Chapter 23: Exploring the New
I smooth out my skirt, and use water to pat down the red hairs from my tight bun. I take off my heels and toss them in the corner, replacing them with some black flats. Now in a more presentable, and comfortable look, I head down the hall into the strange new house.
There are a couple bedrooms near mine. One appears to be the master, and one appears to be their daughters room. Besides that, it's mostly just guest bedrooms. I find my way to, for some reason, an elevator, and go to the third floor. This is much more interesting than a couple beds and dressers. Two of the areas are designated for Amy and her husbands offices, and both are piled with paperwork and files.
Figuring it might be excessive to go through those, I move on to the other rooms. One is a full gym, with multiple machines and a reserved yoga area. It's got anything you could possibly need! The next room is what seems to be a second kitchen, presumably for quick meals. The only food item in the cabinets is microwave meals and frozen dinners, and there isn't many dishes. There is another ginormous bathroom on the third floor, with an even bigger tub than my room. A complete man cave makes up the entirety of another room, with leather couches and a dry bar.
Unfortunately, after that, I can't keep exploring. Amy calls me down to the main part of the house to meet her husband and daughter.
I, somewhat clumsily, find my way back to the kitchen. A girl with straight brown hair and gorgeous caramel-colored eyes grins at me, holding out a hand. She appears to be about my age, "Hello, S-Elle. It's nice to see you... again cousin Elle!"
I shake her hand, crossing my arms, "You do know that there aren't any cameras watching us right now, correct?"
She rolls her eyes, "I'm perfectly aware. I'm just practicing in case anybody happens to ask about you."
A much larger man comes out from behind her, "Don't be unkind, Jess. She's our guest and should be respected."
I hold back the urge to put the snarky little girl in her place, and instead turn to her Dad, "Nice to meet you, Agent John Cottrell."
He nods and shakes my hand, "It's an honor as well, Six."
After a few minutes of small talk, so we can all learn about each other, Amy calls us into the dining room to eat. I take in a full breath, in love with the scent of dinner. It smells like home, when Mom cooks. It is the little things, that ease my anxiety about this entire situation.
"So, Six?" Jess starts, picking at her chicken with a fork.
"Yes?" I respond, not quite wanting to put up with her antics.
"Do you really just like, have all of those abilities? Or are, like, some of them made up?" She asks, taking a bite.
I tighten my fist, "I was born with a few, and David forced me to have more."
"Jess," John grumbles, "Will you please stop?"
She rolls her eyes, "Sorry, or whatever. Just curious."
I continue eating with a stiff jaw, distracting myself. I don't know how I am going to live with someone so snobby for so long.
"So, Six, I have been given a briefing, but could you tell me a bit more about who your disguise is?" Amy asks, trying her best to ease the tension.
I smile, "Well, you know my name is now Elle. I guess I am your cousin, Jess. They made me twenty, which is so weird because I look like a child."
The others laugh, then John adds, "I don't really think so. Your facial structure makes you look more mature."
"That's a first." I chuckle, poking my cheek. It feels weird being covered in the prosthesis all the time. I think I'll get used to it though.
Jess smirks a little, "You don't act mature."
I roll my eyes, wave my hand and use telekinesis to make her fork fly across the room, "That was immature."
She groans, "Don't be so mean!"
"Don't be a little sh-"
"Ladies!" Amy interrupts, glaring at both of us, "You're already fighting like family, and it's only been one day!"
"Sorry ma'am, just a bit stressed," I laugh a little, trying to calm down.
Jess looks down, "Sorry mom. This is a all a bit weird," Her eyes dart to me, "That was kinda cool though."
"I know," I smirk, using my abilities again to lift up the fork, turn on the sink, rinse it off and give it back.
She laughs, "Now you're just showing off."
We finish dinner quicker after that, making small talk. By the time I rinse off my dishes, I am dead tired from the stress of today. I bid John and Amy goodnight, and go up to my room.
I take off my clothes and the items underneath them that are changing my body shape.
After a quick, relaxing shower, I put on some shorts and a sports bra, and lay in the crazy comfortable bed. I feel like I sink into the mattress, letting out a deep breath.
You're okay, Tris. Everything is going to be okay.
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