Don't point out mistakes please.:3
Also...I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
The moment when Mitch woke up and was tired, Scott knew immediately what was going on. It has been a week since Mitch began to show symptoms of being pregnant again and symptoms of miscarrying.
How am I supposed to tell him about this? He won't understand.
"Scott," Mitch called out, his smile growing when he saw his Mate. He hugged him happily, breathing in the cologne that Scott wore. "It's so beautiful today, isn't it? I love mornings so much. Are you hungry? I'm not. I thought I would've been hungry, but I'm not. I wonder why."
Tell him, Scott. He deserves to know. Let him prepare for it. He already has two symptoms: tired, not hungry...
Mitch yawned, making Scott's heart ache. That was another symptom: falling asleep a lot. The Alphmega rubbed his eyes, smiling up at Scott sweetly.
"I'm going back to sleep, Scott. I'm sleepy even though I slept a lot last night. Good night. I mean, morning. There's no stars out."
Scott smiled weakly, Mitch's morning self making him happy for the time being. When his Mate laid down and closed his eyes to fall asleep, he frowned instantly. There's only one more symptom to confirm the miscarriage, the one that will show that Mitch will lose the baby if he was having twins or more.
If there is blood in his throw up, the baby's gone.
Mitch bean to snore, hugging a pillow close to him. Scott smiled sadly, looking over at his violet haired love. The innocent young man didn't deserve any of this. Why does this have to happen to him?
I have to talk to Dr. Sanders.
"Scott?" Tori asked softly, her scrubs full of Disney characters making Scott's hurt. "I need to go now. Alyssa and Kevin are there about a transplant appointment. I hope they'll find a transplant in time."
"Okay, sounds good."
Scott found out not too long ago that Alyssa agreed to having a heart surgery so she will survive. It was a bit complicated because of finding a heart, but she is going to have one in no time. The doctor's found out that she was second in line for a heart transplant and that she should receive one in order to continue chemotherapy. She will be okay.
He nodded, looking up at Tori. She looked at him seriously, her brown eyes full of tears as she looked over at Mitch. From looking at the Alphmega, she knew he was having miscarriage symptoms. She looked back at Scott, allowing a tear to run down her cheek.
"Make sure that he is okay after he looses the baby. He will need you after he loses the baby. Be there for him."
Scott nodded, biting his lip to fend off the tears. Tori hugged him instantly, reassuring him that everything will be okay.
But will it?
"Dr. Sanders, hi!"
Thomas smiled as Mitch hopped on the seat, waiting patiently for the ultrasound. Scott sat down on the chair, not as happy as his Mate. He doesn't want Mitch to find out through the ultrasound that he lost the baby.
Please don't let that happen.
"How's Melody?" Thomas asked, turning on the machine. Mitch pulled his shirt up, smiling when the gel was put on his stomach. "Is she okay?"
"Yep," Mitch answered, giggling a bit. She's amazing! She's soooo big now. She's ten months old now. I dint get to grow up."
"But if she doesn't grow up, you won't know if she likes pizza or not."
"That's true," Mitch agreed, smiling at his ultrasound technician. He looked over at Scott, tilting his head a bit. "What's the matter, Prince Erik?"
"I'm tired, babe. A lot has happened since last month."
Mitch nodded as Thomas looked over Scott worriedly, wondering what was going on. The Lead Alpha was quiet and didn't say anything like he usually did.
That's weird.
"Well, Mitch. There's a baby!"
"Really? Oh my gosh! Scott, look!"
Scott obeyed, seeing a bean-like object on the screen. Mitch began to cry happy tears, so happy to have another child. Thomas gasped happily as he pointed out another bean-like object, smiling back at the couple.
"I've been mistaken! You two are having twins! Congratulations."
Mitch became inconsolable, wiping his eyes as sobs escaped. Scott began to cry too for different reasons even though he was happy for the possibility of twins.
Mitch is going to lose one of them.
"I'll schedule your next appointment. Congratulations, Scott and Mitch. You two deserve these beautiful children."
Thomas left as Mitch stood up, the sonogram in his hands. He looked up at Scott, crying happy tears. Scott cried sad tears, but he wouldn't tell Mitch that. He wanted him to be happy.
"Scott, two beautiful children in my tummy. Little Nel and Alex."
Scott nodded, sobbing a bit. Mitch began to gush over the picture, ready to show Jessi and Ben the new members of the 'Baby Pack'. Scott wished right then and there that everything will be okay.
Please don't let him loose the baby. Please.
The moment Mitch went to the bathroom to throw up later that night was what confirmed Scott's worst fears. He felt his heart break, not knowing how to explain this to Mitch.
"Scott?" Avi asked gently, looking at him seriously. The Lead Alpha nodded, wanting to hear what he had to say. "I'm so sorry that this is happening, buddy."
"It's okay, Avi. Thank you."
Kevin looked at the Lead Alpha sadly, wanting nothing more than to make Mitch's body not reject the baby. He wouldn't understand how it happened or why it had to happen. He would blame himself.
"Mitch will need some comforting, Scott. Make sure you give him that."
Scott was about to respond when Ben came running downstairs, his face full of worry. He heard crying in the bathroom, knowing exactly was going on.
No, no, no.
"Scott, Mitch threw up and there's blood in it. He's about to pass out."
Scott widened his eyes, looking back at Avi and Kevin. Tori said nothing about Mitch not fainting! He ran upstairs and went to the bathroom, gasping at the sight. Blood was on Mitch's chin and his eyes were half-opened. Jessi wiped his chin, crying heavily as they went to flush the toilet. They looked up at Scott, shaking their head.
"I'm so sorry, Scott."
Scott looked down at Mitch, noticing how confused and out of it his Mate was acting. He bent down to pick up the small man, wanting to go the hospital.
"Shh, shh, baby. It's okay."
"I'm sooo ti-ti-red."
Scott ran downstairs, being careful as he held his fragile Mate. Avi gasped as Kevin watch with wide eyes, the sight of Mitch breaking their hearts. Alyssa and Tori gasped from upstairs, running downstairs to follow Scott to the hospital.
"Get Ben and Jessi, please. We need to go."
More blood trickled out of Mitch's mouth and Tori was quick to wipe it. She looked up at Scott with tearful eyes, shaking her head as she sobbed.
"I'm so sorry, Scott. I'm so sorry."
Scott nodded, beginning to cry as Kevin opened the door. The Lead Alpha ran to the car as Avi went to the driver's seat. Scott went to the very back and laid down, hugging Mitch close to him. The Alphmega passed out on the way to the car, making Scott cry loudly. Jessi and Ben had Melody and Jordyn in their arms as Kevin carried Erik and Ariel to the car. It was a tight fit, but they managed.
Scott ran his hand through the violet hair, crying to the point where he was practically screaming. Avi drove faster, not caring if he will receive a speeding ticket. All that mattered right now was Mitch.
"I'm so sorry, Mitch. I'm so sorry."
A/N: This made me tear up, omg. I had this planned for a little bit and I decided right now will be the best time to publish it. Again, I'm so sorry. I'm tearing up as I write this. Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and remember that I love you all.:)
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