The scorching burn from her intoxicating proximity, the frigid hurricane from her glacial distance. You've been a jumping jack firecracker, bouncing back and forth since we met almost two months ago. The smile you caused didn't disappear for a week after you stormed into the club shouting like a mad woman. I still chuckle at the scene when it replays in my mind.
I release a quick chuckle, leaving off a number so I can "figure it out." Priceless. I love a challenge, and I rose to the occasion. Finally having the ability to place a call for our brief coffee meeting.
Somehow, your type of crazy is just my style, but all this to and fro is not what I imagine for the foreseeable future. I crave stability, not you, in my life, once in a blue moon. However, you've kept me at arm's length for extended periods of time. Have I been friend-zoned?
Fuck! I thought we were in a good place when she brought me to the party at Axle's home, but she's been distant since then. That crazy shit happened with Eric, and now her friend Shelly passed away, and not a single word from her heavenly voice until four days ago.
I want to pursue her for the opportunity to preview what this can amount to. However, are my efforts useless? Is she even really interested? Or am I just someone to pass the time? We need to come to a conclusion. I need to figure out where I stand with her.
When I arrived at Jade's place, the building looked nice enough, with secure double doors and good lighting. It seems safe enough for a woman to live by herself. My fingers go to work announcing my arrival. My phone pings with an invitation to proceed to her apartment, as she's still not fully prepared for our date.
Walking up to the doors, she buzzes me in along with a text informing me of how to arrive at her door. Stopping at her apartment, I'm pleased to see the door has not been left ajar. It's insane to say this, but I'm already protective of her. There's just something about her that makes me want to ensure she's well protected and safe at all times.
Swinging the door open, she comes into view. Mouthwatering! Abso-fucking-lutely Mouthwatering! That's the only way to describe how she presents herself, sucking the breath from my very lungs. Black boots, curve-showcasing jeans, a fitted grey t-shirt, and a black leather jacket with silver zippers.
Fuck! What did I do to deserve such a beautiful woman to be interested in me?
"Hellooo Beautiful!" I can't help but smile like a goofy teenage boy.
Her cheeks redden as her head bobs to the floor, shyness in full effect. How can she be so unaware of her beauty?
She recalls I'm standing in the doorway, lifting her head to face me. "Where are my manners? Please come in." She sidesteps, swinging her hand to motion for me to enter. "I'll be done in less than 10 minutes."
"Sure, take your time, although I'm not sure you can improve on perfection."
Her feet stop dead in their tracks, gazing at me with a slight tilt to her head, and slim eyes in disbelief at my comment. Attempting to change the subject, she continues. "Make yourself comfortable. Do you want anything from the kitchen before I disappear?
"No, thank you. I'll be fine."
Without a word, she nods her head and disappears down a hall. I take a moment to take in her humble abode.
As soon as you enter, the kitchen opens up to the living room. The walls are painted light beige with white trim and dark wood floors. The kitchen, to the right, has stainless steel appliances, dark gray cabinetry, a tiled backsplash, and pendulum lights accompanied by white lampshades.
To the left is a hallway, which I can only imagine is the way to the restroom and bedroom.
The thought of the bedroom makes me twitch. Whoa! Down boy! This is our first "official" date. We have only hung out with others before and exchanged texts and phone calls. I don't want to rush anything with her. She has a quality about her that just captivates me. Shaking my head, I stroll into the living room.
The living room has colorful art that matches the decor hanging on the wall. The stylish blue area rug houses a circular coffee table before the light gray sectional. It is a beautiful apartment.
"Your place is nice!" I voice loud enough for it to carry down the hall.
A moment of silence hung in the air before she replied. "Um, yeah. Thank you. It, uh, was recently– redecorated."
Her hesitance to reply and stuttering gave an eerie notion. I decide to leave it be, as I really want tonight to go well. Taking a seat, I take a deep breath, releasing my anxiety into the universe. She's the first woman in a long time that has made me this nervous before our date.
Just as I place my head on the back of the sofa I hear the click of her boots on the hardwood floors, catching my attention. Peering up, she's alluring with her captivating smile.
"I'm done. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long."
"Definitely not! You are worth every second." I wink at her, taking in the beauty, that is Jade.
Her sheepish smile displays her perfect teeth, causing me to do the same. Man! She. Is. Beautiful. Rushing to grab her purse from the chair, I dart in front of her, attempting to open the door triggering her to jolt in place. My eyes widen. Why would she jump at such a gesture?
"Jade, are you okay?" Concern floated in the air.
"Um, yeah. Sorry, work has my anxiety on full alert."
"Work that bad?" My eyebrow lifts.
"Managing people can be quite stressful." Her eyebrows reach the ceiling.
Opening the door, we take our leave to begin our adventure.
"Where are we?" Jade's voice sounds with wonder.
Originally, I wanted to blindfold her, but she was unwilling to participate. The squeak in her voice told me she was highly uncomfortable with it. So we came to an agreement of her keeping her eyes closed until I told her to open them.
I have no choice but to chuckle at her impatience. "You'll see."
Exiting the car, I rush around, pulling her door, and extending a hand to escort her out as if she can view it. "My hand is in front of you."
Her lips stretch across her face. "Thank you." I find her soft, delicate hand assisting her out of the vehicle.
"So, are you really not going to tell me? We're here, right? Can I open my eyes now?" Her voice raises octaves higher.
Again, I relish in my response with laughter. "No, not yet. You're so impatient."
"This is scary. Okay." Only the right corner of her lips rises.
"I get it, Jade. I do. I had to learn to trust again, too. But you can trust me, Jade." She takes a massive deep breath, expelling it with her mouth in the shape of an "O." Her head slowly moves up and down before she says. "Okay."
I looped her arm around mine, securing her to my side. I open the doors, leading her inside. I motion to reception not to say anything yet.
"Okay, Jade. Open your eyes."
Opening her brown-colored eyes one after the other, her facial muscles twitch and pull as she realizes where we are. Her eyes widen far beyond their reach.
"Oh no, you're crazy. I'm not doing this." She begins to backtrack. I swoop my arms around her waist, triggering the freeze response. I immediately release her. "Jade, it's okay. You won't get hurt."
"This is crazy. I don't want to skydive."
Again, I laugh. "You're not technically skydiving. It's indoors, and we will have an instructor with us. We even go through a class. It's perfectly safe. I won't let anything happen to you, Jade. I promise." I attempt to reassure her.
Her stance eases. "People break promises every day." Her voice drifted off as if ashamed by her comment.
Ouch. She's clearly been burned badly. That's obvious. I guess she needs the reassurance to take a leap of faith.
"I don't break my promises. I'm a man of my word." I insist on my honor.
Her eyes blink at the speed of light. Taking a lung-filling breath, she nods her head. Her eyes slice, showcasing her uncertainty. "Okay, I'll try."
My lips tugged at her agreement. I gave the woman my information so that our reservation could begin. We got our gear and took the class. During class, I observed that Jade held onto her necklace, constantly fidgeting with it. Interesting.
We watch as those before us engage in indoor flight. I peek at Jade, wondering what she is thinking as her eyes seem fearful and her fidgeting worsens. I attempt to ease her worry.
"It's not as scary as it seems, and you see the instructor." I point to the additional person in the room. "They are in there with you the whole time."
"Have you done this before?" Her question is filled with curiosity.
"Yeah, I hope to go skydiving from an actual plane one day."
Her eyes widen to the size of 18-inch rims on a new street racing car. Chuckling seems to be the norm with her.
"Trust me, Jade. Once you feel the freedom of free falling, there is no comparison."
Her head moves swiftly back and forth, her hand reaching for her necklace again.
"Mr. Washington?"
"Yes." I raise my hand to inform them where we are seated. It's our turn to soar. I extend a hand for Jade, she places it with ease in mine, warming my heart, finally allowing me to guide her to our adventure.
I take the opportunity to go first. I'm strapped to the instructor. Hopefully, this will display there is nothing to worry about. We step in, and the wind begins to flow as we lift in the air. My veins pulse with adrenaline as I'm weightless in the tank.
Once we settle in the air, I find Jade. Her mouth agape, I smile giving her a thumbs up, attempting to reassure her all is good. Our time comes to an end, and I stroll out to her.
"Oh my god, Noah. That was insane." Her hands cover her mouth in sheer astonishment. Her head roams from side to side.
I grasp her hands in mine, placing a gentle kiss on them. "Are you ready?"
Her eyes dart to the tank, sealing shut. I can barely view her Adam's apple bob. She grapples with her necklace before she exhales her angst, opens her eyes, and replies, "Yes."
A smile consumes my face. She is willing to face this head-on, knowing I will be here every step of the way. "I'm proud of you, Jade."
Her eyes focus on mine as she displays her stretched lips, exposing her pearly whites to me. The instructor summons her, and I see her tiny, timid steps towards him. Her nerves spike as he straps her to him. For a moment, my rage flares, but I remind myself he is the instructor, nothing more. I guess I am just a bit jealous he gets to have her so close when I have been craving her nearness for months now.
They step in, beginning their flight. My heart lights up when I hear her scream in sheer excitement as she steadily floats in the air. She's so focused on the flight, she's unaware I've captured her in full release of her fears.
Her squeals of excitement and fear fuel my need to expose her to more she has never experienced. Their flight ends, and she beelines straight for me. "Noah, that was insanely over-exciting and terrifying all at the same time." She's out of breath.
My lips stretch from ear to ear. "I know. I love the feeling. It's so freeing and liberating." She nods her head in agreement, a smile never leaving her face. "Just wait until we actually go skydiving."
Her eyes widened so big you could see the white surrounding her iris'. "Don't worry, I'll save that for another date," I reassure her as we turn, making our way to relieve ourselves of our equipment and head to dinner.
I chose a Japanese and Hibachi restaurant for our first official date. Speaking on the phone, she disclosed wanting to explore more of the world. I have every intention of assisting her in her journey.
I reserved a private table with our personal hibachi cook. I wanted us to have the experience but also have privacy to talk.
"Are you okay with the restaurant choice?"
Her eyes find mine. "Yes! I can't wait to try anything not raw." She giggles, knowing they serve sushi.
"They have plenty of cooked food, but I would suggest maybe a tempura shrimp roll or maybe even an avocado roll to get the taste of what rolls taste like."
"I'm definitely willing to try."
Her willingness to push her limits of the unknown triggers yet another smile to emerge.
"Tell me something I don't know about you, Jade."
Her face scrunches, pondering for a moment before she divulges her information.
"My birthday is April 27." She takes a sip of water.
"There's no way." A Cheshire grin consumes my face.
"Yeah? Why?" Her eyes slice in curiosity.
"My birthday is April 23." Her head bounces back. "No way. Wow. We're almost birthday buddies."
"Yes, maybe this is a sign?"
"A sign of what?"
"We were meant to meet – for a reason." I take a sip of water, throwing her a wink.
The Hibachi cook arrives, and our entertainment begins. We enjoy the cook and his antics, flipping shrimp and chicken, and the ever-classic, beating heart. We exchange glances and enjoy the show when our other food arrives to be left to our own devices.
I garner the courage to inquire. "Jade, you leave me curious."
"Curious?" Her eyes exuded with puzzlement.
"About what?" Her head tilted just a bit to the side.
"Your necklace." My finger veers towards the heart pendant floating on her neck.
Her demeanor shifted from pleasant to frigid. Did I hit a nerve? She remained mute. I could not decipher if her silence was to contemplate a response or to indicate an unwillingness to respond. I decided to speak to break the tension my question had caused.
"Jade, it's okay. I don't require a response. Curiosity got the best of me. I've observed it's your go-to in moments of distress." I stated what I believe is obvious.
Her eyes widened the slightest touch. Her chest rose, and she exhaled through her nostrils, causing them to flare.
"It's not something to discuss on a first date." She waved her hand as if to fight it away from her. "Let's start a little lighter. I know you work as a manager at the club. What is your goal?"
"My goal?"
"Yeah. Is this management position a stepping stone to something else?" She took a spoonful of food in anticipation of my response.
"Yes, it is, actually. My dream is to own a chain of clubs worldwide."
"All over the world?" Her eyebrow lifted into space.
"Yeah. I want to travel and be able to walk into a club no matter where I go and say I own this." I couldn't hide my smile at the idea of my empire.
"Wow! That's a big dream." Her head nodded ever so slightly.
"It is. I will make it come true. My drive and ambition are like no other." My voice exuded confidence.
"That's some confidence you have there." She lifted her glass, raising it to me before she took a sip.
I chuckle, "What about you? What's your dream?"
She took a moment to ponder before she responded. "I'm going to be as honest as I can be." I nodded my head, acknowledging her statement.
"I've spent so much time just surviving that I haven't had the chance to think of my ultimate goal. My goal has always been to survive."
Curiosity flooded my mind. Did I even want to inquire about the innuendo behind her words? I do, but will she accommodate me with a response? I decide to take a shot. "Why have you been in survival mode?"
Her lips thin, eyes gloss over as she stares into thin air. "This isn't a topic for a first date." Her eyes shut, swallowing hard before she speaks again. "I will say this. I've had to survive on my own for years, and now I can finally breathe again." It's like she gets stuck on what to say.
"I have been surviving for so long, and now that I don't need to, I really don't know what to do." Her shoulders raise up and down.
I take her response for what it is and don't push any further. My head bobs in slow motion, deciding what to say next.
"Well," I raise my glass. Here's to having many more dates, and one day, maybe you'll feel comfortable enough to elaborate so I can fully understand."
She gives a subtle smile. We clink our glasses, and the tension begins to rise. The clatter of dishes clinking, glasses chiming, and "Ohs" and "Ahs" at the ongoing performance screamed in my ears when she decided to break the silence with the inevitable question that is asked on every first date.
"What about relationships?"
"What about them?" I felt it was my turn to be vague.
"Have you had any recently that I need to worry about?"
"Worry about?" What has this woman been put through?
"You know crazy ex-girlfriends that can't give you up that will show up at my door one day?" She laughed at the end. I guess this is the cue for me to tell her.
"No. No crazy ex-girlfriends. However, I do have someone in my life that does take up space in my heart and a lot of my time."
The smile disappeared from her face, eyes laser-focused on my next words.
"I have a three-month-old son."
"Three months old? What about the baby's mother?" Her voice oozed urgency.
"We are no longer together," I stated the facts.
"But your son is so young." Her eyebrows became one.
"He is."
"May I ask why you two broke up?" She sat still, awaiting my response.
"She cheated on me."
"I'm so sorry. That's never a good feeling." I could see the hurt in her eyes.
"No, it's not." I decide to turn the tables to get the attention off of me.
"Do you have an ex I need to worry about?
She took a deep breath, her eyes darted back and forth as if looking for words to capture and expel. "I've only ever been in one relationship years ago. He–" her voice drifted off, and her eyes glazed over. "He was murdered."
FUCK! I was not expecting that. Shit. How do you respond to something like this?
"I'm sorry, Jade. We don't have to talk about it." I waved my hand, feeling ashamed I had even asked.
She nodded her head. She shook it off, along with a deep breath.
Craving to switch the atmosphere, she asks the best question. "How about we get some dessert?
I puckered up. "Definitely! Have you ever had Fried Ice Cream?"
Her head twisted to its side. "Fried Ice Cream?"
"Yes, it's delicious, and judging by your response, you will not leave until you try some." I captured the server's attention and placed our order.
The rest of the night went well with laughter; she even leaned in and caressed my shoulder. For some reason, that was a huge step for us. It's clear that she has a dark past. How dark? I have no idea, but I intend to stick around to find out.
Arriving at her door, I waited for her cues to make my next move.
"Thank you for everything, Noah. It was truly a wonderful evening. I tried more new things tonight than I ever did in the past." She pauses as if she wants to express more.
The lump in her throat bobs before she speaks again. "Noah, I need to be honest with you. I really enjoyed your company, and I want to get to know you more, but–"
There goes the but. I could feel my insides slowly dying with her words.
"I NEED to take things slow. The fact that I even told you about my ex was huge for me. I've attempted dating in the past, and I've never felt as comfortable with someone as I do with you. So thank you for allowing me the grace to take my time."
Astonished, this went the other way; my lips met my ears. "Of course, Jade. Anything for you."
Our eyes locked. She said she needed to take things slowly, but she leaned in and planted her lips on mine. My blood pressure spiked at our connection. Her lips were so soft, plump, and juicy, like a pillow of silk down feathers.
Damn, how could her lips feel this good? The kiss is soft and intimate. I follow her lead. She pulls away with a gentle smile, keys in hand. When the hell did she get those out of her purse?
"Good night, Noah." She turns towards her door, unlocking it, vanishing behind the large rectangle of wood.
Shaking my head, I feel lighter than I have in a long time. I can't wait to see her again. I stroll down the hall, making my way home, a smile etched on my face when my phone rings.
The name on the caller ID shifts my mood, but I answer. "Hello."
Noah is head over heels for Jade.
Jade is willing to try. She spoke of Alex and not Dane.
Thoughts? Theories?
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😘😘See you Soon!!!💙💙💋💋
© 2023 Marie Terry
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