Chloe has been nonreactive, zombielike, crying herself to sleep, only to awaken to tears sprouting from swollen eyes. She shuffles about the house when finally garnering the courage to rise from the bed.
Sustenance has been nonexistent to her since Shelly's death. Now, her well-being has become my number one concern. She's displaying the same characteristics from when she returned from her kidnapping. However, this time around, the only godsend has been she hasn't avoided me at every turn. Essentially, it seems as if she's genuinely unaware of my presence.
For the second time, I'm at a loss for how to assist her through this disheartening grief. I'm unable to mimic what Shelly provided previously: a home-cooked meal, her favorite, by Cassie and her friends for company. Both Cassie and Shelly are gone. Amanda betrayed her, I don't trust Elijah, and then, there's Jade.
Could Jade be enough to haul her out of the pits of despair? Am I? "Fuck!" Slamming my fist on the wooden desk, feelings of uselessness fill my mind. It's like de ja vous all over again. She's slipping through my fingers, and I'm unaware of how to stop this slippery slope of depression she's fallen into.
It's imperative to attempt every possible solution to rectify Chloe's impending depression. I cannot allow her to fall back into what Shelly worked so hard to get her out of. I have to figure out a way to bring her back to life. To haul her back into my arms where she will have a sense of comfort and safety.
I perform the only action in my mind to deliver the desired results. Grasping my phone, I dial Jade's number in the hopes this will lead her back.
"Hi, Jade."
"Hey, Axle. Is everything okay?" Her concern flew through the receiver.
My eyelids seal shut. "No, It's anything but. She's not doing well at all. I'm at my wit's end. I'm unsure what to do at this point."
She huffed into the phone. "How can I help?"
I release a slow but loud breath. "Previously, Shelly had her mother make Chloe's favorite, and you all came over to support her. Unfortunately, that's not an option this time around. Maybe they can recreate the beef stew recipe if I hire a cook?"
"I don't think that will work, Axle. Even with your extraordinary intentions, I think it may remind her of Cassie's loss."
My heart aches for the woman I love. "I just feel– I feel like– I'm losing her all over again." My voice cracks as I spew the words.
Silence filled the air.
Jade breaks the unbearable mutism. "I'm not sure what we can do, Axle. I can come over and try to talk to her."
"At this point, I'm willing to attempt anything to release her from the grasp of despair, Jade. My quintessential desire is for her to become her lively self once more."
"I hear you, Axle. I want that, too. Let me see what I can conjure up."
My eyes sealed again in the hopes that this would thrust her back to life. "Okay. And Jade."
"Thank you. Thank you for being such an amazing friend to her. You're a lifesaver."
"Of course. That's what true friendship is for."
I swipe right, hanging up the phone. I rattle my brain for anything I surmise will assist in her recovery, hoping that whatever Jade and I have planned will catapult Chloe forward.
Over a week has passed, and her nonexistence is not something I'm willing to accept. Special moments together replay on an endless loop in my mind, hoping it will alleviate the pain. However, in the end, it triggers more anguish to surface.
Suffocating my pillow, I bury my face to muffle the sounds of agony that float in the air. I just began the process of moving forward after Cassie's demise, and now Shelly has joined her.
My only solace is in the knowledge of Shelly reuniting with her mother and how they both may have found my mother as well. I wish to join them in their nothingness.
A stabbing pain strikes my heart. "I wish you were here, Mama. I require your motherly touch more than ever." This whole experience has been nothing short of one heart-wrenching agony after another.
Another burst of liquid escapes my eyes, dampening the fluffy cloud beneath my face. I haven't been able to cease my blubbering since the god-awful news from Eric's phone call.
I couldn't fathom what transpired that night. The disgustingly heinous actions Maddy took as revenge on Shelly were incomprehensible. Bafflement occupied my mind, unable to perceive the psychotic logic behind her demented behavior. I heaved as the description of her torment was detailed. How could anyone marshal such malicious maneuvers?
The pain Shelly endured before her last breath, I can't conceptualize the enormity of how horrendous her final moments were. My bloodshot orbs slam shut as eruptions of liquid sprout from the corners of my eyes in endless flows of anguish, agitation, and resentment.
Anguish for the pain she suffered and how I would give anything to take on that anguish for her just to have her here with me.
Agitation for my mutism and not expressing to her to remain with me instead of rushing to Eric's side.
Resentment: I resent they ever had any relations. I resent the sensation of delight for them as a couple. I resent remaining in my apartment in bliss, packing my belongings to pursue a life without her. I should have halted her from literally walking into her death. I could have prevented this from happening if I hadn't been such a coward and spoke up on what I truly believed.
I'm lost in the process of joyfully progressing without her by my side. My very existence resembles an endless, vicious cycle of agony and torment. When will I garner true happiness, AND it remains within my grasp? Is this my destiny?
Grasping the fluffy rectangle below me, I embrace it even tighter as I liberate the excruciating pain radiating from my chest.
Soft whispers and delicate brushes along my cheek disrupt my unconsciousness.
"Chloe?" Axle's tender voice sings in my ear.
"Mmmm." His touch soothes my nerves as I take a deep breath, inhaling his entrancing scent.
"Jade is here to see you."
"No, I don't want to see anyone." I weave my head back into the pillow.
"Chloe, she came here to see you. The least you can do is make an appearance, even if it's just for five minutes."
"Noooooo!" Once my voice floated into the air, I became painfully aware of the bratty tone I took.
Axle remained still, noiselessness. He released a slow, lung-filled breath. "Choe, you can't just stay here in the darkness of night every day. You need to live."
His words permeate the darkest crevices of my mind. A sudden influx of a soft, tranquil voice infiltrates my mind.
"He's right, Chloe."
Shelly– her enchanting words ricocheted in my mind. She has always been my cornerstone.
In the lightest voice, one word escapes my lips. "Okay." My head moves up and down in reluctant agreeance.
"Here." Axle coils his formidable arms around my waist, assisting me out of bed. Placing a delicate kiss on my cheek. "It's good to see you upright again."
Subtle nods acknowledge his comment. I dress for company, heading down the staircase. Jade comes into view, patiently awaiting my arrival outside by the pool. Beyond her is a table with a magnificent display of welcoming food and drink—a pitcher of alcohol, junk food, and a stunning view.
Pausing before I approach her, I inhale, filling my lungs, respiring it in a slow, constant flow, steadying my nerves.
One firm step after another, I approach Jade, unsure how tonight will unfold.
Axle is at his wits end. Do you think he was right to reach out to Jade?
Chloe is falling back into old habits. Do you think she is going to fall down that rabbit hole again?
Thoughts? Theories?
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😘😘See you Soon!!!💙💙💋💋
© 2023 Marie Terry
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