thirty nine
{The Task of a Lure}
Trotting his way down the staircase, Seokjin blinked a few times as he adjusted to the newly found light of day. He carried a stack of documents in his arms, swinging around into the living room as he let out a yawn. But then he paused. Droopy eyes growing wide at the sight before him.
Wrapped up in a warm embrace, Daisy lay by Hoseok's side, the both of them cuddled up against the living room couch. The soft rays of the morning light caused the tuffs of their tousled hair to glow a brilliant gold as their breaths came soft and steady.
Seokjin had to rub at his eyes a couple of times to make sure he wasn't dreaming, "I did not see that coming..." he muttered, adjusting his hold on the documents as he crept further into the living room.
The curtains added an orange glow to the morning light. Seokjin breathed in deeply, reaching out to the fabric, noticing how up close the light poured through every open space between the fibres. The material was warm beneath his fingers and when the sun flooded into the room he felt the golden rays soak into his skin.
From the lounge, Daisy and Hoseok began to stir, still hugging each other close. Seokjin found himself giving a soft smile at the pair before making his way into the kitchen, flicking on the kettle to boil as he leant himself up against the kitchen bench, licking his thumb as he began to go through his documents.
He flicked through each one, scanning the reports before he heard the kettle switch off, quickly grabbing out a mug as he began to brew himself a coffee.
Right on time, Namjoon shuffled his way into the kitchen, greeting Seokjin with a crooked smile as he weakly ran his hand through his tousled bed hair, "You're up early." Namjoon muttered, voice slightly husky.
"Well so are you~" Seokjin smiled, moving aside as Namjoon also began to brew a coffee.
"Couldn't sleep."
Seokjin frowned, "Thinking about the banquet still?"
Namjoon sighed, "I can't help it." he muttered, tapping his spoon against the side of his mug before bringing it up to his mouth. The steam tickled at his nose as he drunk the hot liquid, wiping at his lips as he placed the mug down against the bench. His gaze flickered down to where he placed his drink, eyes narrowing once he noticed the pile of documents stacked on the bench. He rose a brow as he picked up one of the pages, "What's this?"
Seokjin stood by his side, "Monthly income reports."
Namjoon picked up the stack of papers as he began to go through them, "Are all the businesses still up and running?"
"Yep." Seokjin replied, taking a sip at his own coffee, "Our income has declined a little over the past few weeks-"
"-Understandable." Namjoon cut in.
"But overall, we're still pretty stable." He finished, not too troubled by their small losses for the month. It was obviously a result of the tattoo parlour, after all, Taehyung hadn't been working and Jimin and Yoongi had been opening at irregular times due to random training sessions and safety concerns. Only regular clients were being accepted in order to limit their risks of exposure.
Seokjin ran a hand through his hair, "I'm heading out today on business again."
Namjoon frowned, "You look pretty worn out."
Giving a small smile, Seokjin shook his head, "No need to worry, I'm one of the only members still undercover... running the businesses is the least I can do."
Namjoon's eyes flickered up to meet with his as he gave a warm smile, "Thank you."
Seokjin waved him off, "You're welcome." The male snatched his coat as he made his way to the front, opening up the door before he paused in his tracks. He turned back to call out to Namjoon, "I almost forgot! Tell Yoongi and Jimin I can come in to help at the tattoo parlour one day next week!"
Namjoon parted his lips to speak, but wasn't able to say a word before Seokjin slammed the front door shut. He let out a sigh, "Sure thing..." he muttered to no one but himself.
Grabbing his coffee off the bench, Namjoon made his way slowly into the living room, not surprised to see that both Hoseok and Daisy were now awake, sleepily rubbing their eyes as they both let out a yawn. Namjoon had expected them to both fluster at the fact that they'd slept together, finding it rather odd when they just acted natural.
Maybe they were just that comfortable with each other?
Hoseok's eyes darted over to the leader, "Oh," he straightened himself up, "Morning Joon."
Namjoon placed his mug down against the living room table, taking a seat on the opposite lounge, "Morning Hoseok," his eyes shifted, "Daisy."
She smiled back, "Morning~" she breathed, combing her fingers through her hair as she tamed her mess of springy curls.
Namjoon let out a breath before he leaned back against the lounge, making himself comfortable, "You feeling better?"
Daisy paused, lowering her hands to her lap, "You could say that." she sighed, "My fears aren't gonna leave me, but I'm more then ready to discuss your concerns now." She confessed, earning a frown from the male seated beside her.
Namjoon clasped his hands together, "Right then, lets talk about this now." He spoke, gesturing towards the whiteboard still standing in the middle of the living room. Some of the colourful words had faded, but they still had a rough idea of the plan regardless.
Daisy sucked in a deep breath, balling her fists as she stood up confidently from the lounge, "I'm totally ready to bust in some balls, lets finish this plan today!" She exclaimed, earning a wide eyed stare from Hoseok,
"You alright Daisy-"
"Chipper." She replied with a crooked grin, marching her way over to the whiteboard as she picked up a marker, ripping off the lid. She appeared confident, but on the inside she felt herself slowly falling apart with dread... under five weeks... just under five weeks to make this work.
She let out a breath, composing herself as she placed the pen to the board, "So I take it you're worried about how we're gonna sneak Yoongi up above the stage," She turned to face Namjoon with a raised brow, "Correct?"
He gave a nod, taking a sip at his still steaming cup of coffee, "Correct."
From the other lounge, Hoseok frowned, rubbing a hand against his chin in thought, "Usually there are two or three guards by each entrance to the stage." He crossed one leg over the other as his eyes lifted, "It's not too many, but they're always radioed in to the others, so we can't be spotted and we can't take them down..."
The sound of the front door slamming open caused the trio to flinch, eyes darting over to the entrance of the base. With the light shining behind her, a new girl strolled her way inside, clad in a tight pencil skirt and an awfully familiar cafe shirt. Her mousy hair was tied into a messy pony tail, but she was quick to pull out the elastic band, letting it rest on her shoulders.
The girl shut the door behind her, "The answer's simple really." she uttered
Daisy took a step away from the board, "Bea?"
Bea didn't say another word, simply tossing her coat aside as she strut her way up to the whiteboard. She took a marker into her hands, pulling the lid off with her teeth as she began to mark out a few places on the board. And then, with all eyes on her, she paused, turning to face the group with a knowing smirk,
"You've got an incredible lure, right?"
Jungkook opened his eyes to the dimly lit room, though it was daytime no-one had opened the thick curtains. With the movement of one leg the tell-tale clink of wine bottles roused him...
Ahhh, that's right... he was drinking last night.
The aching in his skull ebbed and flowed like a cold tide, yet the pain was always there. He understood why they called it a hangover, for it felt as if the blackest of clouds was over his head with no intention of clearing until late afternoon.
Jungkook regretted drinking last night... but all he wanted to do was swallow up the fear of his upcoming task. He had received the news about the invite, and it dawned on him that all of this was real. That after five years he would have to face his father again, talk to his father again, be met with that murderous gaze of his. Just the thought sent shivers down his spine and he could no longer tell if the nausea was from his hangover or his fear.
Sitting up a little, Jungkook wrapped himself in the duvet, waves of nausea adding to his misery. His phone pinged with message after message, none of them from Taehyung; his was a special ring. His brain felt like it would swell beyond the capacity of his skull and now his dehydration was too obvious to ignore.
Perhaps some painkillers would help?
He raised his heavy eyelids halfway only for them to fall shut. He raised them again and swung his bare feet to the carpet. It was cold, and he could already feel himself feeling disorientated as he reached for his phone, taking it into his hands as he retreated back into the mound of blankets in his bed. He noticed Taehyung wasn't beside him, so he sat on the centre of the mattress as he turned on his phone. The screen caused him to groan as his headache throbbed, but he managed to read the message none the less.
His eyes widened, "The plan is finalised...?"
His gaze then snapped over to the doorframe when Taehyung shuffled into the room, a glass of water and some painkillers in his hand as he gave Jungkook a look of remorse, "You're finally awake..."
Jungkook scrunched his hair in his hand, "What happened last night?"
Taehyung heaved a sigh, handing Jungkook the glass of water and tablets before taking a seat on the bed, "We got the message about the invite for the banquet... your mood went south and you reached for your stash of alcohol." Taehyung rubbed at his brows as he groaned, "I tried to get you to stop, but you kinda just shut yourself in your room and moped about it."
Jungkook watched as Taehyung's expression faltered, and he couldn't help but shrink more into the duvet, "Sorry..."
"Don't be." Taehyung cut in, moving some of the blankets aside, as he joined Jungkook, "It's understandable... you have to see your father again." Taehyung leaned his head against Jungkook's shoulder, "I'd be panicked as well."
Jungkook pursed his lips, "I promise I'll be fine by the banquet."
Taehyung chuckled, "I'm sure you will be."
"Speaking of the banquet..." Jungkook held out his phone, "The plan is finalised."
Taehyung's eyes shot open as he snatched the phone from Jungkook's hand, "Seriously!?"
Jungkook gave a nod as he leaned back on his hand, "Hoseok, Daisy and I will stay within sight of my father... his attention will be focused on us for sure."
Taehyung gave a cocky laugh, "Of course it would be... The leader of District Unknown, the son of the boss man and Hoseok their main target all together will have anyone distracted."
Reaching over, Jungkook scrolled down on the message, "Jimin and Sofia will keep a look out whilst you and Yoongi focus on getting to the stage." Jungkook drew in a breath as he rubbed at his head, "Your job as lure is to take the guards eyes off the stage entrance whilst Yoongi sneaks up." Jungkook smirked, "Then, 'BAM!' my father gets a bullet to the head."
Taehyung paused as he thought about it. He had to distract at least two men long enough for Yoongi to sneak past, it sounded quite simple to be honest.
He grinned,
"You can count me in for this plan."
{Author Note}
Don't worry dudes! Yoongi and Jimin are reappearing next chapter ahaha x
Ps, Are you all enjoying BANGBANGCON? I've tuned in for about an hour on both days. To be honest, watching a whole concert is too much for me, I've already watched the performances from all their concerts a while back so I'm not missing much, but I kept my army bomb connected! x
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