Chapter 40: Back at it
I slip on the outfit Christina and Lynn bought me, kind of ecstatic. My first day back at school, in, well, I don't really know how long. Just a few days ago most of the school was dancing and having fun at my house, forgetting all of the chaos of the past few months.
It was honestly one of the best nights I've had in a long time, besides Christmas.
I slip on my ring from Tobias, admiring the design. We talked about whether or not to wear them at school, and he was nervous, but okay with it.
I look in the mirror, feeling comfortable with the snug red sweater and black leggings. It's definitely a basic outfit, but it makes me feel safe. I smile, for once not doubting how I look.
"Bea, are you ready to go?" Tobias shouts from the guest bedroom, really his bedroom. He is living here, since while I was gone, his father was exposed and is now in jail. It's hard knowing my time away made me miss something so hard on Tobias. But we are okay now, and that is what matters.
"I'll be out in a second!" I shout back, grabbing my phone and bag. We walk out at the same time, meeting at the top of the stairs.
"Are you going to be alright?" He whispers, pulling me into his arms.
I nuzzle into his jacket, relaxing from the familiar scent of leather and cologne. He holds my head, taking a deep breath. I look up, bringing his lips to mine. He smiles, kissing me sweetly.
"Come on guys!" Caleb shouts, throwing a glove at us.
I shake my head, making him go downstairs.
"I'll be fine, Tobias." I respond, once my brother is out of earshot. He grins, staring into my eyes. I gaze into his own sea of blue, something so captivating. They are so familiar, so loving. He has a way of pulling you in and making sure you never let go.
We head outside to his car, and he throws our backpacks into the back seat. I jump into the passenger side and buckle in, offering a smile as Tobias does the same.
"It'll be fun. I promise." He says, grabbing my hand as we pull out.
The whole school is buzzing when we arrive, because nobody has been here since the David stuff went down. While we were gone, they've added gates around the entire premises, and there are guards stalking the outer edges. The actual walls of the school are now covered in some kind of steel, likely for extra protection.
"It looks like they went all out with the renovations." I mumble, hopping out.
Tobias laughs, "Well, let's hope it's all worth it."
He grabs my bag for me, and we head to the front. The gates have a large security scanner surrounding it, and we have to put our backpacks and phones through a separate scanner. I can see another smaller set up at the entrances to the school.
I walk up to the right side, Tobias following closely behind me. As I throw my phone in a bin with Tobias's, one of the guards nudges me. I look up, greeted with a smile. "Thank you, Six. If it weren't for you, I'd be afraid for my little girl to grow up in this world."
I smile, tears stinging my eyes, "It wasn't just me, but I'm glad I've helped."
He pats me on the back before I walk through, and collect my stuff on the other side. "See, everyone is excited to see you." Toby says, throwing an arm over my shoulder.
I lean into his chest, breathing deeply, "Yeah, I guess."
"Oh my God is that Six?" I hear someone whisper, and then a squeal.
"Shit." I mumble, speeding up.
After everything that's happened, my hair has returned to that pure white color, so it's a pretty iconic look. The ends still have leftover red dye. So of course, it'll be easy to recognize me.
Where are you Tris? Lynn asks, through a telepathic message.
I laugh, Front doors.
Almost immediately my friends run up to me and surround me, immediately relieving the stress building up in my head. "Hey guys!" I exclaim, looking around me.
They offer greetings, but for the most part are just focused on getting us to the office. Our schedules changed, but Marlene was still able to change them in the computer to be the same.
We head over, avoiding the shouts and screams from people around us. I spot the familiar doors to the office and we all walk in, grateful the line isn't too long. The only others in the office yet are Cara, Tessa and ... Peter.
I watch as he grabs his papers, then turns around. His face lights up when he sees me, "Six!"
"Peter!" I shout back, running over to him.
We embrace each other in a warming hug, letting go of all of the torture we have both been through. It's so easy to tell that his experiences with David have changed him from a cocky asshole to a man just happy to be alive.
"How are you here? How did you get your powers back?" I ask, pulling away.
"They created a kind of reversal, reversal serum? I don't really know." He chuckles, scratching the back of his head.
"In any case, I'm glad you're back." I respond, giving him one last hug. He leaves, and I turn back around to see Tobias clenching his jaw.
"Peter?" He asks, seemingly agitated.
"T-Four, he was there with David. It's okay, I promise." I explain, "You're my number one."
He let's out a breath, "I just get nervous when you're around other guys. There haven't been many good ones in your life."
"I know." I whisper, bringing his lips to mine.
Christina sighs, pushing us apart, "Let's get our schedules and head out."
The woman at the front calls us off by names, everyone getting their's before me. She holds one in front of her, tapping her chin, "Tris Prior?"
I step forwards, and she tilts her head, smirking, "Is that your real name?"
I nod, laughing, "I can't be Six anymore. That's not who I am."
She hands me the papers, "I like it. Welcome back, Tris."
I turn around, and we all head out. People freak out more when they spot me, but I don't mind. It's kind of amazing, hearing so many people just say thanks. It means I've made an impact on all of these people's lives, and that is incredible.
We find our way to first period after talking to everyone, well, as many as we could. Our new history teacher is Miss. Matthews, which means she doubles as a math and history teacher.
Sadly, she makes us use a seating chart. Christina, Lynn, Tobias and I sit together, and a few rows over are Lauren, Marlene, Shauna and Will, then Uriah and Zeke are on the other side.
The rest of the class slowly files in, before the bell rings. "How are you feeling?" Tobias asks, grabbing my hand under the desk. I let out a shaky breath, nervous about being back, "I'm alright. It's just like any school day."
He squeezes my hand and smiles.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. We will be starting off the semester with names and demonstrations. I've gotten a special request to go first." Miss. Matthews glances around the room, settling on me with a confused expression.
"Tris Prior?"
I stand up, smiling. People whisper and look at me. This will be the first time I'm open about my name. I am really not Six anymore, she is gone. She was just a tough persona I used to get through the day, and hide my past.
Now I can embrace my past and learn from it.
"Hi, I'm Tris." I squeak, stepping up to the front.
"So, that's your real name?" Nita asks, her previously snarky face showing surprise. I guess everyone has changed a bit.
"Yes, it is." I respond smiling.
"It's cute!" She adds, giggling.
"Abilities, Miss. Prior?" Miss. Matthews adds, nudging my arm. I flinch, just a little, but not enough to notice.
"Right, so..." I trail off, collecting my thoughts.
"Any day now?" She adds.
Some of the other students laugh, me included.
"Over the past few months I've gotten a few more."
"Did it hurt?" Eric shouts out.
"I'd rather not-"
"Of course, you dip shit!" Cara responds, punching his arm. Peter laughs at his girlfriend, "Come on guys."
"Anyways!" I add, my voice catching the classes attention, "You should all know my old ones."
Quickly I show off the fire and telekinesis, making a flower design with a flame. I then teleport to Uriah's desk while turning into a copy of Marlene, making him scream.
I link my mind with his and make him stand up. I form a snowball and make him grab it and put it down his shirt. Several people snicker, and I unlink our minds. He screams, dancing around as we all laugh at him.
"And the new ones?" Miss. Matthews asks, holding down a chuckle.
"Right." I say, running with super speed to the front.
People gasp, surprised by the small ability. I breath out, turning invisible, and shock Christina with electricity before reappearing next to her. She shakes her head, punching me in the arm. I feel a small jolt in my chest, wincing. It's probably nothing.
I walk back up front and grab a book from Miss. Matthews desk. "Lauren, can I get like a rock?" I ask, holding out my hand. "Of course." She says, waving her hand, making one appear from thin air.
I flick my wrist, making it fly towards me, and crush it in my hands. Tobias laughs, realizing I have one of his abilities now.
"Lastly..." I shake my head, focusing, and shakily levitate off of the ground. That one is still kind of hard.
"Eleven?" Cara shouts, amazed.
I laugh, rubbing my arm, "I guess so."
"Welcome back, Tris. I'm sure we are all excited to see what you have in store for us now."
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