-VI- : Sand is not so innocent.
"Knights! We are sensing an attack on the village Cableville (Cablecity)!" Said Ava as she watched the screen emit a red wave, and looked on her long keyboard for the fastest way they could get there.
"That must be Ruina!" Said Robin as he looked around with a worried look on his face, "Are the knights ready?!" He shouted as he looked around.
"The knights are coming. I just warned them." Replied Merlok to calm the young knight.
"Phew!" Robin sighed, closing his eyes in the process. He then opened them, shortly after, to walk over to Ava. "How long until we know there?"
"I'd say...twelve minutes."
His college nodded, "Okay!"
A few minutes later, the knights, except for Clay, came running. "What's going on?! An attack?" Macy asked.
"Yes." Ava replied, with her calm demeanor, "We are detecting a strong evil presence there." She pointed to the village. "We believe they are there for a strategic reason."
"How so?" Macy approached the large screen.
"Cableville is a town that relies solely on electricity. If we attack them, it's possible that their energy reserves will be unlimited with what they'll have at their fingertips. So we would need a nexo power."
"No problem! Merlok can help us!" Lance said quietly.
Axl nodded, "With these nexo powers, we are unbeatable."
"It's not that simple." Macy sighed, "The monsters might be getting tougher, you know? So it's quite likely that at some point we'd run out of power. So let's not get ahead of ourselves."
"Macy's right." Aaron nodded. "Even if we have the nexo powers, anything can happen. We don't know if we'll run into Ruina or Monstrox. We have to be on our guard and give it our all!"
"What a wise speech, worthy of the new leader!" Lance said sarcastically.
Aaron smiled, not taking the remark the wrong way. "Exactly! If you don't mind, I'll take back my position as deputy chief!"
Macy sighed, knowing she couldn't because of her 'princess' status. "That's the best choice, I suppose." She already knew all of the green knight's skills. No fear, except boredom. Brave, intelligent, fearless.
"Well, I'll call Clay if it's necessary," Merlok said.
A short time later~
The knights arrived in Cableville. Very quickly, they could notice the presence of many monsters. Each one as hideous as the next. They couldn't understand where all this... Originality.
"Knights! Fight with all your might!" Aaron shouted. "It's so weird being Clayman." He laughed as he flew on his shield, and shot arrows of energy with his crossbow.
"I still prefer our knight!" Lance said, in an amused manner. "His words come much more from the heart than you!"
Aaron laughed, "How can I be more serious than him?"
Macy sighed, giving a monster a sledgehammer and shoving it away, "Boys, be serious!"
"Princess, I've never been more serious!" Lance smiled.
Macy rolled her eyes a little, but that was just because of the nickname. "Let's win this fight fast." She didn't want Clay to come.
On the edge of the hill overlooking the village, Ruina appeared next to the person, without Monstrox. "How is it going?"
"Your son stayed in the rolling fort." She shrugged. "Then we'll have to force them to bring him in."
Ruina said nothing, and as she did, she watched the fight from far, far away.
The fight was progressing, and with each blow received, the monsters backed off to draw energy from each object and digitize panel.
"I don't see how these knights can still win so much against us." Ruina said in a calm, but annoyed tone.
"Your brother's powers are strong, I suppose."
"Hm?" She looked at the person, but was alarmed by the shouts of the knights who held their shields up to the sky.
"Merlok! Nexo knights!" All the knights shouted to receive a nexo power.
"Aaaah!!!" Macy swung her mace at a monster that seemed to pass out from the blow.
"Guys, we're on the right track! Aaron said, seeing the monsters destroyed by their attacks, and cheering his teammates on.
"Yeah!" Axl shouted, raising his fist. "We're almost there!"
"And we don't need our super knight!" Lance said with a smile, running up and destroying the monsters with his simple spear. "Thank you Merlok!" He shouted what every knight was thinking.
"Trust is as much an enemy as it is an ally, nexo knights." The person raised his arm, and at the end of his hand, a slight magic appeared. Did it have an effect on the fight? Well, yes.
"Huh? What the hell is that?!" Lance opened his mouth, wide, showing his surprise.
"Wow! I can't see anything from above! Is it giant?!" Aaron asked as he was in the sky, on his flying shield.
"It's a dragon!" Macy was surprised, shocked. "But... It's made of sands!"
"Yes, unfortunately." The person sighed, crossing her arms. "This part of the kingdom is all sand and dust, what do you want? I'm making do with what I can."
"Never mind! Let's reduce this monster to nothing!" Aaron fired arrows, composed of Merlok's power, right into the dragon's head. But it seemed that the creature didn't even feel it. "This is a joke! Hey, react, old man!" The knight pouted.
"We got this!" Macy shouted as she slammed her mace against the creature's leg, but it had no effect. The mace merely allowed the creature's insides to be cut through, but the sand automatically returned to where it was. "Nothing seems to work!"
"You're probably not hitting hard enough!" Lance struck with his spear, but the result was the same as with Macy. "Or maybe not...Hehe...Aaah!" He received the creature's tail in the face, sending it waltzing. "No way! That thing just hardened its tail to hit me!"
"At least it's not stupid..." Aaron scratched his head a little.
"I'll take care of it!" Axl ran and jumped high, then with his axe, sliced the sand monster in half with force.
"Whoo!!!" Aaron smiled. "You got this, Axl!"
"Ohoh..." Macy watched as the creature recomposed itself and looked at them nastily. "I think she's pissed now." She stepped back a little.
"Why aren't the nexos powers working?!" Lance complained. "Merlok! Find us another power!"
"Sorry, but we're in the process of researching." Said Ava as she looked into Merlok's memory to try and find a good power. "It's hard to beat sand. The powers just seep through."
"Then let's set it on fire!" Macy said, as she dodged an attack.
"Yes, give us a power that produces fire!" Lance asked, agreeing with the princess.
"Unfortunately, it's complicated right now. I don't see anything in the old man's memory that can help you yet. Hold on a little longer."
They sighed.
"Come on, guys! We need to buy some time!" Aaron shouted as he ran straight for the beast.
"Aaron!" Macy shouted, watching him run through the monster like it was nothing.
"Calm down, Macy! Let's have some fun too!"
"Let's have fun?" Ruina put one of her hands on her hips. "Are you going to let them?"
"Do something before my stupid brother gives them a good spell to turn your pet to dust!"
"Hmph." The person smiles a little wryly.
"Hm?" Ruina looked at her confused. "What's so funny?"
"Heh... If your son doesn't want to come, I'll force him." She smiled, as the dragon suddenly changed direction. He was no longer dealing with the knights, but instead went to the Fortrex.
"Uh, guys...." Macy looked surprised, but also scared. "I'm dreaming where he goes to-"
"Yeah, I already sent Robin over." She cut Aaron off in his words. "Come help us instead. It looks like the monster is after us."
"We're coming!" The knight with the fox symbol sped off towards the headquarters.
The other knights agreed and ran.
On the other hand, Clay seemed to have an even greater headache. He felt the shaking, and even more so when the monster was purposely shaking and moving the Fortrex. He opened his eyes, as he sat up in bed. He was still exhausted as he hadn't done much, failing to get any sleep. He sighed a little, rubbing his eyes with one hand. "What now?" It took him a few minutes to hypothesize, and realize the situation.
He widened his eyes all at once, quickly getting out of bed. "Don't tell me...!" Now that he thought about it, he could hear screaming outside! "Guys... Macy..." He bit his lips a little, walking out of his room and straight to the room where his uncle was. "Merlok! Are we under attack?!" He asked urgently.
"Oula...!" Merlok tried to keep his balance as his own hologram was pushed around. "Well... It would seem so, my nephew. There's been an attack, and a monster is coming after us right here."
"We thought we'd won." Said Ava, still fixated on her screen. "But everything changed when that monster appeared. We don't know where it came from yet, but it was definitely created right here at this moment."
Clay nodded, "I understand." He looked at the screen where the sand dragon could be seen in the distance. "And I understand that I need to stop this before something bad happens." He said about to leave.
"Wait, Clay!" Merlok tried to warn him, but the knight had already left. He sighed, "Be careful... It may be a trap..."
"The fact that it's a trap is, according to my calculations, highly probable with 87%." Ava said.
Merlok looked sad because he didn't know what would happen to Clay. "That dragon does not contain my sister's magic, or Monstrox's." He knew that himself since he had fought both of them. "This magic is not of this world, Ava."
"Do you think it would come from somewhere else? I mean... The person, the owner of this magic?"
Merlok nodded, "All wizards and witches are normally gone. There shouldn't be anyone controlling the magic, outside of my knowledge."
"Oh, is that him?" The woman pointed at Clay who had just come out of the Fortrex.
Ruina smiled a little, "That's right."
"I see..."
Clay, having emerged from the Fortrex, immediately noticed the towering creature.
"Clay! Get inside!" Macy yelled at him, now even more worried. "Don't worry, we'll handle it!"
"Oh yeah?" Lance asked right next to the princess, not seeing the same observation, which made Macy wince and look directly at him. "I didn't say anything." He smiled a little nervously.
Macy sighed, running directly to Clay. "Get out before he touches you-!" She stopped talking when she noticed a large shadow coming at her. It was the tail of the dragon that was about to crush her.
"Look out!" Clay shouted, reacting quickly and pushing Macy away from the impact. But that only caused him to be hit by the attack himself.
"Clay!" She quickly got to her feet, and looked in the direction the knight was. "Clay!" She repeated, approaching worriedly.
"It's okay...!" Clay winced a little, still with the dragon's tail on him. He held the hard part of the tail with his hands, as millions of grains fell from either side. No body of sand is perfect. The sand is so fine that the creature is quite unstable morphologically. He pushed the tail back and threw it aside, because of the weight. You could even hear the heavy tail fall just beside it.
The dragon turned around, quite upset that it hadn't caused any casualties. It opened its mouth while all the knights, except Aaron, were at ground level. He wasn't going to spit fire of course. He couldn't afford it. All he had was...
"Guys, get out of here!" Aaron shouted, alarmed. He knew he was safe, but his colleagues were not.
Macy gasped a little, and then closed her eyes directly as she saw the dragon spit out sand at them. Sandstorm? Sand tsunami? It looked like it was going to choke them with those inedible grains. Lance and Axl both showed a sign of fear as well, gritting their teeth and putting their arms in front of them as if to protect themselves. (Aaron and Robin : We have nothing to fear! We are high up!).
The only one who didn't show fear was Clay.
And not only that, but he blocked the attack! How? Well...
"Hey, Clayman! Since when are you able to do that?! You were faster than Ava!" Aaron said, surprised and amazed.
Clay smiled a little, as did everyone else.
He had used a fire spell. Fire with sand... Creates glass.
The wind around it rose. The dust on the ground mimicked this action. The contact between the flame and the sand was quite violent, and you could see that Clay was pushing everything away from the dragon. The fire was gradually pushed back to the mouth of the creature.
As the dragon was just touched by this intense heat, it let out a roar before turning completely to glass. And, with a single blow from Aaron, it shattered into thousands of broken pieces.
Clay caught his breath a little as he looked at the shattered glass. He closed his eyes for a few seconds to calm himself, and calm his magic in his arm, which had returned to its original colour: Light Blue.
"Clay." Macy placed her hand on his shoulder, smiling warmly at him. "Y-You did it... I still can't believe it." She looked in the same direction as Clay.
The blue knight sighed a little, "At least everyone's okay..."
Macy nodded.
"Wow! Well done, Clay!" Robin smiled, as he was still on top on the Fortrex. "That was great from here!"
Aaron laughed, "I agree!"
Clay seemed to agree with them, saying nothing to contradict them. The Fortrex backed away slightly, so as not to be in the glass shards.
"Well, knights." Merlok appeared. "It just seems to me that from now on, you pick up all this junk."
"Huh?!" Lance was shocked. "Wait, my ear got stuck for a second!"
"You didn't hear wrong." The wizard seemed in good mood. "The villagers will return to their villages now that the threat seems to be over. So it's only fair to them that you knights help them put everything away."
Lance sighed in annoyance. Axl shrugged, not caring much. As long as he could eat in the meantime... Aaron and Robin, on the other hand, didn't raise any eyebrows. They had no problems. And finally...
"Clay, are you coming to help?" Macy asked, as she made her way inside the Fortrex, like everyone else. The cleaning supplies were inside.
"Yes, I'm coming-" As he started to walk, he suddenly stopped.
Come to me....~
That voice suddenly echoed in his head. He turned a little, looking around. He couldn't see much. It was mostly hills, with grass or just dried up from the drought.
"Clay?" Macy looked at him, then aboard the Fortrex, at the door. "You coming?"
"Uh... I'm coming. I'm just going to see something." He said nothing more, running in a direction Macy didn't know. And that worried her. Her worried look turned into a determined one. She turned and decided to go spy on her friend.
Clay ran, up the hills that overlooked the village. He stopped short, as he frowned a little, and looked towards a certain person. "Who are you?!" He asked, rather loudly as the person was still far away from him. She was at the edge of the long, thick rock, which was clinging to the hill. He, himself, was only about ten meters behind her, safe from any fall.
The person blinked a little, and then closed his eyes. "Well, so it was you who destroyed my dragon?"
Clay looked confused for a moment, but then he understood. "You're on my mother's side, right?"
The person smiled, seeming amused. "Oh, Ruina?" She turned to face him. "Well, I guess the answer is obvious. So I'd rather keep my mouth shut on that one."
Macy arrived, and was surprised by the person she had never seen before. She quickly hid behind a large rock, far away and to the side.
"Where is she?" Clay asked seriously. The person smiled a little to the side, not answering. "And who are you, anyway? I've never seen you..." He frowned.
"To answer your question..." Another voice chimed in, which paralyzed Clay and Macy. Macy looked up directly, still hidden. While Clay seemed surprised, slowly turning to look behind him, recognizing the voice. Very clearly. "She'll be the one taking care of you..." Ruina smiled.
Clay didn't have time to understand as he received a spell directly on him, knocking him unconscious.
"CLAY!!!" Macy screamed, surprised, and getting up directly. She hadn't been paying attention at the time if the enemy had just spotted her. She was so... "Clay..." Her eyes shook a little, as she slowly approached, but... Her body felt so heavy. She felt like she wouldn't be able to stand on her legs anymore. She had to stop before her legs gave out.
"Here, who is this?" The person asked as she looked towards Macy. "A dragon symbol?" She stared intently at the symbol in the centre of the girl's armor.
"That's the princess of Knighton." Ruina replied, looking towards the red knight. "Don't worry about her, she's not a threat."
"Hm..." The person seemed in deep thought. "I see." She replied after several times. "Well, princess." She bowed a little. "I am delighted to have met you but..." She smiled a little as she looked at the floor. "I can't stay any longer. I hope you'll understand."
"Huh?" Macy blinked, and then looked down where she saw black smoke filling the space.
"We'll certainly meet again." The person smiled at Macy, in a gentle way. "But I'm afraid it won't be anytime soon."
All Macy could see... the last she could see was the person's eyes. They were light green... She was smiling, but it wasn't in the Ruina way. After that, they were gone. And not only alone, Clay's body was gone too.
Macy bit her lips as her eyes filled with tears. She fell to her knees, and lowered her head as she began to cry. "Why...? Why?! Why couldn't I...stop them?!" She gritted her teeth, she didn't want to see anything, she closed her eyes as much as she could. She couldn't stand those guys... How do they dare to do that?! What are they going to do to Clay?! Even though the person seemed to mean no harm, she was on Ruina's side!
She was an enemy!
How will she... How is she going to break (announce) the news to the others? That Clay's been kidnapped?! She didn't know.
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