fifty one
{bouncing back}
A nudge to the arm was enough to wake Yoongi without warning, eyes flinging so wide each iris was a perfect orb of rusty chocolate.
Being the middle of the night, it was still dark, but after rubbing against his eyes his vision was quick to adjust to the soft light of the moon streaming in through the blinds.
After a second or two, he registered that six unwanted pairs of eyes were staring right at him.
He rubbed at his sleepy eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming, his mouth slackening as he gaped, "Why the fuck are there so many people here to disrupt my sleep at-" He paused, quickly snatching his phone off the bedside table. He squinted as the light of the screen illuminated his face, his hair as wild as the jungle, unnamable and unruly. He ran a hand through it, eyes shooting wide, "Holy fuck, it's 3am in the mor-"
His words were cut off when Jimin slapped a hand over his mouth, shushing the male with a hiss, "Shut up!~" He exclaimed under his breath, "We all had to sneak in here and it was damn hard."
Furrowing his brows, Yoongi pulled Jimin's hand away from his mouth before letting out a scoff, "No shit, why would you sneak in here at all!?" He whisper shouted, "This better not be a fucking slumber party..."
Seokjin was quick to step forwards, making his way to Yoongi's bed side as he pushed a hand forwards. Held tightly in his grasp was a paper bag, and with slight hesitation, Yoongi paused before he took it into his own hands. His lips twisted into a frown as he unraveled the top, lips quick to part in awe as the buttery smell of baked goods wafted in his face, "What's this-"
"Baked goods." Seokjin shrugged, "You hate crummy hospital food so we brought you something a little better."
Yoongi reached inside, being careful not to make too much noise as he grabbed out a pastry. It crumbled a little in his hands, some of the lined icing rubbing against his finger tips as he brought it to his mouth. And so, in one go, Yoongi took a bite, humming as the sweetness overtook his senses, nourishing his body and soul with the deep flavour.
He didn't say a word as he continued to eat away, so Namjoon took this chance to step forwards, "We're actually here to finalise a new plan for the Banquet." he uttered, "The hospital would've never allowed this many visitors during the day, plus people are less likely to listen to our conversation at night because no nurses will be coming in to do check ups." He explained.
Yoongi licked some of the flaky pastry off his fingers, "So then, what about the security cams?"
Hoseok broke out into a sly grin, "I looped a video of you sleeping. They can still see your heart monitor working... but they'll think you're still asleep."
From the back of the room, Jungkook leaned himself up against the door, "We're coming up with a new plan as secretly as we can." He announced, folding his arms across his chest with a sigh, "We can't afford to loose now, or we'll all just be killed-"
"Well all except Yoongi." Taehyung piped up, earning sharp glares from the rest of the gang. He rose his arms in surrender, "Whattttt? They think he's dead already!"
Bringing a hand to his head, Namjoon let out a grunt, "Now's not the time Taehyung."
There was a pause- a moment for the group to register their thoughts as they got comfortable. The first to move was Jimin, dragging a chair over to Yoongi's bedside. He plopped himself down in the seat, moving around a little to get comfortable on the cold metal.
Following his lead, Namjoon and Seokjin stood on the other side of the bed, their stances tall and strong showing just how serious they were about this topic.
Jungkook remained leaning against the door, Taehyung joining his side.
Finally, Hoseok took a seat on the final chair, crossing one leg over the other as he got comfortable. Behind him was the window, so with slow movements he pulled open one of the sheer blinds, allowing for the light of the moon to illuminate the room in it's silvery glow.
All was calm as a troubled expression made its way across Jimin's face, the male biting against the inside of his cheek before he finally decided to speak, "How are your legs?"
Yoongi let out a small huff, his hair blowing a little out of his eyes as he turned his gaze to the male by his side. He paused for a moment, propping himself up a little in bed before he put his pastry back in the paper bag, placing it aside, "I've been doing rehab exercises for a week, but I can only take painfully slow steps." He confessed, earning remorseful expressions from the group, "I can't walk without support, so I'm of no use..."
His eyes fell almost void with his blank expression, robbed of their usual warmth. Yoongi was in there, Jimin knew it, but it was almost as if the male had taken a huge step back from life. Jimin wanted to reach in and tell Yoongi that it wasn't hopeless. He knew Yoongi always had a pain inside, but now it was visible on his face and Jimin just wished for it to go away. He knew that was a selfish want, people had a right to their pain, they just didn't ask for it - it arrived like the gift someone never wanted.
This was troublesome for Yoongi on so many levels. This man's entire purpose was Bangtan, so now that he was of no help Jimin needed to help him find a new light to fill this void.
Feeling the conversation begin to grow heavy, Hoseok decided it was best if he continued on. This was something that needed to be discussed, "We can't involve Yoongi- so I suppose..." He paused mid-sentence, eyes flickering over to the male leaning against the door, "Jungkook should do the honours instead."
Jungkook's eyes shot wide, "What!?" he shout under his breath. His hands began to feel clammy just thinking about it, the male dropping his arms back to his side as he pushed himself off the door, "There's no way that'll even work!"
"It will." Namjoon spoke up, his tone stern as he faced the male with a hard gaze, "You're the only other person here who could land a perfect headshot."
Gnawing at the inside of his cheek, Jungkook shook his head, "No, this won't work." He said, turning his eyes to the floor, "My father knows I'm with Bangtan. He'll have more eyes on me then ever before." He paused, drawing in a breath, "He's gonna make a move, I can just feel it. And besides, even if I do kill him, the Jeons surely wouldn't turn to me-"
"They will." Hoseok interrupted, sitting up in his seat, "They still will, because the weak follow the powerful." He said, "If a prince killed his father, that prince would be crowned king... no matter how awful he may be." He ran a hand stressfully through his hair, "If you take down your father the syndicate will blindly follow you, regardless, you're still of Jeon blood."
Taehyung stepped forwards, "But now, here's the problem..." He drew in a breath, "How are we going to get Jungkook out of everyone's prying eyes?"
Sinking into his chair, Hoseok rested an elbow against the arm rest, leaning his head into his hand as a knowing smirk painted its way across his face, "We don't have to worry about that if we make him invisible from the start."
{Author Note}
I can't believe this story is going into its final stage... there's only about 10-15 chapters left which means this book will be completely finished within the month.
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