twenty five
{skill set}
Despite the awkward atmosphere between Sofia and the rest of the group, Bangtan followed the girls back to their base. It wasn't a long walk, but due to lack of sleep Hoseok was practically dragging his feet over the rain-washed sidewalk as they made their way through the city streets.
Leading the small group was Daisy, the lively curls of her chestnut hair bouncing as she walked. Hoseok found himself staring for far too long, because in no time they had made it to the base of District Unknown.
As Daisy dragged her feet to a stop, a bright smile worked its way across her lips as she made a grand gesture towards the place in front of her, "Here we are!" she sung, earning a chorus of confused expressions from Bangtan.
Seokjin couldn't help but raise a brow as he eyed the place up and down. It was far from the glory of the Bangtan mansion... was it even liveable?
Standing tall was a three story apartment building, lodged between two other run down apartment units. Seokjin wouldn't have been too concerned if it wasn't for the fact that this apartment building was clearly abandoned. Some windows were cracked and dusted over whilst the wooden door at the front was rusting from its hinges. He couldn't help but let his face crinkle, "This... is it?"
From behind, Zyla stepped forwards, brushing her lengthy purple hair from her shoulders as she made her way up to the front door, "Stop being such pussies," she chuckled, gesturing for them to follow, "It's way better on the inside."
There was a moment of hesitation before Hoseok stepped forwards, "Well, as long as I can plug my monitors in somewhere." He shrugged, pushing past Namjoon and Seokjin as he made his way to the front door.
Zyla proceeded to twist the handle, swinging open the door to the rundown apartment building. Hoseok waited outside until the light switch was turned on before he stepped inside, eyes growing wide at the space. "Holy shit this is awesome!" he exclaimed.
Peaking his interest, Seokjin then made his way up to the front door alongside Namjoon, Sofia and Daisy. He was quick to step inside, warmth eloping him as Daisy shut the door behind them.
It was safe to say Bangtan was at a loss for words with how deceiving this place appeared from the outside. This was definitely not some crummy old apartment building. This was a masterpiece.
Hoseok's eyes sparkled as he trailed the spiral staircase up the centre of the building. He could look straight up to see each and every floor with ease. It had been turned into an open living space, the top story supporting the offices, the middle story the bedrooms and the lower story had been cleared out into the living space.
As he walked forwards, his shoes echoed over the tiled floors, the sound silencing when he stepped onto the fluffy white rug. The lounges were colourful, bright beanbags tossed here and there for more comfort.
It was quite girly to say the least.
Letting out a drastic sigh Daisy collapsed into one of the beanbags, her small form sinking into it. She cast her gaze to the three males from Bangtan before letting out a chuckle at how much they now resembled lost puppies, sheepishly looking around the lower story of the base. Rolling her eyes, she gestured towards the lounges, "Take a seat." She smiled, "Don't be shy, our home is your home."
Namjoon and Seokjin were quick to sit down heavily on one of the lounges, practically falling into it with ease. On the other sofa sat Zyla and Sofia and lastly, Hoseok sunk himself into a beanbag alongside Daisy, his limbs falling weak as he finally got the chance to relax. But even though the group was out of trouble for now... it didn't mean they could suddenly let their guards down.
With his usually neat hair falling messily over his tired eyes, Seokjin eyed Namjoon out from the corner of his vision. The leader sat with his legs crossed and fingers intertwined over one knee. He leaned forwards as he turned his attention to the girl in the beanbag, "So... is it just the three of you?"
"Nope, there's one more." Daisy simpered, "She's out on patrol right now just incase the Jeons catch onto us." She paused before she continued, "There's no telling how much trouble our gang would be in if the Jeons found us, just thinking about it makes my neck shiver."
From beside the girl, Hoseok watched as Daisy adjusted herself on the beanbag. She was tense. Her smile was taut and there was a slight tremor in her cheek. When her gaze turned to Hoseok, the male couldn't help but see the fear in those deep green eyes of hers. Hoseok swallowed thickly, "So then why risk this much for a bit of revenge?"
"Because we're sick of running," Sofia piped up from the lounge, "and I'm sure as hell you guys aren't the kinds of people who would run from a fight."
Hoseok chuckled, "You've got that right."
It was melodic, Hoseok's laughter was enough to help Daisy loosen up a little as she spoke once again, "So we need a plan for this stupid banquet, a plan so crazy that no one will be able to forget the way Bangtan and District Unknown took down the Jeon boss." She announced, slamming a fist against the palm of her hand as she spoke her thoughts, "Something big, and extravagant and-"
"-We'll get to the extravagant part in no time, trust me." Hoseok interrupted, a sheepish smile working its way across his lips, "First we've just gotta think of the basics." Raising his hand out in front of him, Hoseok began to count on his fingers, "Who's going, where everyone will be positioned, and what their tasks will be."
"Simple... I like it." Daisy grinned, causing Hoseok to unconsciously fluster.
There was a sudden pause between the group, so Seokjin decided to speak up next to keep the conversation flowing, "So, what are you guys specialised in?"
Daisy gestured towards herself, "I'm the current leader, I'm pretty good when it comes to information, finances, planning and all that." She blurted out casually.
From the lounge, Zyla leant forwards, "I'm good with computers, but I prefer field work." She placed a hand against her chest as she straightened herself up, "Close combat is my thing."
The boy's eyes then flickered over to Sofia, the girl rubbing a hand against the back of her neck, "Spy, as you're all painfully aware."
"We've also got a sharp shooter. Her name's Bea." Daisy added, finishing up her group's little introductions.
Leaning back against the lounge, Namjoon's lips twisted as he sunk into thought, "I don't know how well we can all work together on this, the Jeons are a powerhouse." He spoke, reminding everyone of the painful truth. He then let out a sigh, "But we've got a chance."
"Even if there's a slim chance, we'll take it." Daisy said, her eyes flickering over to Hoseok's, "It's not like you guys have much of a choice either."
She was right. From now on, Bangtan was on the Jeon wanted list, they didn't have a choice of how they wanted to play the game anymore, it was almost as if the Jeons were now able to predict every card they pulled from their deck. They could only find reassurance in this new gang they had aligned themselves with. A gang that was willing to risk everything for a slim chance of freedom.
That's when a thought crossed Hoseok's mind, "But I'm curious." He paused before he continued, "We've never really seen you at the banquet?"
Zyla crossed one leg over the other, "We stopped going five years ago... it's not like we really needed the connections anyway." She shrugged, "I'm surprised a secretive gang like you still attends."
Running a hand through his tousled hair, Seokjin drew in a breath, "We go to gather intel on the movements of other gangs, we kinda just blend into the background." He explained, "Only Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi ever go. The rest of us keep our cover for obvious reasons."
"No wonder the Jeons couldn't find Hoseok." Sofia added.
From the beanbag, Daisy was quick to push herself out of her seat, stumbling to her feet as she brushed herself off. The others watched and waited as the curly haired girl quickly dashed out from the room, the sounds of shuffling and rattling sounding from down the hall before the girl re-emerged again. Daisy walked proudly down the hallway, her hands latched firmly onto a giant whiteboard as she wheeled it over the tiled floor and into the living room.
She stopped the board in front of the group, snatching one of the whiteboard markers from the side before tearing off the lid and placing the tip of the marker to the plastic as she began to write.
Hoseok had to slap a hand over his mouth as he began to snicker, "Seriously?"
Lower lip sticking out into a pout, Daisy paused as she turned her head over her shoulder, "Seriously what?"
"You're plotting the downfall of a dangerous gang with colourful markers?"
With a dark expression, Daisy looked down over Hoseok's form, "Do you have a problem with my way of doing things?"
The male swallowed thickly as he noticed just how scary Daisy could be, "Nope... continue."
Daisy turned back to the whiteboard, finishing off the title before clipping the lid back on the marker. "Alright," she announced, moving aside so the rest of the group could read her bright text. Crossing her arms firmly over her chest, a smirk found its way to her lips,
"Let the planning commence."
{Author Note}
A lot of double updates will be coming your way seeing as I've pre-written sooooooo much of this book already. I've got so many chapters written in my drafts that I just want to hurry up and get them out into the open!
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