{can't deny it}
It was a comfortable silence inside the tattoo parlour; Jimin typed away, mulling over his recent client whilst he sketched the design in his art book, something he insisted wasn't too serious but he adored the concept. Yoongi couldn't help but watch him out of the corner of his eye; the way Jimin's brow furrowed in concentration, the way he held and nibbled at his pen as his hair fell messily over his face.
Yoongi smiled to himself, thinking that any moment like this was almost the same as some crummy romance.
His face fell slack,
Oh no.
Jimin's voice pulled Yoongi out from his trance as his eyes flickered up to meet with Jimin's, they'd spent so much time together over the past few weeks that Yoongi had found himself loosing his guard more so then often. It had started with him double checking the locks on the doors and watching his surroundings with sharp eyes, and now he found himself slipping into daydreams and falling asleep without a care in the world.
Maybe Jimin's presence reassured him enough to let his guard down.
He didn't want to question it, so sitting up on the lounge, he parted his lips to speak, "Whats up?"
Jimin slipped his phone out from his pocket before he began to tap lazily at the screen, "Did you get the full outline for the plan?"
Yoongi rose a brow, "You mean for the banquet?"
Jimin gave a nod.
Running a hand through his hair, Yoongi heaved a sigh, "I did... nothing much changed."
Jimin squeezed his phone in his hand, "I think this might just work."
"I think so too." Yoongi spoke up, leaning against the armrest of the lounge, "How many weeks left now?"
Lifting his eyes from his phone, Jimin pondered before he spoke, "Roughly four." He replied, switching off the screen as he made his way around the counter. With slow steps he strolled over to the lounge, taking a seat beside Yoongi and letting out a breath, "Then hopefully this can all be over..."
Fixing his posture, Yoongi turned to Jimin, "What do you mean by, 'all be over'?"
The younger sucked in his cheeks before he let out a breath, "You know... with the fall of a major part of the crime syndicate, maybe we can try and start a new life or something?" He confessed, a smile threatening to tug at his lips with the thought.
Yoongi on the other hand remained silent, eyes drifting to the floor, "I don't think it's that simple."
Jimin's eyes grew wide as his breath fell short, "Oh..." he swallowed thickly, "Sorry I-"
"Well... maybe for some of you." Yoongi said, cutting Jimin's sentence short. "Regardless of what happens, I'm gonna keep following Namjoon." Yoongi saw that as his future, he always had, but for some strange reason after experiencing some time away from Namjoon, he felt himself longing for something he never had. He shook away those thoughts, not facing Jimin as he continued to speak, "I guess you could join collage or something? It's still not too late." Yoongi suggested, "You can get a boyfriend and-"
"-I don't know what I want." Jimin quickly cut in, placing his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands as he groaned, "I guess... maybe we should just stop."
"Stop what?"
Jimin's temper was quick to change, "Thinking ahead of ourselves... after all, we don't really know what's going to happen after the banquet."
Yoongi bit at the inside of his cheek as he sunk back into the lounge, eyes drifting to the ceiling as he let out a breath of air, "...Right"
Yoongi let his gaze trail outside, drinking up the silence as he watched a few passers by. Leaves skittered along the sidewalk in the strong winter breeze, the dusty blues and grey sky alerting him that a storm was on its way. A cold shiver was sent down the back of his neck as he watched the clouds pass by outside, only being brought back into the present moment when Jimin stood back up, making his way back over to the front counter,
"Jin's coming in to help tomorrow." He spoke, landing his hands back on the computer as he fired it back up.
Yoongi frowned, eyes flickering back over to Jimin, "Why's that?"
Jimin's fingers typed away at the keyboard as he shrugged, "He's gonna do some paperwork and stuff... he hasn't dropped in for a while."
Yoongi slumped, "That makes sense."
"How's that tattoo by the way?" Jimin asked out of the blue, pausing his movements as he turned his attention to Yoongi.
The blond's expression went blank as he blinked a couple of times, "You mean the one from the other day?"
"Yeah." Jimin folded his arms over his chest, "You know... the cloud?"
"Oh..." Yoongi muttered, "I haven't tattooed it yet."
Jimin paused, plump lips slightly parting as a passing thought was caught up in his mind. "Do you maybe want me to... you know..." He licked at his lips, throat almost going dry... why was it so hard to talk to Yoongi sometimes!? He drew in a calm breath, "I'm really good with delicate designs so-"
Yoongi watched as Jimin's lips lifted upward, eyes squinting as he smiled brightly. Just like always, Jimin's happiness was a warm glow. It reminded him of that sunset...
Jimin pushed his way around the front counter, snatching a few papers before gesturing down the hall with a grin, "Follow me!"
The pair slowly made their way into Jimin's studio, the younger a little more excited then he should've been as he pulled out a chair, making his way over to his shelf full of ink as he rummaged through it. He moved a couple of bottles aside, eyes full of concentration as he collected everything he needed.
Yoongi took a seat by the desk, furrowing his brows as he watched Jimin slide on a pair of plastic blue gloves, "Are you sure you're not too overworked?" Yoongi didn't really know where his concern was coming from all of a sudden, but he didn't question it.
Jimin plopped himself down in his chair, picking up Yoongi's rough sketch of the tattoo as he began to examine it carefully, "Nope." He responded, scooting forwards in his chair, "I'd give you a tattoo any day- wait... that came out weird."
Yoongi rose the back of his hand to his mouth as he let out a short chuckle, his expression lighting up a little as the softest of sounds escaped his lips. Jimin found himself falling still, watching Yoongi's rare expression with wide eyes until he realised he was staring for too long.
Yoongi leaned back in the chair, "Just get on with it." He spoke, not as blunt as usual, but sweet almost.
Jimin gulped, "Um... sure." He paused before he spoke up, "Where do you want it?"
There was a pause before Yoongi brought his hands to the hem of his hoodie, hesitating before pulling up the fabric. Jimin found his breath fall short as Yoongi brought his hoodie up and over his head, his blonde hair falling messy as he tossed the item of clothing aside. "Right here." He spoke calmly, gesturing to the side of his ribs. It was a small and hidden spot, somewhere just for him. Jimin's eyes roamed over Yoongi's ink covered arms but to his surprise the male's torso remained bare.
Jimin didn't say anything -- he didn't know what to say as he held in a breath, leaning in as he placed the stencil against Yoongi's side. As he did so, his mind's eye saw how fragile Yoongi almost appeared. His skin was as smooth as porcelain, so pale and milky but warm none the less. Jimin always felt that around Yoongi... warm inside.
Unbeknown to him, Yoongi felt the same way too. He didn't know why exactly, but Jimin's company was almost like a breath of fresh air in his suffocating life. The way his delicate touch felt warm against his skin sent Yoongi from his usual slouch into a stiff mannequin pose.
Jimin finished placing the stencil, moving away before he spoke, "Is this okay?"
Yoongi didn't even look, "Y-Yeah..." He cleared his throat, still lost in his thoughts as his eyes roamed over Jimin instead. His inviting brown eyes, his bright smile and fiery orange hair... everything about Jimin just felt so warm and inviting. He'd never been this comfortable around anyone... he didn't know if he liked the foreign feeling or not.
"Okay then." Jimin spoke up, taking his tattoo gun into his hands as he turned it on. The buzz of the machine was a familiar sound to them both, so neither of them were fazed as Jimin brought the needle to Yoongi's skin, "This is small so it won't take very long."
Yoongi simply nodded in reply, wincing a little as the needle came into contact with the side of his ribs. It woke him up for sure, the spot a little more painful then tattooing on his arms. But he could handle it, simply biting his tongue and trusting Jimin to finish it.
With delicate movements the lines were thin and crisp, so dainty and frail on skin so smooth and perfect. The spirals of the cloud came together nicely, pleasing Jimin as he carefully added a couple more lines.
It only took a minute before Jimin moved the tattoo gun away, switching it off before placing it down against the table. A satisfied expression was painted over his face as he removed his gloves, tossing them aside in the nearby bin before standing from his chair, "All done."
Releasing a breath, Yoongi stood up from his seat, slowly making his way over to the mirror on the wall. He lifted his arm a little, turning on his side to see the image. It was small and neat, so beautifully done Yoongi could tell that each stroke Jimin had inked was careful and precise. It was different, but special...
Yoongi smiled, lowering his shirt,
"Thanks Jimin."
{Author Note}
Double update!
Next chapter out now! xox
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