{of all people}
"Hyung?" Taehyung spoke unsurely, padding his way down the staircase to the main foyer of the mansion. Biting down against his lower lip, Taehyung held his arms out to the side, "Does this look okay?"
From underneath the chandelier Seokjin's lips twisted into a frown, raven hair falling softly over his narrowed eyes as his gaze wandered over Taehyung's appearance. The younger was clad in a nicely fitted black suit, blue hair styled so his forehead was now revealed. His ears supported sapphire earrings, complimenting the coloured contact lenses fitted in his eyes, giving them a sharper appearance.
The business dinner was tonight, and to put it simply, Taehyung wasn't the type of guy to ever attend such fancy events. After Taehyung had contacted the girl from the bar, he'd found out that the dinner was at some fancy ass dining hall. His confidence had somewhat plummeted... Taehyung was only familiar going undercover in clubbing situations or raving parties.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Seokjin stepped forwards. "Your tie is done all wrong." he scoffed, taking a hold of the fabric as he began to re-shape it.
Taehyung let out a huff, "It's not my fault I don't wear classy shit." he muttered under his breath, lips forming into a pout. However despite his murmur, Seokjin didn't fail to pick up on the male's complaint.
"Are you dissing my daily attire?"
Taehyung swallowed hard, "...No Seokjin, I just adore your fancy suits."
There was a moment of tense silence before Seokjin gave a tight lipped smile, "Good, I'll do your tie."
Standing silently in the foyer beside the pair, Jungkook watched on from the side, eyes narrowed on Seokjin's fingers as he skilfully fastened Taehyung's tie. He frowned, "How often do you guys do undercover missions like this?"
Patting down Taehyung's suit, Seokjin finished up before turning his attention towards the younger, "Often, but nothing big like this." he began to explain, crossing his arms over his chest, "We deal with gang activity all the time, but this is something else." he spoke, brows furrowing together as a troublesome expression found its way across his face, "The whole situation screams 'warning' to me... but who knows, maybe we're just over reacting." he shrugged
Flattening his styled hair, Taehyung gave a small grin, "I'll find out as much as I can tonight."
"That's the plan." A new voice spoke up. Jungkook could recognise the slightly husky voice anywhere, eyes darting to the other end of the foyer as Yoongi emerged from a different room.
Jungkook rose a brow, "where have you been all day?" he questioned, realising that he hadn't come across Yoongi at all today. Jungkook had decided to stay with Bangtan all morning, claiming it was because he was bored when really he just wanted some security incase the Jeons were still on his tail.
Walking towards the trio, Yoongi was quick to let out a tired sigh, "Cleaning up a bloody scene, as you do." he spoke casually, bringing his hand to the brim of his baseball cap as he threw it off his head, running his fingers through his tangled blonde locks.
Seokjin pursed his lips, "What was it this time?"
Yoongi placed a hand against his hip, "People from some gang lurking around one of our businesses." he stated, making it obvious that the murder scene was in fact his own doing. The blonde groaned, "Why the hell is the activity in this area picking up all of a sudden?"
Breath hitching in his throat, Jungkook found himself freezing up for a split second. Gang activity spiking in this area? Had the Jeons actually managed to locate Bangtan... or was this all some kind of crazy coincidence? Regardless, Jungkook knew this could mean bad news, so without even thinking he parted his lips to speak, but hesitated, mouth gaping open and closed when he found no words escape him. So he kept quiet, not revealing as much as even a clue.
Taehyung spoke up instead, "No clue... maybe I'll find answers tonight."
Yoongi's eyes grew wider in question, "Who's going along with you?"
As if on cue, a messy haired male came stumbling down the staircase, headphones draped loosely around his neck as the male supported a laptop under his arm. Ruffling his raven hair, Hoseok let out a tried yawn, eyes noticeably bloodshot as he reached the group standing centre foyer. "Namjoon told us to take the van." he shared, placing one hand against his hip as he cocked his head in the direction of the suited up male, "I've put a mic, camera, and earpiece on Taehyung. I'm gonna stay in the van at the location and hack into surveillance to keep a close eye."
"I'm guessing I'm driving?" Seokjin spoke up
Hoseok simply shook his head, "Nope, you've got business in the morning so I'll drive, and Jungkook you're gonna be on standby incase anything goes wrong." he finished, eyes stern on Jungkook's now starstruck form.
The brunette fell silent. He'd never been on a single mission with Bangtan, not even spared any classified information. It was obvious the group was still yet to trust him entirely... so maybe they were testing his loyalty? He gulped, "Why me?" he asked, pausing before he continued, "Why not Jimin or Yoongi?"
Stepping forwards, Yoongi gave an eye roll, "I've been out all day, I can literally feel my sleep alarms going off." he groaned, rubbing his fingers against his temples as he felt a headache begin to throb, "Jimin's working at the tattoo parlour again, so you're going."
Clenching his teeth, Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath, tensing before coming to terms that there was no way out of this. He let out his breath, shoulders dropping, "Fine."
Letting a grin work its way to his lips, Hoseok snatched the car keys from his pocket, "That's the spirit!" he chirped, boots sounding against the polished floor as he made his way to the entrance,
"Lets get going, we don't wanna be late."
{Author Note}
It's been over two god damn months and FINALY I've seen a blue sky and a normal sunset today. For those of you who haven't heard, Australia is pretty much burning. I live in Sydney and for the past two months there has been so much smoke that I haven't been able to even see the clouds to predict the weather. We've also been in drought for two years, there's roughly been about 3 days of rain since the bushfires so rip I feel like I'm in an apocalypse.
For those of you who were worried about me... thanks a lot, I'm doing fine. I faced the worst back in early November where me and my two friends holidaying up north of Australia (where the fires started) had to escape. I can still see fires in the distance, but they aren't getting any closer so I'm all good ;)
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