The smell of ink filled my nose as I wrote down yet another of the remedies being shared with us by the Palace Pharmacist. The Herbalist I currently worked as a scribe for had been very lucky to make connections with the right people and had managed to get permission to meet with one of the assistants to gather information on new herbs and their uses, as well as new uses for old herbs.
In exchange, I would be staying behind for an agreed upon time period to work in the palace. Most likely I would be used simply to make copies of paperwork for various officials but being in a place like this, there was a fair chance that I could end up working on all kinds of documents.
Finishing the last of the papers that sat on the desk, I pulled gloves onto my (s/c) hands to cover the ink staining them, before carefully gathering up all of the original scrolls and placing them within the large basket I had transferred them in earlier today. Standing slowly, I stretched out my back and shoulders, finding relief from the pain of sitting in one place for so many hours.
I could feel my stomach rumble from missing lunch, promising myself I would get something to eat after returning the basket of scrolls to their rightful place. I hurried down hallways and through courtyards, trying to remember the way to the correct room. I was almost ready to give up when I saw a slightly familiar face, although I couldn't recall a name or job.
"Excuse me! I'm sorry to bother you but I seem to be a little lost. Could you please tell me how to find the Assistant Pharmacist's office? I need to return these scrolls before I go to eat." I tried to sound friendly and cheerful, but I think it may have ended up just sounding nervous and confused. Oh well, at least he seemed to find me amusing, judging by the slight smirk on his face and the glint in his blue eyes.
"I'm afraid you are on the wrong side of the palace entirely." I could hear the laughter in his voice as he looked at me.
"I should have known. By the way, I'm (y/n)." All I could do was sigh as I pushed my (h/c) hair out of my eyes.
"Follow me, (y/n). I'll show you the way while you tell me about why you have so many scrolls." He smiled as he began walking ahead of me, not giving his name in return. Thanking him, I followed close behind as I started talking about the work I had taken on recently.
I ran into the same blond-haired guy several times over the next week while gathering and returning the numerous scrolls the Herbalist had hired me to copy for him. We had gradually started having small conversation on various subjects beyond herbal remedies, eventually moving on to political concerns.
I had no problems telling the yet-to-share-his-name blond that I admired how this kingdom was run. I enjoyed how Prince Zen would go out and walk among the citizens of his country but I also admired how Crown Prince Izana used his brains to figure out how to do what was needed for both his people and his kingdom, all done in such a way that nobody could argue with how it was pulled off.
"I really started admiring him after he dealt with the lords of both the Lido and Sui Territories. Although the people suffered for a while, it ended with the lords both getting caught for their deeds and he was able to place better people to rule over both Territories. He even returned everything the lords had taken from the people. I really think when the time comes, we couldn't ask for a better person to become King." I smiled at the man beside me, happy to be able to talk to someone about more than just herbs and medicines.
"(Y/n), I didn't realize you kept informed of the goings on in a country you don't usually reside in. Do you keep informed of many other kingdoms beside your own?" He may be smiling, but I could glimpse a hint of concern in his eyes.
"Only the ones that I travel to from time to time in my work. That and the ones that catch my admiration. After all, it doesn't hurt to keep track of what is going on, as it could have an effect on my ability to travel safely in and out of those countries. It could even effect the work I do." I let out a sigh of frustration before continuing.
"Do you know how much of a pain it is to get into a country, only to find out you need a special pass to leave again? It took me an extra month in that blasted country just to get my hands on one of those passes. I'd much rather keep track of 5 different kingdoms politics than ever have that happen again." I may have been frowning a little at the memory, but at least I made the guy laugh.
"I understand your reasoning, if that kind of situation could happen to you. I take it you work outside of just scribing for Herbalists then?" I was surprised it took him this long to realize that possibility.
"That is correct. I usually work for nobles, writing out copies of books or family histories to be given to friends or to family members. Although I also have done work on documenting meetings for political groups or writing invitations to weddings and balls, among other things. I try not to be too picky in what kind of work I take, as long as it pays my expenses and is not something I find repulsive to do." I gave a quick grimace before smiling again.
"I see. That probably helps you keep well informed of what goes on in various countries. How interesting! Well, I guess this is where we part ways yet again. Goodbye, (y/n)." He gave a quick smile.
We gave a wave to each other before turning down different hallways, each of us with a thoughtful expression on our faces long after we separated.
Over the next few days, I finished the last of my work with the Herbalist and on the fourth day waved goodbye as he left me behind at the palace gates. Turning back after he was out of sight, I walked back inside, eager to find out what I would be working on for the next week.
Hopefully at least some interesting stuff would pop up during my time here.
The first three days of work were mostly just writing orders for goods from neighboring villages or copying reports from the various guards so they could be filed together, since sometimes the guards handwriting was not the easiest to read. Lucky me, I had lots of practice reading poor handwriting, making the task easier to finish so I could move on to other work.
It was the fourth day that something interested and unexpected happened. I was brought in to document comings and goings of people who were there to visit with the Crown Prince. At first I thought it would be only a mildly interesting job, until my eyes caught on a head of blond hair, blue eyes glinting with restrained laughter at the look on my face.
"You!" I stood there with my mouth open, my eyes wide with shock. It was the same guy I had spent the past two weeks with, conversing in the hallways about anything and everything. But now he was dressed in much finer clothing than I had ever seen him in. Here before me was Crown Prince Izana.
"Yes, me. I hope you are not disappointed?" I could hear the humor in his voice as he smiled at me.
"No! I mean... No, I am not disappointed. Just surprised that you would have wasted so much of your time talking to a mere scribe these past weeks. Surely there were more important things you could have been doing?" I tried to hide the small blush that rose to my (s/c) cheeks at the thought of having spoken so freely to such an important person.
"If I had thought it was a waste of time, I would not have kept talking to you whenever I saw you. I actually found our talks to be rather enjoyable and informative. You have quite a bit of knowledge in that pretty head of yours." He gave me a rather mischievous smile as he showed me where I would be working from for the rest of the day.
I couldn't even hope to hide the blush that made my whole face feel hot, the blood rushing to my cheeks easily at his words. Sitting down, I began checking the papers before me to see what kind of records were kept for the people who passed through this room.
I also checked to ensure a good amount of ink and pens were supplied to last through the day, the tips of the pens kept sharp enough for keeping neat notes on the paper.
"I hope after our work is done today, we can talk more. I always look forward to our discussions and would hate to think they will stop simply because of who I am." I looked up at his words, my (e/c) eyes wide.
"I... I look forward to talking to you also, once our work is finished..." I barely managed to speak above a whisper but I could tell by his smile that he heard me.
Hearing a knock on the doors, we both turned back to our duties and settled in for the long day ahead of us.
I spent the next few days of my work keeping records of the visitors who saw Prince Izana, including any bits of information I might have on each person that I had picked up over the years. There were not as many as he had hoped, but he said any information I had would be better than nothing. Even though he never told me what he would use the information for, I already knew what he would likely do with it.
For once, I did not mind doing extra research for someone other than myself. Without charging for it, at least. I often spent long hours of the night searching through the scrolls I had brought with me, the same scrolls I carried with me everywhere, each one rolled tightly before being placed into a fair sized, waterproof box that was filled with slots to store each scroll.
Years of notes on people and places of political interest that I had never used for anything other than keeping track of who and where it was safe to work at any given time, now brought out so that I could give that information to someone in place of the feelings that I knew he would have to refuse to do political and social standing.
But then again, I always had been more into figuring out politics, rather than the feelings of those around me.
Even though I had stayed for an extra few weeks of scribe work, it had to come to an end. There was only so much need for an extra scribe. I had been lucky that I happened to be able to fill in for someone who wanted to visit his family, but with him back it was time for me to leave.
After my last day of work in the palace was done, I gathered up all the copies I had made of my notes and placed them into the large basket I had kept in my room. Carefully lifting the basket, I went to meet Izana for the last time, ready to hand him the results of three weeks of staying up late burning candles.
Three weeks of trying to hide what I was doing, so that if I should change my mind it would not be questioned. Three weeks of debating with myself if I could really live with giving away that kind of information, even if I had fallen for the person I wanted to give it to. And three weeks of knowing that he would likely never realize that I was giving him my heart along with these scrolls.
I walked out of my room and turned to the left, not even noticing the sudden movement behind me as I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I slid to the ground, dropping the basket as I sank into the darkness of unconsciousness.
The next time my eyes opened, I was surrounded by softly flickering candlelight, my head pounding. It was only when I tried to move my hands to my head that I realized they were tied together, the pain having dulled my senses.
"I'm sorry I had to restrain you (y/n), but I didn't have much choice. You were going to leave and I really couldn't allow that to happen. Until I know that you won't try to leave again, I am afraid I will have to keep you locked up here. But don't worry, I promise that other than the restraints, your stay here will be most pleasant. After all, I plan on treating you like royalty. Right now you just happen to be the princess that is locked up in a tower." I laid still, frozen in place as the voice I had come to love washed over me, my eyes slowly filling with tears as understanding dawned on me.
I closed my eyes as I felt his hands gently brush my tears away, his pale fingers tracing over my (s/c) face. I was trapped, held here by the man I had fallen in love with but thought I had to give up. Now I could only wish that he had been willing to give me up as well.
"Don't worry, someday I will be able to release you from the ropes. Once you have fallen in love with me enough that you won't try to leave me again. Once you love me as much as I love you. Maybe then you can even tell me how you managed to make a Prince fall in love with a Scribe." Opening my eyes again, I looked up at him sadly, hearing the slight waver in his voice.
"I love you so much, (y/n). And I always will, forever and ever. I'll keep you here so you can't try leaving me again. Nobody knows you are here except me and I have given orders that nobody else is allowed here. I'll take care of you and keep you safe. And by doing this, I'll keep my own heart safe too. If you can't leave, you can't break my heart like that again, right?" His broken gaze met mine, a sad smile on his face.
"I'll make you love me so much more. Don't worry (y/n), my sweet, innocent Princess." Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss against my ink-stained fingers. "My beloved Scribe."
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