Don't you just love it when someone calls you a b**** and you didn't even do anything? Because I sure do.
P.S: That was totally sarcasm.
P.P.S: Scott and Mitch talking about Alphas in the newest Sup3rFruit made happy.xD
Also, there's a suicide attempt. Please be cautious while reading this. Lastly, I will just like to say that a lot of you should be detectives.;)
Kirstin knew she won the moment Scott came inside. She smirked as she walked up to him, crossing her arms.
"Well, it's nice to see you again. How are your children doing?"
"Shut up," Scott hissed, wanting to push her. He glared at her, taking deep breaths so he won't hurt her. "I hate you."
"I'm pretty sure Mitch thinks you hate him too," Kirstin replied, faking a frown. She made fists and put them on her cheeks, turning them to imitate a crying baby. "Wa, wa. He deserves to feel hated. What has he done to make me happy?"
Kirstin laughed as she shook her head, walking around Scott as she looked him up and down. She went in the front of him, the smirk still on her face.
"Wow, you actually have muscles now. You're not sickly anymore. Surprises everywhere."
Scott pushed her a bit, causing her to stumble. She regained her balance, looking up at him with fire in her eyes.
"That's not a smart idea, Hoying."
"It's Hoying-Grassi, you unmarried piece of sh-"
"Not anymore," Kirstin interrupted, putting a hand on his chest. He pulled it off, making sure that she stayed away from him. "You don't love him anymore. You love Alex."
"Only because you were blackmailing me!"
Kirstin laughed evilly, shaking her head. She was finally getting to Scott. This is what she has been wanting ever since Mitch joined the Pack.
"Well, I guess that's what happens when you don't want your Alphmega to know that you've had a drinking problem ever since Alex left for the first time. You verbally abused everyone in the Pack and stopped when Mitch joined. That doesn't mean that you won't drink anymore.
"I could have told Mitch and he would've left. Heck, I could tell him right now and he wouldn't be with you anymore. Why is that? Why would he react the way he will if he found out that you drink?"
Scott looked down at the ground, trying his best to ignore the fingers on his chest. He bit his lip, fighting off the tears that were bound to come. One managed to fall down his cheek and onto Kirstin's hair, making her smile gleefully.
I'm finally getting what I want.
Scott mumbled something, causing her to look up at him with a fake expression of shock.
"What was that? I didn't hear. Please repeat that."
Scott let another tear escape, walking back again. He ended up hitting his back on the wall, hissing when the bricks scratched him. Kirstin walked up to him, nodding impatiently.
I have no choice but to say it out loud.
"One of Mitch's friends from the orphanage died in a car accident."
"And why is that?"
Scott whimpered, wanting to hold Mitch again. Kirstin laughed, enjoying how sad he was. Scott wiped his eyes, not wanting to cry in front of the evil Alpheta anymore.
"A drunk driver killed her and other children that lived at the orphanage."
"And doesn't Mitch have something against people who hurt and kill others from drinking too much?"
"I thought so," Kirstin replied, trapping Scott. She pulled on his shirt, making him look at her. "You are to stay away from him. You are not allowed to see him every again. Consider this a blessing because my partners are going to kill him. Game over, Hoying. I'm the winner this time."
Scott nodded, wanting to go back home. He saw Kirstin move towards him, puckering her lips a bit. Her eyes were half closed, but the Lead Alpha could still see every ounce of evil in them.
"You know, I've always wanted to kiss you. Avi and Mitch ruined that for me though. I guess since that they aren't here, we could do that. No fighting back."
Scott could feel her lips on his, feeling violated from the touch. He began to sob, wanting to be back with Mitch.
I love you, Mitch.
Tori woke up, an unsettling feeling in her stomach. Something told her to wake up, urging her to get up because something was happening.
Something bad.
"No, I don't want to go to school. I want a dragon."
Tori rolled her eyes, not wanting to try to wake him up. She sat up, getting herself out of bed. She walked quietly, not wanting to wake anybody up.
What is happening?
She walked to Scott and Mitch's room, wanting to check on Mitch. The Alphemga put on one of Scott's hat and shirt, not wanting to take them off. They were few of the items the Lead Alpha left behind, only breaking Mitch's heart more. Tori knocked on the door, hoping for a response.
"Mitchy? Are you okay?"
No response.
She knocked frantically, hoping that Mitch was just sleeping. She took a sigh of relief, hoping that was the case.
He usually gets up around-
The clock read 7:45, making Tori widen her eyes. Mitch woke up at 7:15 every morning, no matter what is happening. Even if he only received fifteen minutes of sleep, he will always wake up at 7:15 because that was the time that Scott told him that he loved him.
Mitch, you better be okay!
Tori heard someone crying from the bathroom, causing her to walk over there quickly. She didn't open it at first, hoping that it was just her imagination.
It's just me being a worrier.
A wail was what kept her at the door. She put her ear on the door, hoping to hear something. She did, crying instantly when she heard it.
"Please open!"
"Mitch, open the door!"
"Tori, let me go! Please!"
Tori didn't take no for an answer. She opened the door, gasping at the sight. Mitch had a bottle of pills in his hands and his wrists has small cuts on them. He looked up at the Beta tearfully, shaking his head.
"Tori, I can't live without him. I can't. I just can't."
"Mitch, give me the bottles."
"Tori, please."
"Mitchell, give me them."
Tori tried to get the bottle of pills, jumping when the Alphmega began to scream. Tears ran down his red face as he tried to get the bottle back. Tori had some of the blood fall on her pajamas, but she didn't care. All that mattered was Mitch surviving.
"Mitch, stop!"
She finally took the pulls out of his hands, her heart breaking as he fell to the ground. He cried onto his hands, sobbing loudly as he screamed.
"What happened in here? Mitch, why are you yell-Oh no. Tori, call an ambulance."
Tori nodded as she went downstairs to call the hospital. Avi held Mitch close, washing the self-inflicted scars on his wrists. The Alphemga struggled in his hold, wanting to escape.
"Avi, please let me go."
"No, Mitch. You deserve to live."
"No, I don't. I just don't."
Avi held him tighter, tearing up himself now. Mitch began to calm down, holding onto the Alpha with all his might. Tori walked back up, tears falling down her cheeks.
"They'll be here in no time."
Avi nodded, looking down at Mitch. He was falling asleep, exhausted from his mental breakdown. The Alpha looked at Tori, shaking his head.
"I can't stand Scott anymore. I really can't."
Tori nodded in agreement, kissing Mitch's forehead. Another five minutes passed and the ambulance came. They situated Mitch, putting bandages on his arms to keep him safe. Tori cried silently, wanting Mitch to be happy again.
"Why can't Mitch just be happy?"
"The person who made him the happiest made him the saddest. That's why I can't stand Scott anymore. He took away the happiness from the person that deserves all the happiness in the world."
"I'm going to kill her."
"Really? Why?"
"So she won't hurt anyone more. We will prevail."
"I'm doing this for Alex. Who are you doing this for?"
"Mitch and Ben. I'm doing this for them."
Jake smiled, proud of Jeremy. The Alpha has changed a lot since he left Kirstin and he can't be more proud of him.
"Jeremy, when are we-"
A gunshot interrupted him.
A/N: CLIFFHANGERS!:D Also, I'm so tired.:( 'Spring forward' has made me so tired. I'm graduating in May and I can't wait. I'm so nervous, lol. Let's hope I succeed.
Do you like Scott again?
Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed the chapter and remember that I love you all.:)
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