Chapter 19: What to do?
We're part of an organization known as the DPA. Our goal is to protect all mutants from tyrants such as David. We've been established for two decades, working as one. Right now, our main enemy is David, and we know that you and your friends have the best ability to fight him. We're requesting as many of you as possible meet us behind the Candor Cafe tomorrow at 7 p.m. More details will be provided upon arrival. Be ready to take a huge turn in your life, we trust you.
-Matthew ; Officer of the DPA
I'm stunned, in the last two weeks, my entire life was turned into something out of a novel. What are they going to do with us? It's itching at the back of my mind whether or not to completely trust these people, but something tells me that they can be credible.
I throw the letter on my bed, and text our group chat.
We need to meet-6
What the hell is wrong now?-Lynn
Ur attitude apparently-Pansycake
Hey, who change my name?-Pansycake
Pansycake change his name to Uriah the Great and Powerful
Ignoring that, this isn't a joke. Something serious is going on-6
What is it?-Chrissy-Poo
R u okay?-4
6 wtf happened-Zekalicious
Shishter Shauna change Zekalicious' name to Zeke the Idiot
I can't explain over text, let's meet @ the park- 6
b there in a few-Lynn
We're coming-Zeke the Idiot
I'm driving so they won't crash the four of us- Shishter Shauna
I throw my phone in a bag, along with a few items, and run over to Mom's room, "I'm heading out, I'll be back in a few!"
She looks up from her desk, "Don't get in any trouble, please!"
I let out a tight laugh, "Of course, I'll be careful."
In the blink of an eye, I'm teleporting to our normal meeting spot in the park, a little table next to the vast lake. I sit down and pull out the letter, scanning over the few sentences once more. They aren't telling us much, and it's a whole new level of stress to make this decision.
In only a few minutes, everybody arrives, rushed and flustered. "What's the big deal Six?" Marlene asks, plopping down next to me. I don't say a word, just pass her the letter. Mar reads the first few words and stands to read it, "Not out loud!" I hiss, pushing her down.
She bites her lip, nodding, and reads the rest of it. By the end, her jaw is dropped. Everyone passes it along, reading the words that seem to be engraved in my mind.
"Should we do this?" The first words out of Tobias' mouth.
I look down, "Honestly, I think we should. This might be our only chance to truly keep David away from everyone and keep him from hurting other students."
"But what if it's a trick? We could die!" Shauna exclaims, head in her hands.
"What if it's not a trick? It's and opportunity to save lives!" I counter, insistent on my opinion.
"I don't want you, any of us, to get hurt." Tobias says.
I groan, "We all have powers, that can kill people if it's a trick. How much risk is there? Besides, in all honesty, I trust this."
"Why don't we just vote?" Will suggests, having been quiet otherwise.
Lynn nods, "That's actually smart. All in favor of just staying at school and avoiding this?"
Shauna, Tobias, Lauren and Uriah raise their hands.
"All in favor of taking it head on?" I ask, raising my own hand. Will, Zeke, Lynn, Christina and Marlene also raise their hands.
"I guess it's decided then, we have to do this." Tobias mutters.
We're like a shadow, everyone of us adorning black clothing to blend in with the dark skies. Tobias and I stand in the front, on defense from anything that might come as a surprise attack. The streets are scarce, almost making it all feel eery.
I slip past a corner, trying to remain inconspicuous. Tobias glances over into the alley, "It's all clear, just a guy in a black sweatshirt that I assume is Matthew."
Uriah let's out a sigh, "I thought we were going to be murdered!"
"Stop being such a pansycake!" I hiss.
We creep forward and Matthew nods to me, "Six?"
"That's my name." I respond.
"Could you all follow me? Don't be alarmed, we mean no harm to any of you." He says, his voice somehow reassuring.
"Just know, if you try any funny business, you're dead." I hiss, following behind his footsteps.
He stops for a second an turns around, his skin suddenly morphing into a replica of myself, "Don't be afraid, Six. I am one of you after all."
I let out a breath of relief, and we follow Matthew into a hidden van around the corner. Tobias gets in first, to assure all of us that we are safe, then I follow as the others pile in. It's a bit cramped, but Lauren and I sit on the ground so we have enough room.
"Get ready guys," Matthew starts, "It's going to be one hell of a ride."
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