twenty three
{Splitting up}
Under the soft glow of the light, Jimin leant himself against the front counter of the tattoo parlour. He twirled the pen in-between his fingers before he fumbled the rotation, flicking it back around as he placed the tip to the paper once again and began to sketch out a tattoo request. Every so often he would nibble at the end of his pen, and Yoongi who was seated on the consultation couch couldn't help but snicker from afar.
Running his hand through his faded orange hair, Jimin let out a drastic sigh, slamming his pen down against his sketchpad in defeat. Yoongi rose a brow, "Can't focus?"
With his hair falling messily over his eyes, Jimin let out a grunt as he pushed himself away from the front counter, "Not one bit." He confessed, walking over to the couch as he took a seat beside Yoongi. "We're on the run, but we've still gotta work to keep ourselves together."
Twisting his lips, Yoongi let out a breath, "You're right, its troublesome enough knowing that we're all split up now... we don't have any way of knowing what the others are up to unless Hoseok contacts us directly."
Jimin frowned, "Taehyung and Jungkook are staying just outside the city, so hopefully they'll be alright. Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok have gone to go check out District Unknown-"
"- And we're left with the boring stuff." Yoongi chuckled deeply, "No missions, tasks or assignments." He crossed his arms over his chest, "I haven't had this much free time in all eight years of working with Bangtan."
"I forgot you've been with the gang for so long." Jimin said, leaning back against the couch, "I've only been around for the last four years."
Yoongi shrugged, "Different circumstances."
From outside the front window of the store, the soft greys of the sky opened up to rain. Slowly and steadily, Jimin and Yoongi watched from their position on the couch as rain began to speckle against the pavement, creating a sheen of water against the surface. It soon formed small puddles, the neon sign of the tattoo parlour reflecting its colourful glow against the water.
The temperature began to fall with the rain, Jimin feeling his arms begin to shudder as the cold began to nip at his skin. So standing, Jimin made his way back behind the front counter to fetch his bag, unzipping it and pulling his hoodie over his head. As he was finishing accessorising by slipping a beanie loosely on his head, he let out a sigh, "This is so lame." he groaned, making his way back over to the couch to take a seat beside Yoongi once again, "I can't believe we, the Bangtan boys have been kicked to the curb."
Yoongi let out a huff, "They're seriously underestimating us... we ain't some average gang."
"Still, they've won this round."
"I hate this." Yoongi spoke up, his eyes cast out the front window as he watched the rain roll down the glass, "Once you let motherfuckers slide, they start thinking they can ice-skate." He scoffed, gaze transferring over to Jimin. Yoongi's stare was harsh, his eyes sharp and serious, "I guarantee they're gonna try to mess with us before the banquet."
Jimin furrowed his brows, "But they said that they wouldn't contact us about the money before the banquet?"
"And I'll hold them to their word for that... but..." Yoongi let out a breath, "The Jeons love opportunity. Now that we're vulnerable they could pick any reason why they hate us and act on it. As long as it's not to do with the money and the banquet."
Jimin ran a hand through his hair, "Maybe... but for now, we should just focus on one thing at a time." He gave a small smile, turning to face Yoongi, "Take this as an opportunity Yoon... you can loosen up a bit!" He suggested. It wasn't very often Yoongi had a free day, and now that he had a full two months to himself, Jimin couldn't help but think that all of this worrying was just Yoongi being... well... Yoongi.
From the pocket of his jeans, Jimin's phone began to ring. He was quick to pull his gaze away from Yoongi as he slipped out his phone, smiling and biting down against his lower lip once he read the name.
Yoongi gave an eye roll, "Is it a new guy?"
"Nope!" Jimin chirped, standing up from the couch as he waved his phone in his hand, "I've finally had a guy stick with me for over a month!" he chuckled, making his way into the back room, "You should try loosening up! Dating for example." Jimin winked, disappearing into his studio to take the call.
From the front room, Yoongi's eyes turned back to the rain outside,
"I don't date, Jimin."
"It's raining" Taehyung pointed out, outstretching his fingers as small droplets of water ran over his heated skin. Walking in perfect stride alongside him was Jungkook, pulling his hoodie over his head to protect himself from the rainfall. Taehyung on the other hand didn't seem too bothered by it, letting his frizzy blue hair matt into something darker as the water collected against it.
Car headlights began to flicker on, blinding the pair every so often as they walked down the street, the grey sky transforming late noon into an almost night time setting.
Jungkook pulled his backpack to his chest as he protected it from the rain, "Two nights... only two nights I spent in the mansion and I'm already moving back."
Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle, running a hand through his completely soaked hair, "I seriously can't wait to see where you live." He grinned, the rain now rolling down his face, "The mansion is cool and all, but I've always wanted a smaller place." He shrugged.
Raising a brow, Jungkook cast his gaze to the male beside him, "Did you grow up in a mansion too or something?"
"Yep." Taehyung chirped, and Jungkook found his expression softening when he noticed how pained the smile on Taehyung's face appeared to be. This man was obviously from a well off family- but to suddenly live alone at sixteen? Something must've ruptured his perfect life.
After a few more minutes of walking, the pair finally made it to the rundown apartment complex. They climbed the old metal stairs, making it to the second story as Jungkook fished for his keys, pulling them out from his pocket and slipping them in the door. He twisted the handle and opened it up, "This is it." He spoke unenthusiastically. Taehyung on the other hand was probably more excited then he should've been.
Taehyung went to take a step inside before Jungkook's eyes went horrifyingly wide, "Wait!" He exclaimed, placing a flat hand against Taehyung's chest as he lightly pushed him further out into the hall. "My floorboards get super gross if a lot of water spills on them." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "We can't go in like this." He muttered.
Watching Jungkook reach for the hem of his hoodie, Taehyung lost his breath the moment Jungkook pulled his clothing over his head. As Jungkook cast his soaked hoodie to the ground, Taehyung chocked on his own saliva, "I'm not undressing out here!"
Jungkook paused for a moment, locking eyes with a flustered Taehyung before he broke out into a fit of laughter. Taehyung simply gaped as Jungkook smiled, "I'm just taking my jumper off so I can run inside and get us some towels whilst limiting the damage." He confessed.
"Warn me next time would you." Taehyung sneered, turning his gaze away. But he didn't fail to let his eyes momentarily wander back to Jungkook's exposed chest. Water ran down his tanned skin, his freshly inked flower tattoo curving along with the rest of his torso. His waist was so slim, yet his muscles were so defined.
Jungkook was quick to make his way inside, grabbing a couple of towels before heading back out the front door. He made his way over to the now shivering Taehyung, placing the towel over the male's head as he began to dry Taehyung's hair, "For some reason I don't trust you to dry yourself off properly." Jungkook chuckled, thinking about how goofy Taehyung could be sometimes.
Taehyung just rolled his eyes, snatching the towel out from Jungkook's hands, "Give me that." He scoffed, drying his own hair whilst Jungkook did the same.
It didn't take long for them both to finally head on inside, both of them relaxing as the heater warmed them. Jungkook threw a dry hoodie over his head, handing Taehyung a stack of his own clothing before gesturing down the hall, "You can take a shower first, second door on the right." He said, ushering his hyung down the hall.
Once Taehyung had disappeared into the bathroom, Jungkook ruffled his hair,
"I guess I should let Hoseok know we made it back."
{Author Note}
A BIGGGGGG Happy Birthday to our favourite producer Min Yoongi! I can't believe it's his birthday again so soon, wishing him all the best for the year ahead!
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