Flowerfell Ending
Ending written by @eridanamporascience8
You surveyed the room. Each time you would look at a Sans that you had gotten close with, memories would flood back, some good, some bad. There was some Sans' there that you didn't even recognize. G was a little tempting since the last time you saw him was when the knife was lodged into his skull. You turn to Ink.
He has helped you so much through all of this. He didn't think that you were nothing. For a while at least. Then something red shifts in the corner of your eye. You turn to the red skeleton figure, his long black and red striped scarf billowing on the ground. He nervously tugged at his necklace, running his phalanages over the points of the save star.
Flowerfell. He was the first Sans you had ever met. He was harsh, yes and it did take a while for him to actually reveal the good side of him, but he was caring and to be honest, you missed him.
You walk up to him and the pinpricks on his sockets shrink and dim. He looks at Ink, then back at you. You smile at him, "I miss you Sans..."
His body began to shake as red tears appeared at the corner of his sockets. You wrap your arms around him and pull him close to you, burying your head into his scarf. His sobs are muffled into your hair as he mumbles your name over and over again. "I miss you, too (Y/N)..."
You hear shuffling behind you, some muttering and little pops as the room suddenly grows silent. Ink clears his throat and you turn to look at him, pulling away from Sans. He spreads his fingers out and connects them together. Oh right, the merging of the souls.
Sans wipes his face with the sleeves of his jacket as his crimson soul floats towards yours. Your (S/C) soul glowing brighter, Sans' following suit, as they approach each other. When they finally touch, you winced expection pain, but none came. Instead, it felt more like a light tugging at your chest, followed by the strange warmth that ran down your spine and over your skin. It made you feel, alive. Whole again.
You look at the product and see Sans' red part of his soul swirling with your (S/C), creating a sort of spiral. You take a deep breath and let it out. It felt like the air had actually reached your lungs instead of it feeling like it just went down your throat.
You turn to Ink and smiled, satisfied with your decision. You realize something and a sudden wave of dread hits you. "Will I ever see you again Ink?" you quietly say, hoping for the answer that you desperately wanted. You thought wrong.
"No." Ink says, his expression falling but his smile still stayed. You bite your lip, refusing to let any tears fall and run up and hug him. Ink was a bit taken about but chuckles solemnly and holds you tight. You pull back when you feel the tears coming and rub your eyes. Ink's hand lays on your shoulder, giving you a reassuring squeeze. "All I can tell you is, try not to get into trouble again." You laugh nervously and Ink winks, "Just kidding. But I need you to promise me one thing."
You raise a brow, curious, "What's that?"
Ink smiles brightly and ruffles your hair. "Take care of yourself, cause someone really cares about you." He says, jutting his mandable to the other side of the room. You turn to a flustered looking Sans who jerks his head away, shoving his face in his scarf. Ink and you laugh before giving each other one last hug.
"Goodbye, Ink."
"Goodbye, (Y/N)."
And with that, he pulls his paint brush from his back and swipes at the air, the area before you breaking open and looking into a place you're all too familiar with. Ink gives you a smile and blips away. Something brushes against your hand and you turn to see Sans giving a small, toothy grin. You could help but smile back as you take his hand.
"Ready, sweetheart?"
And you both jump through the hole, leaving everything behind.
When the both of you land, you had expected the ground to be right there after you left the portal. But life had other plans. Both of you scream as you fall endlessly, eventually hitting the ground with a dull thud, landing on your back. The rush of adrenaline courses through your veins as you throw up your arms and legs, letting out a cry, "YEAH!"
You hear muffling next to you and see that Sans had landed face-first. You hold back a giggle and help him up onto his knees. He spits out a petal of a flower that he accidentally bit off and you could hold back your laughter any longer. Sans snickered at your form rolling around, clutching your tummy and eventually, he joined in. It was a relief for the both of you. Honestly, it's been a while since either of you had laughed like that.
Once you calm down, you get a look at your surroundings. You had landed on a bed of Buttercups. Memories hit you like a train: The first flower appearing on the side of your head, the pain shocking you every time you tried to remove one, the constant resets, Papyrus repeatedly impailing you with bones, Sans standing up to Papyrus and the rest were black. Only voices. When you had gone blind. Sans whimpers and cries as you try to offer him your soul to save everyone. Your final words, "I love you. Take care of everyone. Always be kind." Then his confused reply, "What was that? Couldn't quiet catch that. Sweetheart?" The nickname echoing in your head as your entire world was ripped away from you.
But something new popped up. You were sitting in front of a grave stone, sobbing. It had your name on it. You-...no, it didn't feel like you, but someone else- were crying into your hands. You, or someone else, looked up at the gravestone and stood up. You had a flower in your hand, a rather large Buttercup, and you placed it onto the head stone.
"Flower...Flower you doing today...sweetheart...?"
You automatically know who it was. The person that you were currently viewing from was Sans. It must've been one of his memories after your death. But how could you have access to it? Then it finally hit you: the merging of the souls. You are now able to see things that you both experienced from Sans' perspective, and even the times when you weren't there. That means that Sans has access to your memories as well. What could he possibly be thinking right now?
You open your eyes that you hadn't even realized you closed and looked at Sans sitting beside you. His hands were twitching in his lap as he began to sweat profusely. He was obviously shaken by something. Could it be one of your memories? Or the fact that you're finally back from the dead. You lean over and grab one of his hands. He's immediately snapped back into reality and jolts at your touch. Sans slowly relaxes as your run your fingers over his phalanges.
He looks at your face and you give him a reassuring smile.
"I'm doing fine, Sans. Thanks floral asking." You say, giggling. A wave of emotion washed over Sans, so much of it that you could barely make them out: happiness, relaxation, grief and just pure joy. He lets out a strangled chuckle as tears pop up at the corner of his eye sockets. You couldn't help but feel the same thing as tears sting your eyes.
You don't know when you found the courage to be able to do this, but you did anyways. You leaned up and closed the gap with a harsh and desperate kiss. Sans gasps but eases into the kiss, his arms wrapping tightly around you, bringing you close to his body. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull back. Sans' face was flushed red while yours was probably doing so as well. Tears had fallen from his eye sockets and your pretty sure you were crying too. You lean up on and kiss his tears away, muttering soft, lovely words to Sans, hoping to calm him down. It did and it calmed you down as well.
Sans still held you tight, not wanting to let go, afraid that he was going to lose you again. You didn't mind one bit. You missed Sans and he missed you dearly. Each day that passed without you was agonizing and the nightmares that haunted him weren't doing much help. They were always about you, the flowers surrounding your head in a permanent crown. He often dreamt of you without the flowers consuming your bein, but the left side of your face was always blurry for he has never seen you without the flowers. But now, he can finally look at you, flowerless and happy once again. You can finally see the world again and he can finally see your beautiful (E/C) eyes once again. He was so glad that you chose him and he hoped to the stars above that you wouldn't regret it.
You reluctantly removed yourself from Sans' grasp, much to his dismay. It only made you realize something. That you were in the Underground where everything was ten-times colder and that there wasn't really a place were you can heat up. The place was deserted since everyone left to the Surface, thanks to your sacrifice. Sans noticed you shivering a little bit and removed his jacket. He placed it on your shoulders and you looked up at him, curious. He laughs, "You looked cold. Thought you might want that. For...old times sake."
You laugh and put your arms through the sleeves,letting them hang past your knuckles. It was just as how you remembered Sans' jacket. The soft lining of fabric on the inside, warming you up instantly and the soft fur tickiling your cheek every time you wrapped the jacket around you. You wanted to cry again. You honestly didn't want to go through that hell again, and you hoped you didn't have to. Just in case, you wanted to stay alive for as long as possible if the flowers do decide to litter your body again.
And speaking of flowers, one shifted to your right and both you and Sans turned to look at it. Suddenly, one popped out of the bed, it's petals torn and battered up. It turns to Sans, then you.
"Flowey?" You whisper. Flowey was your first friend when you entered the Underground, before Sans had a change in heart. He was a bit rude at times, but he still stuck by your side and have you various warnings about everything and everyone, including Sans. And now, here you were, sitting on the bed of Buttercups, back from the dead, and wearing Sans' jacket.
"I-Is it really.." Flowey trails off. He looked like he was about to cry so you held out your arm. It was something the both of you did when you first came down here. It was a sort of signal to allow Flowey to climb up your arm. And he did just that. He buried his face into your neck as you petted his petals, the vines on your arm tightening slightly. Flowey pulls back, asking if you were okay, what happened and telling you that he missed you. How long has it actually been since you died?
"I'll tell you everything later," you laugh nervously, "it's, uh, a pretty long story." Flowey nods in understanding and you see a hand in front of you. You look up at Sans who had stood up and was offering to help you up. You complied and took his hand. He pulled you up, but didn't let go of your hand. You did it complain and just leaned on his shoulder.
"Ya ready, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, Sans. I'm ready." You say, smiling. Flowey sighs in relief, glad to hear your voice again.
All three of you set out to the Underground, finding the castle and finally the exit to the Surface. You all step out, now ready for whatever the further awaited for you.
"I love you, Sans."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
This ending was written by @eridanamporascience8 ! Make sure to check out their works and follow them!
Have an AU that you would like to see an ending too? Feel free to comment or private message me that you wish to write an ending to this AU and I will publish it in this book once you send it to me!
Can't get enough of the Undertale universe? Check out my second Sans x Reader titled Fall of the Empire.
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