Chapter 36: Safe Haven
Once again I wake in pain, but it's different this time. David and Natalie run into the room, and I hear him lock the doors.
"What's going on?" I ask, sitting up. My head pounds but it's fine. It has to be fine.
"They're here, what the hell did you do?" David screams, spit flying from his mouth.
I lift myself on shaky legs, still tired from the long night before, "I didn't do anything! Who's here?"
He runs over, grabbing my shoulders hard enough to leave deep bruises. I wince, cowering back. "What did you do you pathetic piece o-"
"David, stop it!" Natalie screams, grabbing him.
His face softens and he looks back at her, "Darling, she sabotaged us! Everything is ruined!"
I shake my head, "I didn't do anything, maybe you just had a flaw in your plan." A spark flickers across my vision from the contacts.
He stares at me, "What was that?"
"Must've been a glitch from the electricity thing." I bite my lip. David shakes his head, "I'm not stupid, Beatrice."
He lunges at me, tackling me to the ground.
I scream, trying to fight back but failing. "David stop!" Natalie screams, trying to pull him off. He punches my face and my stomach and everything, and I scream. I scream and cry and try and push him away, but he is letting out all of that anger and resentment from years of work being demolished.
He pulls back his fist quickly, but instead of hitting me, he slams his elbow into Natalie's nose. She cries out, falling backwards. His facial expressions switch immediately from the devil incarnate to a loving husband, as he jumps off of me and turns around.
She cries, holding her nose. Blood pours down her face and onto her scrubs. "Natalie, sweetie, please!" He pleads, holding her.
I scream in pain, everything hurting. My face hurts just to touch, and my vision begins to darken at the edges as my eyes swell shut.
"Natalie, please-"
I breath heavily, trying so hard to get over the pain in my body. I can hear the door bust down and David and Natalie scream, moments before my body shuts down, pulling me into that all too familiar feeling of numb darkness.
I spot the door, and Zeke follows me close behind as we approach it. We are here, and I'm only a slab of metal away from my Bea. "David stop!" I hear a scream through the door.
Other DPA agents flood the building, and I hear shots as they take down guards. Will and Uriah find Zeke and I through the chaos.
I start to hear pounding, and my eyes widen, "No! Stop! Bea!" I scream, pounding on the door. Even with super strength this thing is tough. I hear crying, and start pounding harder. Within seconds the door flies off, slamming into the wall on the other side.
I see David on the floor, next to that nurse from the footage. I run into the room, only to be met with an overwhelming exhaustion. My legs crumble underneath me and I start breathing heavily.
Will runs in, slamming a button on the wall. I suck in air, the energy coursing back through my body. I stalk toward David, throwing him off the woman. She screams his name, but I ignore it, going back after him. He yelps as I throw him against the wall, again and again.
I drop him on the ground, watching as he screams at me, and kick his side.
"Four!" Zeke shouts, tearing me away.
Nothing could have prepared me for seeing my girl this way.
Her body is curled in a ball, and her face freshly bruised and cut. She looks so frail and vulnerable. I run over, scooping her small frame into my arms. She doesn't open her eyes.
I place her on the bed, and Will helps me check her vitals. "She's not breathing. She's not breathing!" I yell, and Will starts CPR.
I breath heavily, grabbing her small hands in mine.
"Come on Bea, you've got this. Come on, my love." I whisper, my face a few inches from her own.
She has to get up.
She will get up.
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