fifty nine
{growing suspicions}
Politely offering his assistance Hoseok helped Daisy step out from the van, the pair interlocking fingers. Above the sky was falling into rich shades of purple and pink, dusk calling in the night as the light slowly faded.
As the rest of the group left the van, outdoor lights began to flicker on one by one, illuminating the path ahead of them as they all turned their wary gazes to the grand entrance of Delgracy hall.
The building was beautiful, old stone and stained glass complimented by boxes teeming with tiny flowers. In front of them was a wide path, leading them towards the grand doors that stood wide open.
The group straightened themselves up, holding their heads high as they began to make their way towards security. Jungkook was biting back his nerves, boosting his fake ego as some kind of coping mechanism as he kept himself composed. Beside him, Taehyung was oddly relaxed, hands resting in his pockets as he walked close to Jungkook's side.
Jimin walked alone, not too bothered as it gave him time to focus on the task at hand. It was his job to keep the group as safe as possible whilst they all carried out their tasks, a big responsibility resting on his small shoulders.
Behind them, Hoseok walked beside Daisy, fixing up his suit to try and suppress his growing nerves. Daisy felt Hoseok growing tense, so in one slow and effortless motion she interlocked her arm with his, tilting her gaze to give a smile of reassurance, "You ready?"
Drawing in a sharp breath, Hoseok let himself relax as he moved towards Daisy's side, "Not at all." He spoke honestly, earning a melodic laugh from Daisy as she walked him forwards.
"Neither." She confessed, "But here we are."
They both squeezed each other in reassurance, stopping in front of security for a quick body check.
The men went easy on Daisy, not searching too much for anything, but the rest of the group felt like they were in an airport, the men patting them down for any signs of weaponry or prohibited items. Jimin even went as far as glaring at one of the men for almost getting a little too close for comfort.
The search however was quick to end, the group being cleared for any weaponry as the guards stepped aside, gesturing for the group to head in.
Drawing in a sharp breath of air, Jungkook finally felt the empty burn in his lungs and his heart hitting his chest so hard he thought it would break his ribs apart. His nerves were beginning to surface. He needed to shake them off. Now wasn't the time or place for worrying, tonight was the night for false confidence and fake expressions.
But Jungkook couldn't help but internally worry, his expression stern but nerves bubbling. Because didn't they know? It wasn't going to be easy for him to take a step forward when he was unsure where that foot would fall.
Jungkook bit back his fear as he took a step forwards, and another... and another step until he was walking through the entrance. The chatter of the crowd and the elegant music grew louder with each footfall, and there was no backing down now.
This was a fight that needed to be won.
Jungkook's fingers wrapped into Taehyung's hand, feeling how cold his fingers were. When Taehyung turned his way to smile, a gesture meant to reassure and give confidence, he gave away the worry he meant to mask. It wasn't just Jungkook who was nervous, it was clearly everyone.
The group moved forwards into the warm light of the grand hall, the classical music flooding their ears with its soft tune as they walked their way across the polished flooring. Tables and chairs were set out in one corner whilst a buffet table was set in another, waiters walking around as they passed out sparkling glasses of wine. Everything was elegant, from the golden decorations to the marvellous suits and dresses the guests wore. But it was all a facade, because beneath this luxury was money won over by violence and bloodshed.
Everything was tainted.
Slowing their steps, the group came to a standstill just inside the main entrance, the eyes of the gathering crowd immediately snapping over in their direction. Daisy found herself shrinking back into Hoseok's side as everyone in the entire Banquet hall paused what they were doing; their dance, their conversations, just to look their way. Because standing tall and proud in all his glory was the son of the leader of the biggest crime syndicate in all of Korea...
Jeon Jungkook.
He felt it, Jungkook felt everyone's eyes boring into him like he was the spawn of satan himself. Wild gazes came from onlookers as Jungkook took another step forwards into the frozen crowd, like there was a prodigious courage pushing inside of him, demanding him to be brave and strong. He'd never felt this kind of bravery before, yeah, he felt good. But that good feeling was quick to be sucked out from him as his eyes flickered over the crowd, the male's expression faltering as he locked eyes with the leader of the crime syndicate himself.
His father...
As the crowd began to register that Jeon Jungkook was present, they moved aside, hesitantly returning to whatever they were doing prior.
Jungkook however felt his heart begin to twist, his breaths coming up sharp as he tried to gain control, but nothing was working. It hurt. It HURT! He tried to breath calmly, but every time he looked into those eyes; cruel, horrible, twisted memories surfaced... with regret.
Behind him, Hoseok's expression morphed into one of worry as he watched Jungkook begin to loose his composure. Taking a step towards the younger male he parted his lips to speak but Taehyung was quick to beat him to it, moving himself in front of Jungkook to block the view of the male's father.
Snapping himself out of it, Jungkook closed his eyes and aimed his attention towards Taehyung's hands in his own. He breathed in and out, centring himself before relaxing once more, letting his eyes flutter open and meet with Taehyung's gaze. He stayed just like that for a second longer before heaving a sigh, turning towards the group dejectedly, "Sorry about that..." he paused as he drew in a steady breath, "It's a natural reaction I always get when I see my father. I'll be fine now," He gave a sad smile, "Promise."
Regaining his powerful stance once more, Hoseok's lips turned up in satisfaction. He seriously doubted for a moment whether or not Jungkook would be able to carry out such a task, but now he was reassured that this man had the guts necessary to assassinate someone.
The group calmed themselves and Jimin drew them all in closer, forming a tight circle as he leaned in to speak secretively, "The attention is still very focused in on Jungkook." he pointed out, earning a few nods of agreement from the group before he continued to speak, "Whilst that's happening I'm gonna take my leave and go fetch my weapon."
"Good idea." Hoseok spoke up before turning his attention to Taehyung, "I think whilst the spotlight is on Kook we should do what we can. Taehyung, you should go find Sofia."
"On it."
Nudging Taehyung against the shoulder, Jimin gestured for the male to follow him, "Lets be quick." He ushered the male to head off with him, the pair slipping away into the busy crowd of party goers as they went off to play their part in this mission.
As Taehyung let go of Jungkook, the male slipped his hand into his suit pocket instead, hesitantly casting his gaze back over in his father's direction. Jungkook frowned, narrowing his eyes before they shot wide again, "Oh shit..." he muttered under his breath, catching Daisy's attention.
The girl tugged Jungkook by the sleeve, "'Oh shit' what?"
Biting down against his lower lip, Jungkook leaned in-between the couple as he whispered into Daisy and Hoseok's ear, "Do you see that man standing beside my father?"
With peeked curiosity, Hoseok lifted his gaze, peering over Jungkook's shoulder as he let his eyes rest on the man standing defensively by the syndicate leader's side. It was safe to say Hoseok felt intimidated by this man, the guy taller and more buff then Jungkook even. He looked young, but definitely experienced.
"That's my father's right hand man... Kyo." He spoke lowly, the man's name rolling off his tongue like poison. Jungkook swallowed thickly before he continued, "I've never been able to beat him in a fight... so be cautious."
Hoseok took a step back, ready to notify the others but Jungkook beat him to it, the hacker noticing that Jungkook had a finger pressed down against his earpiece the entire conversation. So now everyone in the group knew to be careful.
Straightening back up, Jungkook ushered both Daisy and Hoseok further into the Banquet, the three of them making their way across the hall and closer towards the buffet table lined with well prepared dishes. The classical music continued to flood their ears, the small chattering of guests almost enough to drown it out.
Eyes roaming the room, Jungkook could see a few familiar faces, those from his old syndicate as well as gang members from old rival groups.
He couldn't help but gnaw at the inside of his cheek every time a dirty glare was sent in his direction, all from the people who knew he had fled the crime syndicate with no repercussions involved.
Jungkook couldn't wait for this to all be over.
Shaking his hair from his eyes, Jungkook reached for a glass of wine. He held it delicately between his fingers, swishing the golden liquid as he watched the sparkling bubbles rise. Scrunching his nose he brought the drink to his lips, taking a lengthy sip before lowering the glass... and then he felt his bones cease, locking eyes with his father once again.
This time however his father was beginning to approach the trio, Hoseok and Daisy also taking notice as they tensed in place. Jungkook watched on as if time was warbled and slowed, his father taking powerful strides towards them, a smirk growing with each footfall.
Jungkook found himself clenching his teeth as his father along with Kyo stopped in front of them.
He had to remain calm... he had to put on an act,
"Father." Jungkook greeted through gritted teeth.
The overbearing man looked down upon Jungkook, a smirk still plastered over his face, "Son." he gave a low chuckle, "Fancy seeing you here tonight."
"I felt like a party." The corners of his lips rose into a devilish grin as he swished around his glass of wine.
His father clicked his tongue against the inside of his cheek, "Likewise."
Still standing by Hoseok's side, Daisy couldn't help but feel so incredibly small as the crime leader's gaze shifted over to her smaller form. Those harsh eyes locked on her, his arms folded and a hellishly mean look on his face. His glare sucked something out of her, a glare to stop her heart. For in that moment she couldn't help but think back to Eunha, how this ruthless man standing before her was the one who stepped all over their gang.
She found herself zoning out until a hand of reassurance slipped its way around her waist, Hoseok pulling her closely into his side.
His perpetually soft eyes were now as hard as any store mannequin and in that instant she knew Hoseok was just as enraged as she was.
Jungkook's father took another step closer, invading their personal space as a crooked smile spread over his features, "Jung Hoseok I presume?" He leaned in a little closer, "I hope you and your buddies are ready to pay up."
Pushing down his fear Hoseok stood his ground, expression unwavering, "You won't be disappointed."
With a look of satisfaction, the syndicate leader moved back a little. But his stance remained powerful none-the-less as he spoke on, "Speaking of buddies." His eyes scanned the room before landing back on the trio, "I don't see your pal Min Yoongi anywhere? Such a shame."
Those insensitive words were enough to send Jungkook's blood boiling, the male biting back his tongue until the metallic taste of blood lingered in his mouth. His fists were curled by his side as his gaze fell to the floor, "Was it you?" He growled.
"Of course not!" He chuckled, the situation obviously amusing to him. The man paused, gesturing to the male beside him as his eyes grew dark, "It was Kyo here."
"Son of a bitch-"
"A, a, a... Jungkook remember what I taught you about manners?" There was violence in his words as he shot a hand forwards, taking Jungkook by his chin before forcing his son to look up. Jungkook couldn't help but wince as his father tugged at his jaw, "Eye contact." He said, moving his hand to his son's chest as he pushed the man backwards with such force that Jungkook was almost swept off his feet.
In the nick of time Hoseok's feet moved into action as he caught Jungkook from behind, the both of them stumbling backwards. Their expressions were of disbelief as they lifted their gaze and watched the leader of the crime syndicate walk back off into the gathering crowd.
As the man disappeared Hoseok took a hold of Jungkook's shoulders, steadying the male on his feet, "Kook, are you-"
"-I'm fine!" Jungkook spat, eyes stern as he dusted off his suit.
Noticing the stares he was receiving from the surrounding crowd, Jungkook was quick to send them all a harsh glare, scaring them off back into whatever they were doing prior to the 'father son' confrontation.
Feeling Jungkook's growing anger, Hoseok decided to take a step back, slipping his hands into his suit pocket as he frowned, "Your father sure is a rough one..."
"No kidding!" Daisy exclaimed, hugging herself as she shivered, "God... that was intense."
A growing feeling of fear began to surface as Jungkook's eyes slowly scanned the crowd... weird.
He looked harder, scanning everyone in sight but he just couldn't see that man anymore,
Where had his father gone?
{Author Note}
Working on my next BTS Group book right now so it can be released when this finishes!
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