-IX- : It's starting! Conquering metal!
Merlok was scouring the digital archives for information on this mysterious person who was currently helping his sister. It was strange that he didn't recognize this person's magic. He was a member of the magicians' council, so he knew everyone... Was this girl really from their world? He knew that parallel worlds existed, but he didn't know if it was possible. Or was she a hidden child like Clay? Her powers were very strong, to the point of harnessing the elements to create monsters. But unlike Monstrox, who created many monsters at low levels, a dragon was no simple matter.
A dragon was known to be a powerful and robust creature. Its scales were so hard they acted as a shield, and its tail could break through any wall. Its jaws destroyed flesh, its wings enabled it to fly and fight on land and in the sky. And let's not talk about his fire, or whatever element he spat out. It was devastating. Their morphology was imposing and frightened most people.
"Ava, did you find anything?" Merlok asked, scratching his head in a puzzled tone.
"Nothing at all so far."
"We'll never find it." Robin sighed. "This person is already untraceable and we have no information that can help us. Maybe the only people who know this girl are Monstrox and Ruina."
"Surely. But we also need to find a way to defeat these dragons, but also Monstrox's monsters. You've seen those weird green monsters before. They feed on electricity, on energy." Ava says.
"The best thing would be to cut off the kingdom's electricity, but Monstrox and Ruina could simply use their energies to transfer power to them. We'll need some good nexo power!" Says Robin.
"We can find it for the monsters, but we'll have to hit hard for the other creatures."
Robin pouted a little, but then smiled, "I'm going to work on some new vehicles! I've got to figure out how to defeat these monsters! Vehicles that are adapted and that will allow the knights to move faster!" He ran out of the room.
Ava sighed, "I wonder what ideas he's had yet."
Merlok said nothing, hoping they'd get ahead of the situation.
"Mom!" Clay smiled, seeing his mother back with Monstrox and new allies, including Count Dragov.
"Clay." Ruina smiled and hugged him. Even being a stone monster, he was still her son and maternal love couldn't be left behind. But she knew her priority and that was to serve Monstrox. Clay...was only the key to their success... She couldn't lose sight of her goal. "How did it go?"
"Great! Y taught me lots of things! And I know how to master fire!" The child seemed excited. "Can I show you?!" He asked, looking at his mother.
"Later, Clay." Ruina stroked his hair. "We've got some good news. Look." She turned, showing Clay Monstrox's new form. Their master was now a hologram on a robotic spider. He could move freely, without anyone having to carry him. "Our master has become stronger, and we have the opportunity to expand our army faster, thanks to Count Dragov's help."
The vampire count approached, bowing. "My two children will lead the monsters in the attacks. Allow them to lead us to victory!"
"I hope so for your sake. Our 'master' doesn't seem to like a bad report coming from his soldiers." Y arrived, smiling at the count. "Try not to disappoint him."
The Count looked at her, growling a little and showing both fangs, "We will serve our master and do all we can for him. Don't treat us as if we were weak."
"I'll treat you as I see fit. Do your job and then go and test your monsters. The sooner we're ready, the better. We need powerful monsters." Y looked at him, his tone mischievous.
Ruina nodded, "Don't push them. As long as the knights don't know our position, we have nothing to fear." She looked at Y. "I want you to help them when they go to attack villages and towns. I'll take care of Clay myself in the meantime."
Y sighed, "Really? That's annoying, but okay. I could hide their extra presences until we get there so they don't locate our base." She crossed her arms. Of course, their hideout at the moment was protected from radar, but if they crossed the border, their presence would be revealed and the knights would come and search the area. After all, they had Clay and the knights want to take him back...
Ruina nodded, "We need to surprise them and if we get the chance, get rid of them."
"Destroy those knights! And don't forget that stupid Merlok!" Said Monstrox. "If we don't have them anymore, we won't have any problems!"
Clay watched them argue, wondering how strong these enemies were. Who were these knights? Who was Merlok? Were they that strong? The young magician wanted to help his mother, but he didn't know how. He was still young and not quite in control of his powers yet.
"No problem, master!"
Everyone dispersed. Count Dragov's children went with the monsters he had and Y to villages to collect metal to build the new cybers monsters.
"Come on, Clay, maybe you'd like some hot chocolate." Ruina put one of her hands on her son's back, going inside. "You can show me what you've learned afterwards. And I'll teach you some spells too." The witch said, a smirk appearing on her face.
She didn't say it, but she was going to teach her son bad spells. Her stupid brother Merlok wouldn't stand a chance when he came face to face with his nephew... Clay was the key to them and his master winning this war and conquering this kingdom once and for all.
Ruina easily prepared a hot chocolate, and acted like a mother so as not to worry Clay. She needed Lui by her side. Even if Monstrox was her master, and therefore her only goal, she wasn't going to deny herself a little time with her dear son. Clay had no memory of the knights because his memory had been disturbed and therefore altered. He was no longer an enemy. He was with them now and she wasn't going to allow those stupid knights to ruin their plan again.
She smiled as she approached her son with a cup of hot chocolate, "How are you feeling, son? Isn't it too long without me?"
"Yes, of course." The young child sighed, taking the cup and blowing a little to cool the drink. "I'm learning lots of things, but it's not the same as if it were you." After all, this other woman was like a babysitter from his point of view, and he appreciated his real maternal fig better. But he knew his mother was busy, and she was doing her job surely for their well-being. "I wish you were with me more often..." He confessed, kissing his eyes.
"Don't worry, Clay." Ruina smiled. "I'll take care of you now. There's better things to do. She'll make sure our soldiers can complete their missions faster. Our master Monstrox will then be powerful again and we'll be able to take revenge on those knights and that mage Merlok... They've done Monstrox a lot of harm in the past, especially that magician..."
Clay nodded, trying to understand the situation. Ruina being his mother, he trusted her. "Is Y still going to take care of me?"
"Yes, of course." The witch seemed to acquiesce. "I won't always be available, and you need someone to protect you, my son." She ruffled his hair a little. "If you need something, someone will always be there. And if you think Y has a problem or is doing something wrong, just let me know." She said, as her scepter seemed to light up with lightning. She would protect her son if necessary. She wouldn't allow a stranger to go too far.
She had discovered this strange person through forbidden grimoires. If Y was there, it was simply to increase the power of their allies. Her master Monstrox needed to destroy these knights once and for all... And they were going to pay for every one of their plans. Thanks to this person's powers... They had a chance. Of course, the elemental dragon creature could be within anyone's reach. Create a spell and you could attempt to create a monster. Every magician and sorcerer can do it, even if the Council of Magicians is now defunct. Apart from Merlok, Monstrox, her and Clay... Who in Knightonia practices magic?
The fact that Y has such a mastery of monsters is something that can help them. And her powers are unknown, which is both surprising and dangerous, for them as well as for the knights. Blind trust was not an option, but she remained on guard, without warning Clay. Y would suspect something too quickly if her son was so talkative.
"Clay, you could show me what Y taught you." She said softly, to relax her son and keep him trusting her blindly. She'd already put a potion in his hot chocolate to keep his memory the way they needed it. Now that he was finished, they would have to move up a gear.
Morrington nodded and stood up to go outside with his mother. Thanks to the barrier, they could be sure that their actions would not be spotted. For example, if they threw a fireball into the sky. The barrier emits a mirage that hides the place. Outsiders can't see anything, and since it's rare for people to come to this place, no one can know about it. And if they did,...they'd be killed...
Clay demonstrated his mastery of fire, being able to conjure up flames without a wand or scepter or staff. It was something very rare. Not everyone, even at the council, could do it. Her son's magic was truly exceptional...
Y was currently heading for a village that had a lot of metal. It was a blacksmith's village too... Y sighed, as she had to put up with being with these stupid monsters...
"Just do your job and get it over with." She said as the monsters set to work.
She saw Fred and Pola coming towards her and could already feel the complaints coming.
"Hey oh! We want to talk to you!" Fred shouted, as he seemed upset. "Maybe you're an ally, but don't you dare think about giving us orders! We are the loyal servants of our master Monstrox! And not you! When we're done with our conquest, they'll get rid of you!"
"Yeah! You can laugh, but in the end... You'll have been nothing but a pawn!" Pola laughed mischievously and devilishly, but the monsters seemed to be the only ones with this "humor".
Y paid it no mind. She had better things to do than listen to these monsters, who were only generals in name, but in reality, just monsters she could destroy with one blow. Of course, she wouldn't do it because Ruina and Monstrox would be angry and that would create problems in the army. But there was no point answering, or giving a reaction, to people who weren't worth it.
"No matter how it ends. Get as much metal as you can for your master. We probably won't have much time if the knights spot us and arrive." She sighed, not liking the fuss much. If there was another fight, it could get boring. But at the same time, she could return to base, after she was sure they had what they wanted.
She watched as all the monsters began to rip and take all the metal they could. There weren't many of them yet, which was why she had to do the protective work. They needed metal to create the droids and allow Monstrox to bring them to life.
She crossed her arms and found a wooden step on which she could sit and rest. She closed her eyes, waiting for time to pass. Her ears were alert for the slightest noise, but so far, nothing.
She didn't deactivate her spell. They didn't need any trouble. Even if she suspected that, at some point, the knights would find out. Maybe this town had already notified the authorities. Magic and technology were quite mixed here.
"Knights! We have an emergency!" Merlok shouted, interrupting the training session. "The town of Ironville just rang red!"
The knights looked at each other and quickly went to the control room.
"What's going on?!" Macy asked.
"Monsters are attacking the city! You've got to get there fast!" Said Robin.
Everyone looked at each other, and they all knew what to do. This situation wouldn't let them rest. They were going to have to fight again.
When the knights arrived in their all-terrain vehicles, they saw chaos and mayhem. The monsters had already torn up a lot, and the little creatures were swarming everywhere.
Y opened her eyes and simply turned around, catching sight of the knights. Time to go, eh? She looked at Pola and Fred. "Take the metal back to base!"
The two generals nodded and shouted to all the monsters to gather up the metal and head back to base.
Y stood up, exposing herself to the knights.
"There you are. This time, you won't run away!" Macy picked up her mace and started running towards her to strike.
The young woman saw her coming, and raised an eyebrow. "I don't have time to fool around with you knights and...Princess." She smiled a little, as black smoke billowed from her hands and a fig appeared behind her.
"Watch out Macy!" Aaron shouted.
Macy looked up, gasping in surprise as a black dragon formed and looked down at her with red eyes. As her eyes saw the creature's maw pounce on her, Aaron ran and pushed his teammate with her to avoid the attack.
"Mmh... You were lucky..." Said Y, staring into the void. "But you won't stop us."
The dragon roared, as it looked at the two knights. The power caused by the dragon was very violent and gave the impression that a hurricane was brewing. Its presence gave off black smoke that seemed to hang around it. It was a good distraction while the monsters fled.
"Guys, stop the monsters, quick!" Aaron shouted. "Macy and I'll take care of the dragon!"
Lance and Axl looked at each other and nodded, quickly returning to their vehicles.
The young woman saw Lance and Axl go with their vehicles towards the monsters, "Stop them." She said to the creature.
The dragon looked at them and slammed its tail against a huge pillar, inevitably causing it to fall.
"Watch out, Lance!" Axl shouted.
Lance looked up and was able to stop himself just in time. The ancient pillar had turned into a dangerous landslide, blocking their path. They went straight around the rubble to avoid wasting time. They had to find another way.
Y looked in their direction and narrowed her gaze. The "convoy" was the most important thing. She looked at the dragon, who seemed to understand with a simple glance. It spread its huge wings and flew away.
"Uh-oh! We've got a problem!" Lance saw a shadow pass over them.
"How can it be so big? He must have eaten legs of ham!"
"I'm sure he's got you beat, Axl!" Lance scoffed. "He'd beat you in any eating contest!" He laughed.
Axl growled, "I won't let him!"
They saw the dragon land in front of them and roar in their direction.
"I think he wants a demonstration, Axl." Lance smiled.
Axl smiled too and unsheathed his axe, then charged at the creature. "CHARGE!!!"
"You won't get away this time!" Macy shouted.
Y looked at them, the princess and the green knight. She then smiled. "Really? But that's what's going to happen." She had to buy time, until Pola and Fred had left with the monsters.
Aaron smiled, pulling out his crossbow, "I think introductions are in order."
"So you say." The girl smiles back at him.
Next up :
Axl and Lance VS dragon
Aaron and Macy VS Y
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