Peering at the man in front of me. "What– what are you doing here?"
He resembles a schoolboy unable to formulate a single sentence. "I, um. I'm here to– I want to– make amends."
Utter shock! That's the emotion rolling through me, absolutely astonished that he is before me, let alone aware of where I reside. I'm rendered speechless.
Fumbling with his fingers. "I'm on step nine of recovery. I made a list of people whom I've harmed in my days of alcoholism. Now, it's time to make amends. Your mother--"
Anger bursts within me. "DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF HER!"
"I'm sorry, Butterfly. I didn't,"
"NO! You lost every right to call me that! She called me that! My mother did! That is a term only she was able to use." Red, red is all I see as he calls me the name my mother granted me.
"Chloe, I'm... I'm so sorry."
"You're sorry? You're sorry? Your apology is insubstantial. Did you really think in that provincial mind of yours that I could ever forgive you for what you did to us? To her! You're nothing but a monster. I saw you! I saw what you did! I saw what you did to her that day! You altered my life forever! You left me without a mother! I've had to live, I've had to endure everything alone because of you!" My finger jabs in his direction.
The recollection of that fateful day ,my part in it, resurfaces every ounce of agony I've felt since then. "I HATE YOU! I hate everything about you. I loathe the fact that I'm your spawn. I wish you never entered our lives and I was someone else's child."
My vile words struck a core. His cinnamon hues reddened and glazed. As awful as it sounds, satisfaction filtered through me.
"You don't deserve forgiveness from anyone, especially me. You can burn in hell for all I care. Because of you, she's gone. I can never get her back." Those utterances, out loud, wedged a knife in my heart, even more profound. My breathing raced to an excruciating pace. Axle gave me a light squeeze on my waist, informing me he was here for me.
Assembling the last bit of malice I bear for this monster, I spew my final words. "Now get the hell out of here and take that fucked up apology with you. Your presence is unwanted and forever shall be." I swing the door to shut, but his hand halts its process.
"Chloe, please, I've changed."
Before I could express another thought, Axle's voice booms from behind me. "She said to rot in hell."
I turned to face him, whispering, "Please, baby, I got this." My hand caressed his cheek, his head twisted to lay a soft kiss in my palm. His head bobbed up and down.
Returning my attention to the lump of flesh before me, I culminate our discussion. "You think you can come here and apologize for making my childhood miserable, and a simple "I'm sorry" will suffice? Leave! Get out of here and go jump off a fucking building and die for all I care!"
Taken aback by my response, his reddened eyes overflow with a single tear.
"I know for a fact if you were to cease to walk among the living, I wouldn't shed a fucking tear-- I'd fucking smile and spit on your grave." As I culminated my vicious words, even I was taken aback by the venom I spewed. Still rightfully so after what I had to endure because of him.
His back became visible, walking down the hall, shoulder slumped. Slamming the door behind him, I leaned on it, dumbfounded by his presence. Why now, when my life is finally getting on track? I detest him. I despise him so much they have yet to create words to describe what I feel for him. If I could, I would kill him myself and bring my mother back in his place. "UuuuuGGGHHHH!"
Axle envelopes me in his formidable grasp, placing a gentle kiss on the crown of my head. "It's okay, baby. You don't ever have to see him again."
In an attempt to assist me in my recovery, Jade grasps my hand. "Come on, let's go to the bedroom for a moment and see if we left anything behind."
Axle nods as Jade and I enter the hallway into the bedroom.
Once Chloe and Jade disappear, I make my way into the hallway to rendezvous with Mr. Knox. Rushing down the stairs, I reconnect with him in the lobby.
"Tony!" I snarl his name in discontent.
He halts his action, never turning to face me. I came into his view at his side.
"I thought we agreed, you would stay away from her?"
"She's my only daughter, Axle. I can't stay away."
"I don't give a fuck if she was the last person on earth. I gave you money to stay away from her."
"And I used that money to get better, and this is part of the process."
"After laying your hands on her as a child, you think a quick I'm sorry will make everything better for her. Do you have any idea what type of year she just had? Do you have an inkling of the life she has endured because of you? And now you show up out of nowhere throwing a kink in it!" It takes all my reserve not to unalive him.
I'm overloaded with rage. "Stay the fuck away from her, or you will have to deal with me!" I begin to storm off when his voice apprehends my actions.
"I won't." His voice was uncertain and weak.
"What?" Poison oozed from a single word.
"She's my daughter, Axle. And I'm her father." He allowed those words to flow while his eyes were fixated on the floor.
"Since when? When you beat her as a child, or when her mother fled to leave you because you were so abusive? When she rebelled and ran away only to be hit by life again! It takes much more to be a father than showing up and expecting her to call you dad. You are a fucking sperm donor! Nothing more." My finger extended mere centimeters from his nose itching to knock the life out of him.
"I won't give up. I've missed so much already. I want to make things right with her." Confidence exuded from his voice while his body went rigid.
"There's nothing you can do to make it right for her. Now get the fuck out of here and never come back." He remained still momentarily as if contemplating his following words when he made the correct decision to drag his feet out the door.
I stalked towards the door, ensuring he had disappeared around the corner. That Mother Fucker! The audacity of him to reappear after he agreed to stay away for compensation. Her life has been difficult enough without him lurking around, causing her more heartache. The nerve of this son of a bitch.
I'm aware I sought him out. It was only with the best intentions when I spotted him twice, watching Chloe outside her building. The blubbering drunk, he was and according to my source, he had been that way for years.
He even had the audacity to question me when I approached him. As soon as I mentioned money his eyes grew brighter. I knew it was the one thing he would take in exchange for Chloe's peace of mind.
Now he reemerges claiming sobriety? I scoff at the notion. Chloe's reaction is proof my actions were warranted. While I pace the lobby in an attempt to calm my nerves, the delivery guy shows up. After a few long, slow breaths, I graciously accepted the food and headed back upstairs.
Entering the barren apartment, Chloe questions me as soon as I arrive.
"Where did you go?"
In a quick movement, I lift the bag to show I retrieved our nourishment.
"You know you could have just buzzed him in."
"I attempted that while you were in the room with Jade. For some reason, it didn't work." Guilt waves over me as i speak the words.
"Weird. I didn't hear the bell ring at all."
I plant a kiss on her lips in a meager attempt to cover my tracks. "Whatever you ordered smells divine. Let's dig in."
Laying out the food, Chloe grabs the paper plates to distribute the contents. I can't help but realize there are no lengths I wouldn't go to protect her from harm—any harm, mental, physical, or emotional.
She. Is. My. World.
There is no other way to state the obvious. I wouldn't be able to survive in a world without her. Her pain is my pain, and I'll do everything in my power to keep that abusive son of a bitch away from her and cause her any more agony.
She's been through ENOUGH in her life, and his reappearance will just cause her more anguish. I won't have it. He'll stay away from her if it's the last thing I do. I'll ensure it.
Observing her right now, lips tugged tight, squeals ringing in my ear along with Jade, this-- this is what her life will be filled with. She deserves this type of joyousness every day for the rest of her life, and I'll be the man who causes that to come to fruition.
I love her beyond what words or actions could ever express. Creating a permanent beaming grin on her beguiling face is my mission. She'll have to chisel that Cheshire smile from her face to remove it.
I give a slight chuckle at my words.
"What has you laughing over there, Axle?" Jade shovels a forkful of Chicken Meifun into her mouth.
Shaking my head, I can't help but reply. "Just watching you two act a fool with food hanging out of your mouths."
Chloe's eyes bulged out of her head. She grasped a pillow and flung it straight for my face. I catch the pillow mid-air, placing it on the side, rising to full height. I take one stride towards Chloe, lifting her face with my forefinger.
"Nice try, Luscious." I peck her lips, craving to devour her. Unfortunately, I'm painfully aware we have company and more on the way when her phone rings.
Her head bobs back when she peers at the screen.
"Eric?" Jade and I say in unison.
"Yeah." Swiping left, Chloe answers the phone.
What do you think will happen next?
What about Axle knowing Chloe's father?
Thoughts? Theories?
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© 2023 Marie Terry
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