{an unexpected turn of events}
Snatching his handgun from the side draw of his bedside table, Yoongi had jumped to his feet the moment Hoseok's alarmed voice had sounded throughout the mansion. The explosion soon followed, rendering Yoongi breathless as he slammed his hands against his ears, cringing at the shrill blaring of the mansion's alarm system kicking into full swing.
"What's the fucking point of alarms if they go off after we get attacked?" Yoongi scoffed, lowering his hands from his ears as he quickly made his way over to his bedroom door. He noticed that from underneath the crack of the door, smoke began to flood inside of his bedroom.
"Shit." he cursed, realising that there wouldn't be any point in going out into the hallway when he would be to blinded to shoot. Unlike most of the others, Yoongi wasn't a close combat kinda guy, and his lack of muscle definitely made that obvious. He liked staying hidden and out of sight... as long as he could see the target that was.
Running a hand through his tousled blonde locks, Yoongi decided to wait for either the smoke to thin out, or for the fight to come to him.
He decided to wait no more then two minutes in his room, beginning to shiver as the cold winter air began to prick at his pale skin. During the process of waiting he grabbed another handgun from the top shelf of his closet, hidden inside a shoe box for safe keeping. He also slipped on his shoes before the unmistakable sound of a table crashing and Hoseok's blaring voice came sounding from somewhere down the corridor.
Hoseok had obviously taken care of himself.
With ten more seconds on his countdown, Yoongi decided not to wait any longer, swinging open his bedroom door and fleeing out into the hallway. His eyes stung as the smoke blurred his vision, his throat and tongue drying out as he inhaled the smog.
Squinting his eyes, Yoongi let out a sigh of relief as the smoke began to clear out, the haze now thin enough for Yoongi to see a few men in the foyer.
Just as he was trained, Yoongi made his way silently down the staircase, footsteps as light as a feather until he reached the polished marble floor of the main entrance. From the bottom of the staircase, Yoongi lost no time in lifting both of his handguns towards the group of four men. He brushed his fingers over the triggers and sharped his feline eyes, tightening his hold against the guns until two bullets fired in rapid motion.
As Yoongi's hands jolted with the kick of the gun, the two bullets cut through the air, penetrating flesh and bone as they landed in the skulls of two of the men. They fell to the floor in defeated heaps, and that's when all hell broke loose.
More men began to advance from out of no where, leaving Yoongi to curse under his breath as he quickly aimed again, shooting out bullets almost as quickly as he could blink. No matter how many men fell, more just came from around the corner, also carrying loaded weapons.
Yoongi let out a gasp as a bullet whizzed past his ear, forcing him to move away from in front of the staircase to find shelter. But before he could leave the foyer, he heard frantic footsteps from the second story, eyes snapping to the top of the staircase where Jimin began to dash down to the first story. His bed hair was showing, tired eyes as he drew closer to where Yoongi stood.
Jimin was about halfway down the staircase when Yoongi's eyes grew wide, the figure of a man approaching Jimin from behind. Swinging around one of his arms, Yoongi aimed towards the man behind Jimin, pulling down on the trigger and shooting a bullet straight through the man's forehead. The blood spattered and he crumpled to the floor, leaving Jimin to freeze, blinking with a blank expression as he realised Yoongi had just saved his ass.
"Pay attention Jimin!" Yoongi exclaimed, his eyes on the orange haired male. Only this time it was Jimin's turn to panic as another man leapt towards Yoongi.
Not wasting as much as a second, Jimin latched a hand onto the golden railing of the staircase. He swung his legs over the top, jumping from the tall height and wincing as his bare feet landed painfully against the marble floor beneath him. He was quick to land in front of Yoongi, shoving the sour faced male aside as he landed a solid punch over the infiltrator's face behind him, sending him to the floor in one rapid motion.
Jimin let out a low chuckle as he shook his hand, knuckles bruised upon the impact. Yoongi was shell shocked, watching as a sly smirk worked its way across Jimin's lips, "You were saying?" he remarked, raising a brow as he crossed his arms proudly across his form, sticking out his chest a little to try and get praise.
Simply shaking his head, Yoongi momentarily paused the conversation as he rose his hand gun, pulling down against the trigger as he shot one last man. "We're even." he 'tsked' cocking his head in the direction of the exit.
Jimin grabbed Yoongi by the sleeve, causing the older to furrow his brows in confusion. Jimin cocked his head in the direction of the stairs, "What about Namjoon?"
Yoongi couldn't help but smirk, "He's our leader for a reason... never does he reveal his identity, not even now." he chuckled, leaving Jimin to ponder how Namjoon had made it out.
Ruffling a hand through his bed hair, Yoongi left the mansion, heading out into the front yard followed closely by Jimin. The pair couldn't help but let out sighs of relief as they spotted the rest of the group gathered by the front gate.
Hoseok wasn't too much of a mess, however his throat was dry and sandpapery as he continued to cough every now and then. After all, he was the one to take the blast head on. Beside him, Seokjin looked as good as ever and so did Taehyung and Namjoon. Jungkook on the other hand had a bruise flourishing under his right eye, knuckles slightly bruised and battered suggesting that he ended up taking a lot of men down himself.
"What the hell was all of this?" Yoongi said, strolling up to Hoseok's side.
Clicking his tongue against the inside of his cheek, Hoseok shook his head, "To be honest, I have no idea." he sighed, turning to face the male, "My security systems were hacked Yoongi... MY security systems!"
"At least we had our wits about us." Jimin added, "We're smart, skilled too. It's not easy for us to go down which is why a little smoke and gunfire wasn't too much of a big deal." he shrugged
Yoongi furrowed his brows, "Almost like a scare..." his words trailed off into a mere whisper as he pondered. Not a single bullet had dangerously flown his way, no real bombs were set off and the men didn't come barging into any of the bedrooms. Yoongi swallowed, "I think it was just to scare us."
"I agree." Namjoon spoke, hands slipped into the pockets of his sweatpants as he let out a breath, "After taking down one of the men, I checked for gang symbols." he paused. The wind entangled itself through the trees of the surrounding forest, rustling the leaves and sending the branches swaying. Namjoon ran a hand through his bleached hair with a troubled expression, bringing his eyes to meet with the groups. They were stern, harsh and unforgiving, "It's the Jeons."
A collection of fearful expressions erupted from the group, each of their eyes widening and jaws going slack in disbelief. Yoongi unconsciously clenched his fists by his side, "So they've found Jungkook?!" he growled, ready to blow a fuse.
Namjoon shook his head, "Not exactly."
Yoongi stomped up to Namjoon, stopping right in front of the taller male as he cast his gaze up to meet with his eyes. Through gritted teeth, Yoongi spoke, "What do you mean by 'not exactly,' Joon?"
"I listened into one of their radios, and they're not after Jungkook." he let out a low chuckle, "Heck- they don't even know he's with us!"
Yoongi took a step back, expression falling.
It was unlike Joon to loose his composure so easily.
Namjoon paused, drawing in a deep breath before he continued to speak, "They do however have a main goal," he swallowed thickly, before casting his eyes to the group,
"And I have a feeling you're not gonna like it."
{Author Note}
The ON MV... I was so right, I knew it would connect to the BU. Lets face it, we're still confused as ever... but we know for a fact that Jungkook is always symbolised as something Seokjin has to protect. In Fake Love, Jungkook was symbolised by the flower, and now in ON, he's symbolised by the dove. He's always running from something, and Jin's always trying to save him... Also, did you all notice that Seokjin went back in time during the MV?
24 hours is almost up... please stream! xox
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