Chapter 10
(Credit to owner of the picture)
Watching them drive away I feel my heart sink along with a lump in my throat. He is going to be gone for a month. Wiping the tear from my eye as not to let Jaehyun see it, I turn and head to a booth falling down on the chair with my head on the table. I want to sob out crying but I hold it in as best I can. I can almost feel my heart rip in my chest. I have kissed and slept with my favourite idol. I should be jumping up and down with joy but instead I am heartbroken.
Looking up from the table I can't see Jaehyun around anymore so I let out a sob into my hands. I need to release some tears as they are filling me up to a point of near explosion. Reaching for a napkin from the table I wipe my face before laying my head down on the table again.
"Hey" I hear Jaehyun close as I look up and see him with red eyes holding a tray of hot drinks and cakes. "Are you ok?" I ask him as he sits down in front of me handing me a cup. "Seeing you upset makes me upset Chanyeol. You're my friend and I worry about you" he slides me a plate with a cake on it making me smile "Thank you, I will be ok please don't worry. Can I ask, are you upset over Taeyong leaving?" I wait as he looks out the window nodding as I notice a tear fall down his cheek. "I didn't know you guys kissed" he turns smiling as he wipes his tears. "I guess it was all a dream Chanyeol that we will hopefully wake up from soon" he sniffs before sipping his drink. "It may seem like a dream but it wasn't. Everything that happened is real" I reach across the table giving his hand a little squeeze trying to show him some sort of comfort when deep down I just want to go back to bed and not leave it for the whole month. "He asked me to wait for him Chanyeol" he sniffs while playing with his cup.
"Jaehyun don't you think its so funny you could hardly stand in front of them now you have kissed him and have been asked to wait for the man who is your ultimate bias"
"That's why it feels like a dream that I don't want to wake up from Chanyeol, please don't wake me please" He begins to cry more. "I won't I promise" I stand up and move away from the booth making my way behind the counter and into the backroom. Grabbing my car keys I head back out to the bakery as Jaehyun looks at me "Where are you going?" He stands up looking at me worried." I need to get out of here" I burst out crying making him rush towards me. "Oh Chanyeol speak to me please, I'm your friend" I can't control my sobbing anymore and fall into the booth next to me dropping my keys on the table. "What has happened that your sobbing uncontrollable?" he sits beside me with his arm around my shoulder handing me a napkin for my ugly tears.
"I..... I.... Slept with Baekhyun and now he's gone" I cover my mouth from my sobs as he pulls me in closer hugging me tight.
Bang bang bang
Jaehyun looks up hearing banging from the front door. "It's Sehun, hang on" he let's me go and rushes to open the door. "Morning again" he shouts and then I hear the whispers "What's wrong with him?"
"Sit with us Sehun, I think he needs you right now" they both sit with me as I feel Sehun sit close to me hugging me tight. I turn into his embrace and let it all out as I sob into the crook of his neck.
"Hey hey what's happened?" he holds me tight but I can't get the words out. "He slept with baek" Jaehyun tells him making Sehun move me away from him as he lifts my head up to look at me better. "Hey why are you crying, you actually slept with your idol. Oh my god why are you not dancing around with music blaring screaming your head off?" I let out a little laugh at his reaction as I wipe my face. "I'm hurting" I start to cry again as he hugs me again. "Why are you hurting, did he hurt you?" he stands up from the booth as if he is ready to go kick someone's ass.
"No he didn't hurting me like that. It's just he came here and stuff happened. I took him home we had sex. But He told me after our drinks with them that he couldn't see me because he is an idol then when he came by earlier it was like he wanted sex before he left for America. He told me that wasn't true but I may not hear from him again. I kinda feel used but I agreed to it and I hate myself for it Sehun I really do" I lay my head down on the table and let it all out.
"Hey you might have regretted it if you didn't sleep with him too" Jaehyun says with a laughing tone making me realise he maybe right.
"Jaehyun is right Chanyeol if you never kissed him or slept with him you would be sitting here saying.... Oh I should have kissed him why didn't I" he tries to mock me making me laugh.
"I guess you're both right. I just feel miserable" I wipe my face again as Jaehyun leaves us to head behind the counter.
"Sehun I love you man, thank you"
"Hey, I love you too. Don't regret what happened Chanyeol and if Baekhyun is the good guy you will hear from him soon" he too walks off leaving me alone.
I feel my phone vibrate as I pull it from my pocket seeing a message on insta. Quickly I opening it and start to smile.
(a/n Remember Chanyeol still has the old messages)
Smiling from ear to ear like a fool I wipe a tear that has kissed my cheek. My stomach is full of butterflies again as I stare at my phone. I reply back..
He has seen it but doesn't reply. Maybe I have upset him or made him mad. Dragging myself up from the booth I head back into the locker room and put my car keys back. I was gonna go home but since he sent me a message to check in on me I am feeling a bit better. I quickly use the bathroom to freshen up and wash my face before fixing my hair. Smiling in the mirror that finally I look normal I head back out into the store room grabbing some more bags for the cookies.
Bang bang bang
I jump hearing loud bangs on the back door. Carefully opening it I see Baekhyun with a baseball cap on. Pushing me inside so he can come in I can't help but look at him in shock. "What are you doing here, your supposed to be going to America?"
"I can't leave without making sure your ok. Chanyeol please understand I didn't use you, I know it feels like that but I haven't" I can see the worry in his eyes making me feel bad for saying it now.
"You didn't need to come by, you could have messaged me" I blush a little as I put the cookie bags down on the counter.
"This needed to be said in person and I needed to make sure you understood" he steps closer taking his cap off stopping inches away from me. "Can I kiss you?" he whispers as I just nod my head. Moving closer he reaches up cupping my cheek and kisses me softly.
"Chanyeol I would rather stay here with you. I hope you know that. Yes I'm an idol and your a fan but you have made me so happy and I have felt like I can be the real me with you. I know I haven't known you long or know much about you like you do me but I hope in time I can get to know you more and I really mean it. I just ask you to hang on and let me prove it to you when I get back".
I feel a little tear escape as he steps on his tiptoes and cups my cheeks kissing me deeper this time. Wrapping my arms around his waist I pull him in closer not wanting to let him go.
"Chanyeol, do you think you can wait for me? I totally understand if you don't" I smile at him being all shy with me "I'll wait" he jumps up kissing me again as I sit him up on the counter kissing him with hunger. "Baekhyun you need to go" I whisper into our kiss making him stop.
"Please still Dm me, oh here can I have your phone? " he holds out his hand as I pass it to him. Typing away he hands it back to me. You have my phone number call me quick now so I have yours" I press the call button and then hang up. "I have it" he smiles showing me his phone.
"Sorry guys but baek we are gonna be killed if we don't get a move on, oh cookies" Taeyong says smiling from the doorway looking at the bags of cookies. "Here, on me" I toss him a bag as he catches it smiling like a kid leaving us alone again.
"Sorry, Taeyong came with me to make sure I left on time" he smiles wrapping his arms around my neck again moving in for a kiss. Pulling him closer as he slides on the counter I lock our lips together kissing him softly not wanting to let go.
Bang bang
We both burst out laughing pulling away from the kiss to the sound of the door banging.
"I need to go or I really will be in trouble" I move so he can slide off the counter as he holds my hand. "I know the time zone will be different but I will keep in touch with you as best I can" he kisses my cheek again as he pulls me over to the door.
"Chanyeol, keep safe and I'll speak to you soon" he kisses me again as we hear voices whistling from the car. Looking around Baekhyun I see Mark and Taeyong going crazy in the car eating the cookies while blowing us kissy faces. "Mark knows?" I question him as he looks at me smiling. They all know I like you nothing else" he grabs my top and pulls me in kissing me again with passion.
"If you keep kissing me like that I will have to take you in the back room" I nearly growl the words out as he kisses my nose. "when I get back I'm coming to find you" he moves away and rushes around to open the car door.
"Chanyeol, please wait, I'll make it worth it" he winks at me before jumping in his car and leaving. Closing the back door of the bakery I can't help but touch my lips. "He really does care for me after all.
Moving over to the stereo system I turn on my SuperM album and start to dance.
" You seem happier now" Sehun shouts over the music making me turn to face him with the biggest smile on my face. "Yeah he mesaaged me so we are all good now" I turn back to the bags of cookies and smile from ear to ear as Sehun turns the music up louder and starts to dance leaving the room..
Giggling to myself as I put stickers on the bags. My mind starts to drift off to seeing him after a month and what he will have planned for us.
To be continued....
❤️C ❤️
Happy Valentines day my beautiful colourful love hearts
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