Chapter 7
"Chanyeol, I'm ready, let's go" Sehun shouts from the hallway as Chanyeol fixes the finishing touches to his hair. He hasn't been to a fancy restaurant before and checking online the place Suho suggested they have dinner he tore apart his wardrobe looking for a suit jacket to make himself respectable and to fit in with the people there.
"So how do I look?" Chanyeol stands before his friend in the sitting room making Sehun look him up and down. "Damn you scrub up so well. If you were my type you would not be single" Sehun teases, making Chanyeol laugh. "Will this be ok to wear? I want to feel comfortable" he asks looking down at himself feeling nervous. "Chanyeol you look sexy as hell damn you might even find a sugar daddy at this place. I believe it's the best restaurant in Seoul for the rich" Sehun stands up showing off his outfit.
"Damn Sehun you really are out to show Suho what he is missing" Chanyeol teases back feeling so proud that 1. he can call Sehun his best mate looking so good and 2. that Sehun is out to impress tonight.
"I don't know why I am so nervous it's just a restaurant right and Suho is paying" Chanyeol keeps fidgeting making Sehun grab his arm. "Just pretend you're a businessman and you can afford to eat there" Sehun tries to reassure his friend but fails. "Sehun I can't even afford a glass of water in a restaurant like that" Chanyeol huffs knowing he will panic and do something wrong in such a fancy restaurant embarrassing himself to the point he will have to leave and go into hiding.
"Will you stop worrying, it's just dinner, it's not like you're getting married" Sehun continues to try to calm him as a knock comes to the door. Heading to the door and opening it Jaehyun stands so tall and proud.
"Damn we are all looking so good tonight" Sehun says as Jaehyun steps inside. "Holy crap look how good we look" Jaehyun looks the other two over before furrowing a brow at Chanyeol. "Why does your face look like you are heading to your death or something?" Jaehyun waits as Chanyeol looks at him shocked." Leave him, he is really nervous going to this place. He thinks he won't fit in" Sehun grabs his keys and phone holding open the door ready to leave. "Oh you will be fine just pretend you're loaded and you will fit right in. Now hurry Suho is down stairs, he's driving" Jaehyun heads out the door as Sehun waits for Chanyeol. "Sehun I'm so nervous I feel like my stomach will fall out my ass" Chanyeol slowly walks to the door as Sehun pushes him out closing the door behind him. "Look how about we pretend we own a music company and SuperM are our band. Will you relax then?" Sehun watches as a smile finally crosses his friends face. "Now that I can do" Chanyeol stands straighter and hurries down the stairs making sure not to hold their boss up any longer.
"Wow don't you guys really scrub up well" Suho holds open his car door as the others finally reach him. "You ain't so bad yourself boss" Chanyeol says with confidence as he feels more comfortable thinking of his fake business in his head and how he will role play being a huge top CEO of a music company just in case anyone starts to talk to him. "Let's get going" Suho climbs back into his car as the others all clip on their seat belts before heading off for dinner.
At the restaurant
"Welcome to Cece's"
"Hi we have a table for four under Suho" Suho smiles as the matradee shows them to their table. "Holy shit this place is way to fancy what if I drop or break something. Man I can't relax here" Chanyeol keeps fidgeting making the others laugh at him as they are shown to their table sitting down. "What's wrong with you? his boss asks, making Chanyeol sit up." He is nervous of it being such a fancy place" Sehun tells him, making Suho stop a waitress and order a bottle of champagne. "I have ordered us a drink just relax and enjoy yourself" Suho smiles seeing Sehun sit beside him. He does fancy Sehun but he knows he messed up on their date when his ex showed up. Sehun told him off the day after and warned him to stay away. Taking a deep breath knowing he can't even try to win his trust back so he decides to wait a little longer and hopefully can try again when the wound that he caused Sehun heals over.
"Oh wow you can order anything here?" Chanyeol looks up from the menu surprised as Sehun and Jaehyun turn their eyes to Suho who finds it so cute how they are surprised that at Cece's even though it's a flashy expensive restaurant you can still order your favourite burger and chips." Yeah order what you want" Suho smiles looking back down at his menu. "Since it's an expensive place and I will probably never eat here again I will try something different" Sehun says scanning the menu as Chanyeol kicks him under the table. "Ouch why you do that for? " Sehun moans, rubbing his leg as Chanyeol keeps staring at the door making the others turn to see why he has turned pale.
"Oh crappy crap" Jaehyun lifts up his menu hiding his face behind it. "This shit only happens in fan fics" Sehun burst out laughing as Chanyeol sinks into his chair hiding his face behind his menu. "Why are you three acting so weird?" Suho looks around, spotting a big group of guys he has seen before enter the room and sit close to where they are. "SuperM just entered the building" Suho teases as he can't help but laugh seeing his staff all blush and try to hide.
Chanyeol can't control his emotions, his stomach is twisting and turning now seeing who just walked into the room is a lot worse. "They look so hot oh my god" Jaehyun whispers from behind his menu while taking a little peak at them.
"Let's order some food," Suho says as the waitress arrives.
They order what they want and wait patiently while Suho tries to talk to them but the three of them are paying the boss no attention. "Will I ask if they want to join us?" Suho says trying to hold back a smile as the three sit up straight blushing. "Please don't do that" Sehun touches his arm praying their boss doesn't get any strange ideas.
"Suho how are you?" they all look up seeing a guy walk towards their boss. "Oh lord how are you Kasper it's been years how are you?" They watch their boss get up from his chair hugging this stranger. "Excuse me these are my friends, Chanyeol, Sehun and Jaehyun" he introduces them as Sehun notices that he came in with SuperM. "Nice to meet you all. Suho you look great we must meet up alone for a cuppa and a catch up I must get back to the lads. I'll drop by the bakery during the week to see you. Nice meeting you all" Kasper shakes Suho's hand again and leaves sitting with SuperM.
"How do you know him?" Jaehyun asks, getting rather excited. "Aww I was in music with Kasper and now he teaches dancing for new groups. I never knew he was linked with SuperM". He just smiles and tucks into his food that has arrived as the other three just stare at him in shock that he never once spoke about them.
"Wait you know their choreographer oh man I'm so poor, I know nobody famous" Chanyeol huffs while eating his food. "Yes you know SuperM you have spoken to them, got autographs from them, gave them free food" Jaehyun says making Suho put his chopsticks down looking at the three of them. "Giving away free food since when?" Suho says making Chanyeol panic "No I paid for it, it wasn't free" Chanyeol lowers his head feeling like any minute now he will get fired. "Chanyeol have a drink and relax please you're making me uncomfortable and as for the food no more free food ok but thank you for paying for them". The boss smiles making the other 3 relax.
"I could get them to have drinks with us later in the room next door," Suho says while continuing to eat as the others stare at him. "I'd love that actually once I have a few more drinks to calm my nervousness seeing my dream man" Jaehyun looks over towards SuperM's table staring at Taeyong and how he wishes he was closer right now.
"Maybe they just want to be left alone to eat and not have fans bother them" Chanyeol says while glancing over seeing Baekhyun smile talking to Lucas another member.
"Ok I won't ask then" Suho smiles to himself as he takes a drink of his champagne.
"Awww my Suho" a voice comes from behind them as they all turn to face the voice as Sehun lowers his head making Chanyeol look concerned at his friend. "Lay, what you doing here I thought you went back to China?" Suho hugs him, making Sehun turn red in the face.
Chanyeol remembers the name Sehun told him about that ruined their date. Now he is here again making Sehun feel miserable. "Come sit with us Lay" Suho asks as Lay shakes his head "I will drop by later and we can have a drink what you say?" Lay holds Suho's arm as the smaller smiles at him. "Yeah we were hoping to have a drink with SuperM in the next room after dinner" Suho says, making Lay turn and face the table SuperM are sitting at. "Awww Kasper how are you man?" Lay hurries over hugging him tighter. "Let's all meet up in the next room after dinner what you say? Kasper looks at the boys asking if it would be OK. Chanyeol sees Baekhyun look over smiling while he tries to hide his blush." Yeah let's have some fun it's been awhile " Lucas says as the others all agree. "Ok I'll sort out the room and I'll meet you all there" Lay says walking away as everyone returns to eating.
Sehun is rather pissed that Lay is back but grateful in a way as now he can have a drink with SuperM and maybe get a chance to talk to the guy he finds so hot, Kai.
"Jaehyun did something happen to me the other day at work?. Did I fall and hit my head and I'm in hospital in a coma or something?" Chanyeol whispers as Jaehyun bursts out laughing. "No Chanyeol this is all happening this is real life".
" OK I think I need the bathroom, excuse me" Chanyeol makes his way to the bathroom following the signs along the way as he rushes inside. Turning on the cold water he takes a cloth making it wet as he pats his face and neck with it. He has seen Baekhyun looking so sexy and can't believe he had him under him.
"Hi" he hears a voice from behind him making him jump. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, your Chanyeol from the bakery right?". Chanyeol dries his face as a person rushes to use the bathroom." I am yes " he croaks as he washes his hand feeling embarrassed that a celebrity is peeing and he can hear it.
" Sorry I couldn't hold it any longer" he rushes back out washing his hands. "I'm Lucas we met before" he smiles as Chanyeol gets shy. "I know who you are, I'm a massive fan of you all" Chanyeol freezes not knowing what to do. Should he leave the bathroom or stay he has never been in this sort of position before.
"So are you guys enjoying yourselves Baekhyun noticed you all when we arrived. You all look really great tonight" Lucas grabs a cloth drying his hands before checking his hair in the mirror. "So I will see you all later for drink?" Lucas leaves as Chanyeol let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He froze that much he couldn't even answer back just nod.
Finally he finds his feet and leaves the bathroom as Jaehyun giggles at him as he sits at the table. "We saw Lucas follow you and we made a bet you would either freeze and leave last or leave first. Turns out it wasn't a good bet as we all said the same thing you would freeze and leave last" Jaehyun keeps giggling as the others laugh too. "Hey if it was Taeyong that followed you into the bathroom would you not freeze also?" Chanyeol asks as Jaehyun smiles, "I'd jump his bones" he whispers making Chanyeol huff and drink his drink.
Buzz buzz
Chanyeol feels his phone vibrate and since Sehun is talking with Suho and Jaehyun is heading to the bathroom he takes it out placing it on his lap as he sees it's from Baekhyun. Blushing like hell he opens it. Since he kept all the messages he sent Baekhyun and the replies he scrolls down to see the new message
(What Chanyeol sees)
Quickly replying yes he puts his phone away and watches out of the corner of his eye. Baekhyun leaves the group's table walking towards the kitchen of the restaurant. He waits a second and follows shocking himself that he didn't freeze. Baekhyun slows down ahead of him and slips into a room as Chanyeol walks faster and steps in behind him.
"Hi thanks for meeting me" Baekhyun smiles as Chanyeol melts seeing just how good Baekhyun looks. "Sorry about it being in the manager's office. I just wanted to see you up close, you look amazing tonight" Baekhyun sits on the edge of the desk and Chanyeol looks around nervously. "Wont the manager walk in?" he watches as Baekhyun smiles. "No he knows I needed to use the room for a call"
"Oh" Chanyeol says while blushing and looking down. "Look Chanyeol, I wanted to talk to you about the night at the bakery when we nearly kissed." Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol as the taller blushes. "It's ok, don't worry about it" Chanyeol says, making Baekhyun walk closer, stopping right in front of him.
"I'm just gonna come out and say it. I wanted to kiss you Chanyeol but being who I am makes it so hard for me. I'm part of this group who is in the limelight and everything I do reaches the media. Even messaging you is a risk" Baekhyun steps back sitting back on the edge of the desk.
"I won't tell anyone about the messages. I can delete them if you want me too" Chanyeol takes his phone out of his pocket typing in his code. "No don't it's ok I trust you. I know if you were gonna share anything you would have done it already with the first message I sent you" Baekhyun smiles making Chanyeol put his phone away. "I wouldn't show anyone. I just showed them the message I sent you but told them you never replied, you're famous after all.
They stay in silence for a bit not knowing what to do.
" Thank you for not showing them it means alot. I am really sorry about the other night though I can't get it out of my head what nearly happened. I felt so normal if that makes sense to you. Just making doughnuts and having a laugh was so good".
"I had fun too. To be honest I thought you being a celebrity you would be all stuck up but you're not your just normal" Chanyeol blushes and laughs seeing the look of shock on Baekhyun's face.
"That was the first time I could be the real me around strangers" Baekhyun pouts a little as Chanyeol just wants to hug him knowing it's hard for any idol to be themselves 100%.
"Well if you liked it so much you can come back again since I am now given that job to do since we did such a good job last time" Baekhyun laughs feeling sorry that Chanyeol has to work at night now.
"I just might yeah" Baekhyun smiles that smile that Chanyeol loves seeing him do making him blush.
"Chanyeol..... Can I... Never mind" Baekhyun moves from the table and heads to the door as Chanyeol reaches over the smaller placing his hand on the door stopping it from opening. Baekhyun freezes and turns around with his back leaning against it looking up at the taller.
"I have a feeling I am dreaming or in a coma and this is not real so excuse me for this" he leans down and kisses Baekhyun on the lips softly before pulling away. Baekhyun can't believe what just happened but he is glad it did as he has been thinking of the taller one since the day he saw him.
"This is real," Baekhyun says before grabbing Chanyeol by the front of his jacket and pulling him in for a kiss again.
"I better go before I get into more trouble" Baekhyun moves as Chanyeol let's go of the door as the smaller hurries back to the table leaving poor Chanyeol a melting mess in the office.
Leaning against the wall in the office Chanyeol tries to come to terms with what just happened. He got the courage up to kiss his favourite idol. Now he is a shaking mess not believing it happened. Fixing himself he makes his way back to his table as Jaehyun is now sitting at the SuperM table talking to Lucas making Chanyeol surprised that the smaller isn't hiding from them.
Taking his seat he pours out another drink knocking it back in one go still not believing what happened.
He keeps looking over, seeing Baekhyun looking back at him, making him look away. He knows he has feelings for Baekhyun like many fans have but since that kiss his feelings have quadrupled in size and now he doesn't know what to do about them.
"Hey we were waiting for you we are moving into the other room now to have drinks, so let's go" Sehun smiles as he gets up from the table waiting for Chanyeol. "Are you coming?" Sehun looks at his friend who is looking at Baekhyun standing by his own table as if waiting also.
"Maybe I should go home Sehun" Chanyeol whispers as Sehun quickly sits beside him. "You're giving up having drinks with SuperM. Are you feeling OK?. I have heard you scream and yell and sing that song over and over for weeks so don't you dare miss out on this" Sehun stands up again holding out his hand as Chanyeol glances over at Baekhyun who is still waiting as if to see if Chanyeol will join them.
"Ok you're right I'm an idiot for even thinking about not going, let's do this" Chanyeol stands up to the delight of Baekhyun as they move from the table and head towards the other room.
"Hey I'm Baekhyun, your Chanyeol and Sehun right from the bakery" Baekhyun smiles as Chanyeol tries to hold back his laugh as he knows why Baek is doing this so he plays along.
"Oh my god it's so nice to meet you again" Sehun smiles as Baekhyun shakes his hand first then Chanyeol's. "He is a massive fan of yours so don't be surprised if he is shy and doesn't speak" Sehun rushes off hoping Chanyeol doesn't kill him for saying what he said but little does he know his best friend already shared the most beautiful thing a fan could ask for..
A kiss with their favourite idol.
To be continued.....
❤️C ❤️
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