forty seven
Sat beside Namjoon, Jimin stared dejectedly up at the ceiling.
He sat there quietly, keeping his eyes closed, matching his own breaths to the beeping of the machines that surrounded Yoongi's bed. It was the only indication of his heartbeat, his existence.
He couldn't bring himself to look at the IV's and heart monitors attached to Yoongi. Jimin had already let his emotions loose and now he just felt numb, watching, waiting silently as the soft tick of the clock and the beeping of the heart monitor kept him alert. Curiosity soon took over however as he lowered his gaze, rubbing his bloodshot eyes to meet a dismal view of the hospital room.
An old TV hung from the ceiling, a window allowing for the soft rays of the early morning sun to flood inside. The golden glow illuminated Yoongi's form as he lay in the hospital bed, Jimin couldn't help but glance away once again after letting his eyes roam far too long over the male. His face was littered with tiny cuts, a gauze plastered over his right cheek.
Jimin found himself drawing in a breath as he turned back, slowly standing up from his fraying chair. With slow and hesitant movements, Jimin dragged the chair over to the bedside, plopping back down in his seat before reaching a hand forwards.
With the lightest and most gentle of touches, Jimin brushed Yoongi's hair from his eyes, giving a pained expression as he trailed his fingers around each and every cut and bruise. He found himself almost tearing up again, but managed to hold his emotions back.
Namjoon on the other hand sat more of a distance, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. The dark circles under his eyes were a result of staying up all night, waiting for the surgery to be over and answering any questions the medical staff bombarded him with. He found himself closing his eyes for a brief moment, just resting them as he sunk further back into his chair.
It was horrid, like something straight out of a slaughter house. Yoongi had managed to come out of surgery, but Namjoon still found the sight almost horrifying. Under the hospital blankets Yoongi's torso was now all bandaged up, a leg supported due to a bad break. One of his forearms required stitches, Namjoon was just glad it wasn't broken.
He allowed his eyes to flicker open once more, tired gaze scanning across the room until his attention focused on Jimin.
The orange haired male was still a mess. He refused to go home and change so the hospital had no choice but to lend him some spare clothing to avoid scaring any patients with his dishevelled state. But even with fresh clothing, Namjoon could still see the missed spots of blood stained on his cheek, some still in the tips of his hair as the early morning sun sent him aglow.
Namjoon heaved a sigh, straightening himself up before he finally broke the silence, "Jimin?"
Namjoon's eyes were met by Jimin's weak gaze, "I know what you're gonna say..." Jimin spoke, turning a little in his chair so he was facing Namjoon at a better angle, "You wanna know what happened, right?"
Namjoon gave a small nod before speaking, "The whole situation baffles me..." he uttered, running a hand through his tousled hair, "You and Yoongi should've been at the store... Taehyung and Jungkook knew of what was going to happen, and yet, we can't even reach them at the moment?" He let out a troublesome sigh, "Is it just me... or did enough bad events all align for this to turn into such a tragedy?" He said, giving a weak gesture towards Yoongi.
Jimin bit down against his lip once again, the skin now slightly red, "I don't know the full story, but I can at least fess up that this was partially my fault."
Namjoon's tired eyes grew wide, "Your fault?"
With his unruly hair falling softly over his eyes, Jimin hummed in reply. "Yoongi and I got into a fight..." He brought a hand to his cheek as he brushed his fingers along his tender skin, the place where Yoongi had punched him. "I said some bad things," He lowered his gaze, "I brought up bad memories that should've never been brought up and the result was him storming out of the parlour." Jimin paused as he ran a hand through his hair, "He was alone the whole day. This wasn't supposed to happen!"
Namjoon couldn't help but gnaw at the inside of his cheek, "What's done is done... there's no use blaming yourself." Namjoon watched as Jimin lifted his gaze, "Just make sure to apologise when he wakes up," He gave a soft smile of reassurance, "Okay?"
Jimin gave a small nod before turning his eyes back to Yoongi, running his fingers through the male's hair, "Sure thi-"
Jimin's sentence was cut short by the sound of the door slamming open, the two males almost jumping out of their seats as their eyes shot to the source of the ruckus.
Namjoon almost lost his breath as he watched an all too familiar brunette freeze at the door, "Jungkook?" He muttered, but he received no response from the younger as Jungkook blankly stared at the male in the hospital bed.
Jungkook took a step back, bringing his hands to his hair as he shook his head in denial, "No, no, no... there's no way... this can't actually be happening-" His breathing was irregular as he tugged at his roots, "We're so screwed-"
Behind him, Taehyung also shot through the door, pausing as he processed the situation. His eyes were wide, focused on Yoongi before he was quick to turn his gaze away, clenching his fists by his side, "Fuck-" he cursed under his breath.
Taehyung closed the door behind him, making his way over to the corner of the room whilst both Namjoon and Jimin's shocked gaze trailed him. Jungkook however remained leaning against the door, feeling it wasn't right to face Yoongi.
Jimin's lips opened and closed until he managed to form a sentence, "Where the fuck have you been!?" he exclaimed, but his voice came out softer then he thought it would, "And what the hell do you mean by 'we're screwed'!?" Jimin leaned himself back in his chair, "Of course we're screwed! Incase you were off daydreaming somewhere, the parlour was infiltrated and-"
"Jimin." Namjoon's stern voice cut off the younger, their eyes locking in a hard gaze, "Now's not the time." He sighed, giving a weak gesture towards Jungkook.
Raising a brow, Jimin turned his attention to the male leaning against the door, his breath falling short once he noticed the blotchy purple bruises against the male's wrist, and the small scrapes and cuts that littered his face. Jimin then snapped his eyes over to Taehyung who leaned against the wall, the male's knees scraped up where his jeans had broken against his fall against the concrete. Now that Namjoon pointed it out, Jimin could also tell that the pair clearly hadn't gotten any sleep either... so if they also clearly ran into trouble, what the hell could it have been? Jimin licked at his chapped lips, his body slightly straightening up once he recalled that it was Jungkook who had warned him to stay by Yoongi's side in the first place.
Jimin didn't even realise he had clutched a hand onto the armrest before he spoke, "You know something-" he spoke emotionlessly, tired eyes moving to meet with Jungkook's, "Don't you..."
All eyes were now on the brunette as he gnawed at the inside of his cheek, still clenching his hair in his hands as he let out a lace of curses. And then, the most unexpected thing happened as Jungkook's expression buckled, shaking the group to the core as his eyes began to gloss over. "I'm sorry-" he was cut off by his own voice breaking, hiding his face in his hands as he tried his god damn best to hold back his emotions, "I'm so... so... sorry."
The group watched speechlessly as Jungkook, the fearless male they all knew him to be. The man who managed to escape from the crime syndicate, the man who was practically invisible's eyes dripped with tears.
Jungkook's walls, the walls that held him up, made him strong just... collapsed. Moment by moment, they fell. Salty drops fell from his chin, drenching his shirt. Perhaps these tears could help wash the blood out. Jungkook pressed his back against the wall... white, so innocent... he was anything but innocent. Ever since the day he was born all he brought was violence, he was a fool for thinking he could just runaway from it all. He was trembling. He couldn't stop. Even as he pressed his hand against his chest it shook, it trembled. It was raw, everything, raw tears, raw emotions. He couldn't stop... why could he not stop crying?
Watching from across the room, Taehyung found his lower lip begin to tremble. In the beginning, Jungkook was like an unsolvable puzzle, something Taehyung had to figure out... and now, everything was coming together, pieces connecting as he realised that Jungkook's anger was more centred around himself then any other person. It burnt him from within, and Jungkook just couldn't escape the flames.
Namjoon's expression was now a mix of both shock and confusion, "What the hell is going on?" he spoke, turning his attention towards Taehyung. But Taehyung simply diverted his gaze, folding his arms over his chest as he bit down against his lip and shrunk into the wall behind him. He couldn't even face his own leader.
From the door, Jungkook was quick to suck in a sharp breath, wiping furiously away at his tears until he regained his composure. He cast his gaze to the ceiling, studying the off-white colour as he drew in a shaky breath, relaxing himself before he turned his eyes to his leader, "Yesterday... Taehyung and I managed to run into some trouble just outside the city." He began to explain, folding his arms over his chest as he comforted himself, "Jimin knows this... we only managed to get a message across to him." He heaved a sigh, "We ran into trouble with the Jeons."
Jimin's lips parted, "I almost forgot about that."
Namjoon ran a hand stressfully through his hair, "How many?"
"One." Taehyung spoke up, rendering their leader almost speechless before Namjoon spoke up once again, repeating the male just to make sure he heard correctly,
"Just one?"
Taehyung nod, "Just one."
Jimin furrowed his brows, "Then who-"
"-The boss man." Jungkook spoke, almost sending shivers down Jimin's spine with his dark tone. Jungkook momentarily closed his eyes as he spoke in a steady voice, "We ran into my father, he found out about the tattoo coverup and my transition into your gang."
Taehyung was next to continue the explanation, finally lifting his gaze, "He forced Yoongi's name out of Jungkook..."
Everyone froze as Jimin shot out of his chair, balling his fists by his side, "You gave him Yoongi's name!?"
"Sorry." Jungkook spoke from the door, "But my father was gonna kill Taehyung."
Jimin paused, gritting his teeth before landing back down in his chair. If there was one thing Jimin had learnt, it was that anger and pointing fingers wasn't the way to go about this. Yes, Jungkook may've given up their location, but Jimin should've been at the parlour with Yoongi in the first place. There was no use calling out Jungkook when the blame really fell on everyone. "So let me get this straight..." Jimin drew in a breath, dropping his shoulders, "The Jeons were the ones to come after Yoongi- with the intentions of harming him?"
"Killing him." Jungkook spoke bluntly, freezing up once he noticed Jimin's eyes grow wide. Jungkook cleared his throat, "I mean- thats the punishment for covering up the family crest."
Namjoon pondered, "Then what about you..." he turned his gaze to Jungkook, "Why did you get away with your life?"
Jungkook found his breath fall short as he took a moment to process Namjoon's question. That was strange... why didn't his father kill him?
Five years ago he had escaped the syndicate, a rule punishable by death. He then proceeded to join Bangtan, another rule punishable by death... and finally covering up the family crest?
Jungkook should be dead.
His brows furrowed as he thought over it, "I don't know... my father has a habit of using me. All I can think is that my father might be trying to mess with me-" Jungkook's breath hitched, and he paused before he spoke, "Or mess with you guys..."
The room fell into silence, the beeping of the heart monitor only amplified until Taehyung finally spoke up, "I think the Jeons have a plan of their own." He turned his gaze to the ceiling, "And now that our cover is blown, we need to be more careful then ever for the upcoming banquet."
Jungkook let out a curse, "I hate to say it," he turned his gaze to the group, expression falling into something almost unreadable,
"But I don't know if we can win this."
{Author Note}
Yo I'm back with another update!
How's the story going?
Hope you're all doing well!
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