Yoongi lazily kicked the stone at his foot, hands shoved inside the pockets of his black jeans as he made his way down the street. From a distance he could see the city skyscrapers, the place he'd usually work from, but instead Hoseok had sent him here, to a rundown place outside the city where the people moped around and worst of all, the buildings all had a height restriction of two stories.
There was no where Yoongi could get a clear view of the place from up high, so Yoongi, for once, settled for the ground. He didn't make an effort to conceal himself like usual, this time being out in the open as he made his way around the streets, looking for any hidden side alleys or suspicious looking shops that could house any information. Hoseok said he'd spotted a Jeon in the area on the security cam this morning, but Yoongi was beginning to question Hoseok's words.
Frowning in discomfort, Yoongi could feel the hard metal of his handgun pressing against his side, hidden underneath his black jumper. He had a knife slipped inside his boot, a gun on his side, and a tracker inside his pocket. Hoseok had given it to him incase he actually came across a Jeon... but Yoongi knew that it would be hard to plant a bug on another gang member whilst going unnoticed.
Letting out a sigh, Yoongi's breath turned into a plume of white smoke in the frosty air. He found himself rubbing his hands together to keep warm, eyes scanning his surroundings as he picked up on every detail.
People were entering and exiting shops, others turning up at the local cafe for a morning coffee. The smell of toast and coffee beans wafted in his direction and he had to convince himself that he wasn't craving a nice hot drink.
He kept making his way down the streets, and at this stage, he just wanted to give up. He was bored. Nothing was happening. He wanted a more interesting mission--
As Yoongi neared a rundown part of the town, without warning, a single gunshot echoed throughout the streets, shattering the thick silence with its deadly sound. It left Yoongi's ears feeling like they had just exploded, so he knew that whoever had fired the weapon was close.
Without a conscious decision to pursue the sound, Yoongi was already picking up his pace, walk turning into a light jog as he made his way to the end of the street. He rounded the corner, but instantly regretted that decision, eyes growing wide at the scene playing out before him. The road was soaked in a man's blood, the body slumped over the tar as the thick red liquid ran down the slope.
Slapping a hand over his mouth, Yoongi was quick to bounce backwards, swinging himself back around the corner and slamming his back against the wall. With his hand still over his mouth, he quickly regained his breath, lowering his arms back to his side. He'd seen many dead bodies before, and blood was nothing new... but the man that was standing over the body... his tattoo... it was unmistakably a Jeon tattoo.
Swallowing thickly, Yoongi peered around the corner, thankful that the man hadn't spotted him. With his back pressed to the wall, he listened in as another man... a non-Jeon member backed away, almost tripping over his own feet in fear. The man from the Jeons was taller, more built as he aimed his handgun towards the other man, "I told you to locate them." he spoke lowly, his voice deep and rich as his words rolled off his tongue like poison.
Yoongi knew this guy was screwed, all he could see was the man's profile, and he knew it was bad.
There was no colour to the other man's face as he sunk to his knees, pleading, begging for his life, "I-I couldn't follow, they're good with security... I couldn't-"
"SHUT UP!" The Jeon shout, pressing the gun against the man's temple, "One job I asked of you... ONE JOB! This should be easy... we finally found the city of that bitch's brother, yet we can't even locate him..." he sneered, turning away in disgust for a moment before turning back, "I'll just find him and get him to repay his debt myself." He spat, pulling down on the trigger as the bullet flew from the barrel.
Yoongi didn't turn away in time, he watched blood spatter against the pavement, flesh split as the man crumpled to the floor.
"Fuck-" Yoongi cursed under his breath, running a hand through his hair. The Jeons were after someone... but not Jungkook by the sounds of it.
So then who?
Jimin was at the front counter when the phone rang, leaning himself over the marble as his gaze was cast outside. The sky had become shrouded by a thick layer of grey clouds as rain began to slowly descend from above, creating a soothing pitter pattering sound against the pavement outside. Jimin almost didn't even hear the phone, raising a brow at the dull ring as he brought his hand to the device, picking up the call.
"Hello this is B-Ink tattoo parlour, Jimin speaking-"
"-Jimin, it's me Yoongi."
Jimin paused, the line falling silent for a moment as he frowned, "Yoongi? Aren't you on a mission-"
"-Yes... and I've just spoken with Hoseok over the phone, but I thought I should call you seeing as you're not at the mansion today." he paused, and Jimin could hear him draw in a shaky breath before he continued, "The Jeons are in town, for sure."
Jimin found his mouth going dry before he licked at his lips, "How can you be sure?"
There was another pause, another second for Jimin's heart rate to rise before Yoongi spoke again, "I saw one... I saw a member of the Jeons shoot two guys just outside the city this morning."
Jimin's worst fear was confirmed with Yoongi's words. He found himself pushing away from the front counter of the tattoo parlour, and although the rain was beginning to fall harder outside, it was as if the only thing he could really hear was Yoongi's slow breathing on the other end.
Gritting his teeth, Jimin squeezed the phone even tighter in his grasp, "Tell me one thing Yoongi... are they after us?" he spoke sternly, not even a slight hint of lightheartedness in his tone. Because this was serious... dead serious. There was one gang everyone feared more then the rest, one that remained undefeated in any confrontations... and that was the Jeons.
Jimin heard Yoongi sigh over the phone, "They're after someone, I don't think it's Jungkook, but it's some group located in the city." Yoongi gulped, choosing his next words wisely, "Jimin... we're one of the only groups in the city."
Jimin shook his head in denial, pulling at his orange hair in frustration, "No... this can't be right, no one has messed with the Jeons... I mean- Namjoon has stopped their plans a couple of times, but that was years ago! We aren't even located near them... what the hell are they trying to get at!?"
"I don't know." Yoongi breathed, noticeably troubled himself, "I don't know..." his words trailed off into a mere whisper. "They said they're looking for one guy... it sounds like he has a sister or something who messed with them. Apparently he's in debt?"
Jimin frowned, leaning against the front counter of the parlour, "That doesn't sound like anyone in our group... Jungkook said he's an only child, Taehyung was one too." he began to run through each member, "Me, you and Seokjin are also only children... Namjoon has a sister, but she's in the U.S, and Hoseok's sister... well..." he stopped himself from explaining further, "you know what I mean."
Yoongi let out a sigh,
"Maybe I'm just being paranoid."
{Author Note}
I'm hosting a BTS Awards book!
Go check out 'The BTS Shadow Awards' at btsshadowawards and enter the competition for your chance to win! Please give some love to our team and I'll see you there ;)
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