?" My first year assistant asked as she held a pair of clamps for me as we entered our fourth hour.
"Your names are Jessica and Micheal?" I question my two assistants nodded their heads who were both almost seven years my senior.
"You should have learned in medical school that you never question a patients wishes, especially if it concerns their health. Your opinion has no place in if this surgery should happen. Jessica, please get out of my OR," I spat as Jessica quickly stepped away and left.
A few minutes after she exited the room I began to take out the last part of the tumor when I hit a vine and he began to bleed. I quickly clamped it, but he continued to bleed. His oxygen began to drop along with his heart rate until he flat lined.
"Get a defibrillator," I screamed as I prepped his chest to shock him.
"Dr. Hemmings he has a DNR," Micheal whispered.
"Get the fucking defibrillator," I spat as he began to obey and charged the pads. I placed them on his chest and shocked his frail body until his heart began to beat once again.
"We need to close him up," I said franticly as I began to stitch him up, knowing I was leaving part of the tumor, but had saved his life.
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