sixty two
{a sister, a lover}
Laying across the back seat of the van, Yoongi quickly sat up when Jimin's unsteady voice sounded through the phone. His usually stern expression softened into one of both worry and concern as his ear pressed against the glass just to hear Jimin all the more clear... but most of all, as an act of comfort in his absence.
"Is everything okay...?" His voice was slow and sweet, one of reassurance as he listened to Jimin's heavy breaths on the other end of the line.
Namjoon and Seokjin had both twisted in their seats, sending curious glances in Yoongi's direction. So the blonde paused, lifting his gaze to the pair and momentarily pulling the phone away from his ear, "It's Jimin." he mouthed, earning a raised brow from Namjoon as Yoongi once again brought the phone to his ear.
With patience, Yoongi waited until Jimin's unsteady voice sounded through the device, "Yoongi~" He spoke, heaving a sigh, "Thank God."
Even though he couldn't see Jimin, he could feel the male visibly relax. And like a chain reaction, Yoongi laid himself back down across the back seat of the van, feeling comforted knowing that Jimin could speak. "What's happening?" He asked, pursing his lips as his eyes remained glued to the roof of the car, "I can tell something's up..."
There was a short pause from Jimin, a moment where another slow breath sounded from across the line until the male spoke up once more, "I don't know where I am... I mean, I'm at Delgracy hall but there's an entirely new floor off the grid."
Yoongi's eyes grew wide, his slightly opened lips almost cursing up a storm... but he bit back his tongue. He had to remain calm right now, he couldn't stress Jimin out more then he already was, "Did you get lost or something!? How-"
"Yoongi I was pushed into some stupid room!" Jimin exclaimed, "I'm unharmed, but the others... I can't reach them and they don't know!"
"Shit." Yoongi clicked his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he lowered the phone from his ear, turning back to face the pair in the front seat, "Something's wrong." his words came out softer then he thought they would, so with a hard stare he spoke up once more, "Something's really wrong!"
Namjoon's expression fell into something unreadable, an expression Yoongi had never seen come from his leader.
As Yoongi brought the phone back to his ear, Seokjin placed a hand of comfort against Namjoon's shoulder, "Lets try and reach Hoseok."
Hoseok could feel the cold begin to prick at his skin, his left cheek laying firmly in the dust that coated the concrete floor. Squinting a little, he shifted his gaze weakly to the ceiling, the light illuminating the dust that swirled about in the air. He had been knocked out cold, and maybe if he got up he could find out where he was. But then realisation hit him. Even if he could find out where he was, even if he could tell the exact location it would be of no use if he couldn't reach the others.
Gritting his teeth, Hoseok placed his hands firmly against the concrete floor, pushing off the ground and lifting his gaze. He couldn't help but squint his eyes as his head began to throb, sitting up as he rose a hand to his head. He touched the side, fingers flinching away as he let out a pained hiss, "What did they-" he brought his fingers in front of his strained eyes, "Oh..." he breathed, noticing the crusty blood that had rubbed off on his fingertips.
God he was going to have one splitting headache in the morning.
Blinking a couple of times, Hoseok managed to stand to his feet, swaying a little before he steadied himself. He glanced around the room, noticing the lack of furniture and well... anything. He then strained his ears for sounds, for people... but not a sound entered his ears other then his own slow breaths.
"This might be tricky." He mumbled, footsteps echoing as he walked around the room. With pursed lips he made his way over to the door, wrapping a hand around the cold metal of the handle. With hope he twisted it, but it only jittered.
He ran a hand through his hair, flinching again when he accidentally touched the wound, "Dammit!" He cursed under his breath, eyes darting left and right for any sort of way out. There were no windows, confirming Hoseok's suspicions that he was in fact on the basement level... but maybe there were ventilation shafts?
Furrowing his brows, Hoseok examined the walls until he spotted one... but his expression fell into something dejected once he realised that even if he managed to somehow get the thing open, it was far too small for a grown adult man to fit through.
He fell silent.
That was it.
That was all he could think of as he wordlessly threw hands and sat back down against the floor, leaning himself up against the wall as he let out a breath of defeat. The silence droning on wasn't helping his growing thoughts... was Jimin okay? How about Taehyung... did he manage to distract the guards?
Or what about Jungko-
Hoseok's ears perked up as the sound of echoing footsteps sounded from outside the door, the male quickly standing to his feet as he braced himself for whatever this might be.
He listened closely.
Two sets of footsteps... no, three.
But one of them was stumbling.
With his breath caught in his throat, Hoseok couldn't help but take a step back as the footsteps paused right outside the door, the sound of the lock coming undone until the door flung wide open.
Three long shadows were casted against the floor until finally the figures came into sight. And Hoseok found himself falling impossibly still.
Striding in tall and proud was the boss man himself, wearing a triumphant smirk as he made his way through the door. Hoseok's eyes then flickered back, hearing the struggle of another male.
Stumbling through the door with arms held back by Kyo was none other then Jungkook himself. The male's appearance was disheveled as he tried to break free from the tight hold he was under, but no matter how strong of a man Jungkook was Kyo was just that small bit stronger.
Jungkook's lengthy brunette hair parted from one of his eyes and that was the moment Hoseok saw Jungkook fall still, the male loosing his struggle as he locked eyes with the hacker.
Jungkook stared at Hoseok with eyes that told him he wasn't expecting the hacker's company. His lips almost moved and then his eyes darted back to the dusty concrete floor. Hoseok wanted to know what Jungkook was going to say but it wasn't a good idea. They weren't alone right now, because in front of them was the leader of the crime syndicate himself.
Fearlessly, Hoseok turned his gaze to meet with the man's directly. He clenched his fists by his side, not moving a muscle as Kyo shoved Jungkook against the floor before kicking the door shut behind him. Hoseok could hear Jungkook break out into a coughing fit, the younger male regaining his weakened breath as he slowly began to rise to his feet.
Hoseok's expression softened, the male taking a step towards Jungkook... but he was soon interrupted by a booming voice. "Welcome, welcome!" The boss man grinned a crooked smile as he clasped his hands firmly together, "Everyone's here now."
Lips parting in surprise, Hoseok couldn't help but feel a pang of fear ignite in his chest, "What do you mean by 'everyone?'" He spoke up, swallowing thickly as all eyes shifted over to him, "Why just Jungkook and I-"
"Because you two have unfinished business." He smirked, "We all have unfinished business."
Still unsteady on his feet, Jungkook sent his father a harsh glare, "What the hell do you mean by that?"
"I'm surprised you haven't put two and two together son." He chuckled lowly, moving on his feet once more as he turned his gaze to Hoseok.
The raven haired male felt his muscles grow tight as his feet rooted themselves to the floor, Jungkook's father pacing around his form much too close for comfort. He could feel those dark eyes glued to him with malice intent and his mind began to race a million miles per hour. The man loomed over him, opening his lips in his devil smile, "You both lost someone dear... a girl." he started, pausing on his feet as he shifted his gaze to read Jungkook's expression.
The brunette paled, stumbling a step backwards as he shook his head. "No..." he breathed out, gaze falling to the floor as his lower lip began to tremble, "No fucking way..."
It was then Hoseok who began to register what this all meant... expression falling into something unreadable as he supported a blank stare. His mind was sent swirling as Jungkook's father continued to speak, "What was her name again?" He teased, watching Hoseok grit his teeth.
Curling his fists by his side he could feel his nails begin to dig into the palms of his hand, refusing to look up as he spoke, "Eun-ha." he mumbled, causing the boss man to tap against his ear with a sly grin,
"Sorry... didn't quite catch tha-"
"Wait." Jungkook's voice was firm, but once he lifted his gaze Hoseok could see the pain in his eyes. He blinked away the tears, lips trembling as he spoke again in an unsteady voice, "Eun-ha... was your sister?"
Hoseok parted his lips to speak, but he simply couldn't form words, nodding in response before quietly diverting his gaze. He didn't know what to think or feel, the fact that Jungkook actually knew his sister... liked her as more then a friend... just didn't sit right with him. She was right there, by Jungkook's side and he failed to notice the signs... he failed as a brother.
From across the room, Jungkook watched as Hoseok turned away, the younger male scrunching his hair in his hands as he took yet another step back. He shook his head, watching as his father's eyes grew dark and a knowing smirk crept its way across his lips.
That smirk was for him, and Jungkook knew that soon...
Hoseok would know what this all meant.
Oh God, Jungkook couldn't take this, not now... he couldn't loose everything now.
His breaths came shallow as he fought back the need to be sick, for so many years he had tried to forget about that incident...
The boss man stepped in-between the pair, pausing for a moment before he spoke up with a voice more stern and steady then ever, "I'll give Hoseok a gun."
Hoseok's eyes shot wide, "w-what?"
"There's one bullet in here..." He explained, "One bullet for you to fire."
If Jungkook thought things couldn't get any worse... he was wrong. From the corner of his eye he watched in absolute fear as his father pulled out a handgun from his pocket. The polished silver caught in the light along with all the small dents in the barrel.
That gun... it was Jungkook's.
Sucking in a sharp breath, Jungkook lurched towards his father only to stagger backwards as Kyo took a firm hold of his arm. With a panicked expression Jungkook pulled and tugged against the tight grip but no matter what he did he just couldn't break free. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes and Hoseok couldn't help but fall into puzzlement...
"What's the matter son?" He examined the gun in his hand, "Cat got your tongue?"
"SHUT UP!" Hoseok shouted from across the room, sending the man a look of murderous intent, "You fucking killed her you-"
"Oh... is that the conclusion you came to?" The man gave a wry laugh, the room falling silent as all eyes shifted in his direction, "I wasn't the one who took her life..." His words moved a little too slowly, as if he were taking in the surroundings more then anyone else. Then he grinned. As he did so the temperature of the room fell a little. Even in the dim light they saw his bared teeth. It was a cheshire grin of sorts, the kind that was so wide it was more as if he wanted to eat everyone rather then have a pleasant conversation.
Jungkook's heart sunk as his father's gaze shifted over to him, "Wasn't I Jungkook?"
Jungkook tried desperately to tug his arm from Kyo's grip, "DONT YOU DARE!"
Hoseok's gaze shifted, "Kook what are you-"
"I was a witness." Jungkook's father spoke, moving aside as he gestured grandly towards his son.
"Jungkook was the murderer."
{Author Note}
I'm actually so excited for my new book 'Uncharted' like yo I just finished the character profiles page and you're all gonna probably have a new favourite OC character... on par with Daisy.
There will be three OC characters which is the most I've ever included but I think I know how to write them in without making it confusing x
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