Chapter 5
I found some black pants and a black short sleeve. The bathrooms weren't that concealing so I went to my bed, which was right beside Fallon's and closest to the door, and changed. I slipped out of my gray pants and slipped my black ones on.
"Nice legs, Stiff." Said Peter, the former witch who had been harassing me all day. Small snickers filled the room. I ignored them slipping my gray sweater off and keeping it over my gray bra and pulled on my black short sleeve shirt. I sat on my bed and took the pins out of my hair, I let my light brown curly hair fall down my shoulders. I never noticed how long it was and how small my curls actually were.
We had to burn our old clothes, with a quiet sigh I followed the other initiates and threw the last thing I had of my coven into the flame.
I followed Fallon into the cafeteria, we looked for seats all around and finally found two.
By Four.
"Should we..?" I whispered, Fallon shrugged and got the seat furtherest from him. I swallowed hard and sat down. As I grabbed a plate I looked around and began hearing whispers and random voices.
She did what..?
Yeah, the first Jumpers a Stiff.
Stoop!! I told you not to tell anyone.
I looked around confused but soon realized I was hearing everyone's conversations. I gritted my teeth and eventually blocked it out. I looked at Fallon as she grabbed a hamburger. I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed a piece for myself.
"What?" She asked as I stared, "have you never seen a hamburger?" She asked as I grabbed silver wear.
"I have. I've just never eaten one." I answered grabbing the ketchup.
"Stiffs don't eat any meat. Just the plain stuff." Said the boy that sat across the table. I could tell he was a werewolf, he was intelligent.
"And what text book did you swallow?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
The boy laughed, Fallon smiled over at him. He had black hair and green eyes. I could tell he was a chubby kid, but eventually he had lost all his baby fat.
"Gosh, Fall, do you honestly say the first thing that pops into your head?" A boy with a longish face and darkish red hair spoke up. His brown eyes found Fallon's: I could tell they were friends.
"Well, Rick, I wasn't a witch for nothing." She laughed.
"I'm Will," the other boy said. "Werewolf."
"Fallon," she spoke up. "Witch."
"E." I mumbled taking a bite of my hamburger, "doppelgänger."
"I don't want to hear about your old covens anymore," Four spoke up. "Your vampires now."
There was an awkward silence.
"Were you a transfer, too?" I asked, "or were you born a vampire?" His eyes locked with mine and I refused to look away.
"And what makes you think you can ask me that?" He said.
"I don't know," I said cutting my hamburger then looking back at him. "You just seem so approachable." I took a bite of my hamburger, keeping my eyes on his. He looked away first, bringing his cup to his mouth once more.
"Watch it." He mumbled before taking one last sip.
"You, my friend," Fallon whispered as I turned back toward my food. "Are a total badass."
Four didn't talk much after that, and I felt my face fall when I glanced at him and he looked away. I had no idea what to expect, I mean I had just told him off in front of my friends. I reached over for pepper, just as he did, coincidentally, our fingers skimmed and I pulled away immediately. It was the type of pain that stung, but then felt good all over right after.
I wanted more. But that was wrong, right?
I swallowed feeling where his finger had touched mine, the feeling lingered, I could even feel the cool metal from where I had touched his finger. He took the pepper and slid it over to me, not even glancing my way, and got up, walking off.
"What is that guys deal with you?" Fallon asked as I shrugged chewing on what was left of my hamburger. We had been hungry all the time, so they had to keep bringing out food, but this time a dark skinned man came out over the balcony and looked down at us.
"That's one of the leaders, his name is Max." Will whispered as he silenced us.
"Welcome, initiates, who have all made it this far. The road before you is a tough one, and some of you may die"- some people laughed, but his face was straight -"but, for those who make it we will be glad to bring you into our family. But right now, we're all family. Congratulations, and welcome to the vampire coven!" I could barley hear the last words because of all the cheering that began. The vampires that were already in stood up and began to lift us up. I could feel all their hands and laughed at the feeling. It wasn't anything like when Four and I touched.
They lifted us up and began to pass us to other vampires. I looked over at Fallon who was laughing, her head thrown back and high fiver people. I looked over and saw Rick, I took his hand as he smiled, we were both laughing now. We were vampires now.
And we were swimming in a sea of hands that would hold us up, and keep us from falling.
We were all awaken by the lights and the sound of a metal pipe repeatedly hitting the metal rail that was by our stairs.
"Bang that stupid pipe again I'll rip your head off!" A girl, Molly, growled from her head under her pillow. The banging stopped. I looked up and saw Four.
"Do you want to say that again?" He asked, he didn't need to raise his voice. Molly threw the pillow off her head, then went pale seeing who it was. She looked down, and shook her head.
"That's what I thought." He mumbled then looked at the rest of us, "everyone meet in the pit, you have 15 minutes." He turned, and went back up the steps. Fallon put a hand on her head as we all got up.
"Fallon, come on." I said shaking her.
"No." She groaned. I looked over at Rick and Will.
"Fallon, Four's coming back!" Will said.
Fallon sprung back up immediately and looked around, fear streaked her face. She turned toward Will seeing Four was no where to be found and glared.
"Seriously!?" She asked throwing her blankets off of her.
"What? Your up now."
Rick and I laughed as she smacked Will's shoulder and went through her drawers rummaging around for clothes.
I found tight black pants and a black tank top. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I changed over by my bed. I had to change my underwear this time so I faced my wall and Fallon held up a towel. I caught Peter smirking at me. I ignored him as I pulled my shirt on. We were down in the pit by 13 minutes. I felt exhausted, but waiting on one table were 16 blood bags. Four leaned against the wall, looking at his hands. Eric was sitting by the table, looking like his face was a magnet to piercings.
Once everyone else was there Eric spoke.
"Everyday, for the next 10 weeks, you each will be allowed one blood bag in the morning. It's not a lot, but enough to keep you alive. While you train you won't have your complete strength, but it will be easier once you have a normal dietary of normal douses of blood each day.
Today, before your training, you each will be getting a daylight ring, which is pretty self explanatory. But first, everyone get a blood bag." We all rushed over to the table and grabbed our own. I slowly popped open the cap that was on the top and as soon as the scent hit my nostril I was drinking the blood. I hadn't imagined how hungry I actually was. My eyes felt that same irritated feeling- which was striking my curiously -and bugged the hell out of me.
Fallon was by Will begging him for more blood but he wouldn't budge. I smiled and went over to her.
"Here," I said handing her my blood bag. "You can have the rest."
"Are you sure?" She asked raising an eyebrow, I nodded handing her my bag. She inhaled the scent of the blood and dark veins appeared under her eyes instantly. My eyes were widened when I looked at her.
"I... Is that what I.. We.." I couldn't even speak correctly.
"Get used to it." I looked over, Four brushed past me again, I could feel the heat radiate off of him through his shirt and I could even smell him. He smelt like fresh sheets and soap. I looked away, my eyes closed.
There were so many things wrong with me.
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