As we walked up to the porch, I asked him, "How many girls have you brought home to meet your parents?"
He looked at me as he turned the knob and said, "Mmm? Oh, you're the first." He smiled reassuringly as he stepped over the threshold, calling out, "Mum? Dad? We're here!"
Oh my god. The first? The first. And here they came. I barely had time to take in my surroundings, a nice foyer with a pretty arrangement of flowers on a table, when his parents were there, hugging Teddy, saying "Oh, son, so lovely to see you, it's been so long!" And "Theo, darling, welcome home, my dear!" I stood back a little, giving them room for their reunion, smiling at the obvious affection shared by the three of them.
"And who have you brought to us, then?" said his father, turning to me.
"Dad, this is my girlfriend, Aileen Foster, known to one and all as Tinker Bell, a nickname given to her by Ronan, of course, the day we met her in Japan. Birdie, this is my dad, James Shelley, and my mum, Kathy." He smiled and put his arm around me as he made the introductions, and I loved him a little more for that bit of moral support.
"Welcome to our home, Tink, my dear," said Teddy's mother, hugging me and kissing my cheek. This surprised me, as I was under the impression that English people were a bit formal when meeting for the first time.
"Welcome, welcome," this from his father, who extended his hand, but also leaned forward to peck my cheek, again a bit of a surprise. Of course, they were Teddy's parents, he must have gotten his physical warmth from somewhere.
I turned to look at him, and saw a look of slight surprise on his face as well, so maybe not. Hmm.
He was taller than both of them, though his father wasn't short. They both had brown hair, but his father had blue eyes, and I could see that Teddy had inherited his walk and posture from him. His face, however, was all from his mother; she had the gray eyes, the dimples, the slight cleft in the chin, and the beautiful smile. How fun to see his origins in these two delightful people.
"We're going to go get settled upstairs first, okay?" He was saying to them. "We'll be down in a few minutes to meet everyone. Have you eaten yet?"
"No, no, we just started cooking the sausages, it'll be a good half hour yet, take your time, take your time," his father said with a smile at both of us.
"Okay, we'll be down in about ten minutes, then, tell everyone for us, all right?" Teddy said, kissing his mother again.
We headed up a beautiful staircase, with stunning banisters, and down a long hallway to a bedroom that was a perfect mixture of the modern and the old fashioned. I couldn't stop looking around. Teddy wasn't kidding, he had spared no expense on his parents. I was proud of him.
We unpacked our things in a couple of minutes, and Teddy surprised me when we were finished by pushing me on the bed and lying on top of me, smiling.
"Don't we have to go downstairs and meet your family?" I asked.
"You heard my dad, he said to take our time," Teddy responded, rolling us over so that I was now on top.
"Yeah, but somehow I don't think this was exactly what he had in mind, Theodore," I said, trying unsuccessfully to wiggle out of his arms.
"Ooh, that is so sexy," he said, untucking my shirt from my jeans.
"Teddy! Stop! We can't be up here fucking while your parents are down there grilling sausages and burgers and telling your family that we're coming," I gasped, wiggling even harder.
He started laughing at my words, and I heard what I said and started laughing too. "You're terrible!" I tried to slap at him, but he just grasped my wrists and continued to laugh, rolling around on the bed with me. I gave in and just kissed him, at least getting him to stop laughing. His laughter turned to contented moaning sounds as his hands roamed my back under my shirt. This continued for a few moments, and was definitely heading for deeper water, when his mother's voice from the hallway froze us in place.
"Theo? Dad wants to know if you want sausages or a burger?" She asked. "Sorry to intrude, dear..."
"It's okay, Mum." He called back, covering my mouth with his hand as my laughter threatened to break loose. "We both want burgers, I think."
"All right, dear. Everything okay in there? Anything you need?" She called.
"No, right as rain," he returned cheerfully, trying mightily not to laugh himself. "We're fine, thanks."
"Good, then, see you in a bit." Her voice faded as she walked away.
"Oh fuck," he laughed, rolling over on the bed after releasing me.
I lay on the bed on my back, my shirt pulled all the way up to my armpits, my jeans unzipped.
"Please cover yourself up so I can calm down enough for us to go downstairs, mmm?" He asked, looking over at me. I pulled my shirt down and zipped and snapped my pants.
"Better?" I asked.
"All kinds," he responded, pulling me over to him. He kissed me, eye, eye, nose, mouth, lingering on my mouth. I grabbed him and held him.
"I love you, Theodore Shelley," I whispered. "The day I met you was the luckiest day of my life."
He blinked at me. "Why so serious all of a sudden?" He asked.
I shrugged. "I just felt like saying it. Do I need a reason?"
He shook his head. "Please tell me as often as you like, I love hearing it." He hugged me to him, and I could tell, just from his breathing, that he was fighting tears. I just held him until his breaths evened out, and he released me.
"Ready?" He asked with a smile.
"Yup." I responded.
He grabbed the present for the baby, reached for my hand, and we went downstairs.
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