I take off the detachable bottom of my dress, customized by Christina, turning the garb into a short, fit and flare dress. Christina, being the export designer she is, customized all of the dresses we bought to be able to transform, to a short dress, or otherwise, a romper.
I put the extra fabric in a drawer in a guest bedroom, before Tobias and I go back downstairs into the Pedrad's house. Teens have flooded in from the Summer Soiree, and there is already more than enough drinks flowing around the room.
I maneuver my way past a few groups, trying not to get alcohol on my dress, or run into the dozens of couples making out. Luckily, being "Six", the people kind of part the sea so I can get to the kitchen.
Amongst the people talking and laughing together, dozens of bottles, a few coolers, and two humongous bowls of punch are placed on the kitchen island.
"What do you want to drink?" Tobias asks, as we approach the area.
"I'll just have some of this punch." I respond, filling up a red solo cup.
Tobias grabs a beer, and obviously, having super strength, just pops the top off with a flick. We find our way into the living room, where couches are pushed to the side, and covered in plastic. Yesterday, we moved all of the lamps and decorations into the attic, so they weren't broken.
Tobias sits on the end of the couch, and I lean against him, so there is enough room for whoever else comes by. I sip off the drink, surprised by the amount of vodka loaded in with the sweet fruit punch flavor. It's not like I haven't developed a tolerance for alcohol, I just try to avoid getting drunk, and making mistakes. My history also hasn't been great with guys taking advantage of me drunk, which was an awful experience to live through.
"Is anyone sitting here?" A male voice says from above me, catching my attention.
I look up, and immediately suck in a breath. In front of me, stands the fiery haired guy that ruined me. Drew.
"Certainly not you." I hiss, moving closer to Tobias.
He laughs, a song that I used to love, "Come on babe, I know you would never forget me. I am you boyfriend, after all."
I feel Tobias tense up beside me, and his arms flies over my shoulder, "I think you have that wrong."
Drew shakes his head, "No, you never technically broke u-"
"Yes I did! Drew, go away, before I have to give you another third degree burn. You should even be here." I retort.
He smirks, "Sure, I'll leave, when I have my girlfriend back."
Tears are threatening to spill over my eyes, and my voice cracks as I say, "Leave. You will have a big problem on your hands if you don't. You ruined me, and I will never let you back in."
"Oh, come on! I was just having a lit-"
The rest of his words hang on his tongue, as I storm out of the room. I hear Tobias' footsteps behind me, so I teleport to the highest level of Zeke and Uriah's house, and lock myself in a guest bedroom.
My body collapses onto the floor, my legs pulled to my chest. Tears pour from my eyes like a waterfall, making me feel vulnerable, weak. Drew. He's here.
I take a drink of the whiskey, smiling, "I think I've had enough Drew, we should head back downstairs."
He smirks, "No, I like seeing the real you, not Six."
I push his arm away, "Drew, don't even talk about that. I'm not supposed to use my powers in public."
He instead slings an arm across my shoulder, "Just one more drink, something I created. Then we can head downstairs and do games with everyone else."
Reluctantly, I agree, sitting on the bed. My phone vibrates from my pocket, and I look down.
r u with drew again? The games r starting, come down. -Emmy
"Hey, babe, we should get downstairs." I say, standing up.
Drew hands me a glass, "Sure, we can head down now."
He puts a hand on the knob as I swallow the drink, which tastes oddly bitter.
"Did you put something in..." My voice stop, and my muscles suddenly relax.
I feel like a rag doll, my arms not moving how I want them to.
"Oh, did you want to stay?" Drew smirks.
"I...I..." My mouth can't seem to form any sort of word.
He put something in the drink. I try to fight back, powerless, as he lays me on the bed.
"You want to have fun Six?"
I shake my head, a tear falling from the side of my eye. He doesn't listen.
My brain has blocked out those memories, along with a part of myself. It's one of many reasons I am cut off to so many people, I don't want to let my guard down, be vulnerable.
"Bea, you have to get up."
I didn't even realize Tobias was there, laying beside me. I shift forward a little, and he pulls me into his arms. I let the tears pour from my eyes, letting out incoherent noises.
"It's okay Bea, I'm here." He whispers, kissing the top of my head.
We lay on the floor for a few minutes, before I force myself to get up. Tobias stands, and pulls me up by my arm. I wipe my mascara stained cheeks off, and fan my face.
"Do you want to tell me what this is about?" He asks, his voice gentle and caring.
I hesitate, before responding, "Sort of. I haven't been able to bring myself to tell the entire story. Long story short... Drew is my ex. He was verbally and physically abusive, and he is the reason I cut off so much about my past. There is another reason, but it's completely different."
Toby's eyebrows furrow, and his voice is low, "Did he hurt you, Tris?"
I look down, my eyes too dry to let out any more tears, "Slaps and kicks, mostly. We dated for a year, through freshman and halfway through sophomore year. I thought he was just trying to help me, but my brother helped me escape him. Drew was awful..he-he..." I can't bring myself to tell Tobias everything, or Drew would be lying in a ditch dead in two seconds.
Tobias takes me in his arms once more, and I wrap mine around his torso. He holds me close, so our body heat is together. I breath in his scent, which relaxes me.
"We should get downstairs." I whisper, pulling away.
"Are you sure you are okay?" He asks.
I nod, giving him a small smile, "I'm okay. You'll have to help me find Christina so she can fix my makeup."
Tobias unexpectedly swings me into his arms, and I squeal, laughing.
"Let's go my little BumbleBea!" He chuckles, carrying me outside of the room. He rushes down the stairs, which jostles me, and I laugh at his childlike behavior.
"Over there, talking to Uriah. There's Christina." I point across the room, where Uriah and Christina are talking over drinks.
"Next stop, Best Friend City." Tobias says, and runs over to Christina.
She cocks her head when she sees us, and bursts out laughing, "You two are actually the cutest couple ever!"
I grin, my cheeks flushed. The only lights are strobe lights a a few dim lamps, so nobody can tell.
"Could you help me fix my makeup?" I ask, jumping out of Tobias' arms.
Chris nods, "I have my bag in Will and I's room, come on."
She grabs my hand, pulling me away from Tobias. I find myself longing to stay with him, even just for a few seconds. Still, my head says that I shouldn't stay attached to him all night.
Christina and I head up to the third floor, where all of our friends guest bedrooms, and the Pedrad's bedrooms, are located. The second floor is where you will find all of the couples having a fun time in the extra bedrooms.
I step into her room, surprised by the feminine scent. Then again, Will isn't much to try and make Christina change things, knowing it would put him in the doghouse.
"What happened anyways?" She asks, dragging me into the bathroom.
I clear my throat, "Just... someone bad is here. Drew. He's the giant muscle with red hair, steer clear, and keep me away from him."
Christina sucks in a breath, "That doesn't sound good, if Six hates somebody. I'll keep him away from you."
I thank her, and sit down on the sink. She goes through her makeup, and applies mascara and eyeliner liberally, then redoes the eye shadow. For good measure, she puts on more concealer, and blush, which had been rubbed off.
"There, easy and perfect." She grins.
I hop off of the sink, "Thank you Christina, I'm glad you are one of my best friends."
She gives me a hug, before looking over my outfit to make sure everything is still in place.
"You look gorgeous, so now we can head down. I wouldn't be surprised if the group dances were starting soon."
We head back downstairs, where Cotton Eye Joe is beginning to play. Immediately, I teleport into the center. A few people scream and jump back, drunken and surprised, but I just laugh it off and start dancing.
Christina pushes her way to me, along with Lauren, Uriah, Zeke, Shauna, and Tobias.
We joke around, pushing each other, while loosely dancing. At some point Tobias gets refills my drink, and it barely stays in the cup as we jump around like idiots. It really does feel amazing to let loose, and not worry about how you are perceived. It's not like anybody will remember tonight, after the amount of alcohol flowing.
I'm actually relatively sober, even with my small size, alcohol doesn't have a huge affect on me. I assume it's because of my powers, but once I get to the drinking games, that's when Fun Six comes out. My Cali friends described it as my alter ego, and they named her Tiffany. I usually don't remember her, but I told Christina and Lynn about her. I had some old videos of me pole dancing for some reason, and break dancing awfully.
I shove my way back through the crowd, to the couch where Tobias and I had been sitting before. Christina spots me, and runs over, "Drew alert. He is in the kitchen right now, I can go get us more to drink to keep and eye on him."
I sigh, not wanting to think about him, "I'll get my own, just come with me."
Christina mumbles, "If he takes one step near you..."
I grab her arm, dragging us both to the kitchen. Sure enough, Drew now has somebody pushed up against a wall, kissing like an animal.
I take the spoon, and pour some punch into my cup. Christina stays unnaturally close to my side, keeping a constant death glare aimed at Drew. In a way, knowing she is overprotective is comforting, knowing what Drew did to me.
"Hey...Six..." Drew says, pulling away from the girl. Of course, it's Thotty, she'll make out with anyone.
"Get away." I retort, immediately grabbing Christina.
"Oh...come on. We could all go upstairs, have a fun time..." His voice is slurred, telling me he probably drank a few cups of this punch filled with an ungodly amount of vodka.
"Fuck off."
I drag her to the main room, where there are too many people for me to get near Drew. Amidst the haze of fog machines and strobe lights, I see Uriah jump onto the coffee table.
"If you aren't a pansycake, join me in the basement, if you are, get the hell out of my house!" He screeches.
I stand up, preparing myself for the worst, or possibly best part of the party.
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