Everyone had gone to sleep straight after dinner... all except Hoseok that was.
With an opened can of soda beside his computer, Hoseok sat in the dark, face illuminated by the screens placed around his desk. As his fingers typed away at the keyboard his eyes would flicker from screen to screen, checking the images every so often to ensure everything was well.
The monitor on his left showed live footage of the tattoo parlour, the neon sign flickering and softly illuminating the narrow street. On his right was the security footage of the Bangtan mansion, one camera on the front gate and the other on the back door and surrounding windows.
Letting out a tired sigh, Hoseok swept his can of soda into his hand once again, bringing it to his lips as he swung it back. He finished it off, slamming it back down against the desk alongside the other empty cans. He had already finished his energy drinks and had now substituted for anything else that could keep him awake.
Wiping at his lips, Hoseok couldn't help but shiver. After all, it was winter and he was only wearing a t-shirt and track pants, but he was feeling too lazy to wash his jumpers so he just let it be.
With bloodshot eyes, Hoseok's gaze flickered back over to the security footage of the mansion. He stared at it for a while, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Weird, I thought tonight was meant to be windy." He frowned, studying the trees as they kept idle.
Shrugging it off, his eyes flickered back to his main computer screen, fingers moving back over the keyboard-
until he flinched.
He paused, fingers lightly brushing over his computer as his pupils dilated. He felt his mouth go dry as he slowly transferred his gaze back over to the security camera system, eyes growing horrifyingly wide as he studied the screen more carefully.
"No way..." he muttered, leaning forwards as he grabbed a hold of the monitor, shooting out from his chair as he turned towards the screen, "No fucking way!" he cursed, breath falling short as he dropped his arms flatly to his side. He wore a blank expression as he watched the security footage... but that was the thing... there was nothing to watch,
because the screen had frozen.
Gritting his teeth, Hoseok tugged at his hair, "Fucking hell!" he exclaimed, turning on his feet and bolting towards his bedroom door. He didn't care that he'd knocked over some of his own computer accessories as he slammed open his door, dashing out into the light of the hallway. His breathing came in spurts, short and rapid as his heart pounded against his chest.
Hoseok's shout was cut short by a blinding flash followed by an enormous explosion. As Hoseok dropped to the floor to shield himself, the force of the explosion shattered the surrounding windows, setting off the shrill of the deafening alarms of the mansion along with it. Strangely as Hoseok looked up there was no sign of flames, only a plume of smoke and dust rising from the foyer where the front door had been blown open.
As Hoseok stumbled to his feet, his eyes grew wide as another explosion erupted from the foyer, only this time it was clearly a smoke bomb, a thick haze of grey smoke shrouding the mansion and filling the breathable air. The hoarse howl of people, the rushing of men and the series of new flashes breaking out alerted Hoseok to the sudden infiltration. His heart sunk to the pit of his stomach as he realised what was happening, quickly pushing away from the second story railing and dashing back down the hall.
The smoke was thickening, and before Hoseok even thought about seeking a place to hide, he ran to the window at the end of the hallway, grunting as he pushed it open as far as he could manage. Although it would take a while for the smoke to clear out, at least it was something.
He pivoted back around on his feet, breath hitching in his throat as he heard men bolting up the staircase. Drawing in too much smoke, Hoseok began to violently cough, alerting the men of his position as he continued to wheeze. So without even thinking, Hoseok grabbed a hold of the nearest door handle, swinging himself inside the room before the smoke had a chance to choke him.
Rubbing at his burning eyes, Hoseok's vision slowly adjusted to his environment. He let out a breath once he realised that he'd stumbled into Namjoon's office.
Outside the door, the loud footsteps of the men drew closer. Hoseok swung himself around behind the desk, slamming his hands against the edges of the wood as he braced himself. He was the least likely member to come out of this unscathed, after all, he never bothered learning anything more then basic combat. Heck- he didn't even know much about defence!
Gritting his teeth, Hoseok couldn't help but flinch as the door to the office was blown open, causing him to squint as smoke flooded inside. Standing at the door, armed and equiped with weaponry were two tall silhouetted figures.
Hoseok swallowed his fear, gripping tighter onto the desk as they advanced towards him, "You know what they say about tables." he smirked, positioning himself in a steady stance, "They always turn!" he shout, grunting as he flipped the table onto the two men. It knocked down one, but only pushed back the other. It was enough for Hoseok though as he jumped over the toppled table, snatching one of the machine guns out of the distracted male's hands and knocking it over his head with a furious battle cry.
As the man fell to the floor, Hoseok panted, chest rising and falling at an irregular pace as he clutched a hand over his heart. "God that was clo-" Hoseok cut his sentence short when one more armed gang member flew around the corner, only this time, it was Hoseok who noticed the male first, quickly bashing him over the head with the back of the gun and sending him straight to the floor.
He sighed, holding out the gun, "Bold of you to assume I know how to use this." he chuckled, pausing before tossing the machine gun to the floor, "Because seriously... I don't."
Jungkook had already sprung out of bed, his ears ringing from the loud explosion that echoed down the hallway. Dressed in nothing but his sleepwear, Jungkook's heart began to pound out of his chest. This was it, this was an infiltration.
Before Jungkook could even exit his room, the door burst open. He rose his hands into a defensive position but was quick to relax once he noticed the striking blue hair that sat atop the male's head.
With his hand latched tightly around the door handle, Taehyung breathed heavily, bringing a hand to his mouth as he tried to stop his coughing fit. He then launched forwards, taking a tight hold of Jungkook's hand before tugging him out into the hallway. Jungkook was practically being dragged along as Taehyung led him out into the smoke. They had no idea what had come of the other members, to the left of the staircase was only Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok's room. Through the thick smog Jungkook was able to see that Hoseok's bedroom door was open, so the male had obviously fled.
Still being dragged towards the stairs, Jungkook's eyes shot wide open when a silhouetted figure emerged from the smoke. It was so sudden that Jungkook found his breath falling short. Taehyung on the other hand snatched a flower vase off from the display table beside him, swinging it over the man's head. The glass shattered over the man's face, sending him into a fit of rage as he clawed at his now blinded eyes.
Jungkook gaped as Taehyung pulled on his hand once again, tugging him down the staircase in a mad dash for safety. They hadn't grabbed a weapon, so all they could do was use the smoke that was played against them to their advantage and be the ones to strike first.
Landing in the middle of the foyer, Jungkook and Taehyung weren't surprised to see three more men standing underneath the chandelier. Their fists were raised, knives in their hands as they braced themselves for a fight.
Cracking his knuckles out in front of him, Jungkook was the one to step forwards, pushing Taehyung behind him before curling his hands into tight fists, "You have no idea who you're messing with." Jungkook smirked. Yes... he really smirked. He didn't know why he found himself feeling giddy at that moment, the adrenaline maybe? Or perhaps he missed this all too much.
The first man stepped forwards, practically throwing himself at Jungkook as he rose his weapon. Expression falling into one of concentration, Jungkook swiftly dodged the first swing, spinning on his feet before grabbing the man's wrist tightly in his hand. Although the man was more built then Jungkook, the brunette still had no trouble in pulling the man towards him, bringing up his leg and kneeing him directly in the stomach. The man stumbled backwards and a second infiltrator came to assist, now it was two on one.
Gritting his teeth, Jungkook twisted the wrist of the first man, snatching the knife out of his hold before swinging the blade across the man's throat, almost as easy as slicing butter. From behind him, Taehyung's jaw was slack, eyes horrifyingly wide as he watched Jungkook proceed to turn towards the second man, swinging a fist across his jaw. Both men had fallen before the third one approached, this time landing a solid hit across Jungkook's cheek.
Jungkook let out a pained grunt as he stumbled off to the side, but he was quick to regain himself, blood on his knuckles and a bruise below his right eye as he swung his fist back towards the man, repaying his gesture by punching him straight in the jaw with all of his body weight. He continued battering him until the man fell to the floor, chest rising and falling with each shallow breath.
Jungkook dropped the knife to the floor, "Lets go." he uttered, earning a hesitant nod from Taehyung as they followed each other out towards the door.
They were halfway across the foyer when they managed to spot a familiar man, a guitar in his hand as he lifted it high above his head. In front of the familiar man was an infiltrator, eyes wide as he watched the other male swing the guitar back. Holding tightly onto the instrument, Seokjin gritted his teeth, "I've always wanted to know if you can play a guitar with your face!" he exclaimed, letting out a shout as he swung the instrument out in front of him, knocking the male unconscious with one blow. Some of the strings snapped whilst the others rung out in tune. Seokjin dropped the guitar to the floor, "Guess not."
"Jin!" Taehyung shouted, dragging Jungkook behind him.
Seokjin let out a drastic sigh of relief, "Oh thank God..." he murmured, watching the pair approach him. Once they were by his side, Seokjin took Taehyung by the shoulder, "We need to get out of here."
From behind them, someone was having a coughing fit as they approached the group, swatting away the smoke as they emerged from the smog, "What are we waiting for!?" Hoseok exclaimed, his computer held tightly underneath his arm as he trudged towards the group. He placed a firm hand against Seokjin's back as he pushed the male forwards,
"The door's right there!"
{Author Note}
BTS on Jimmy Fallon today was soooooo fun! Finally America got to see the BTS we know and love. They were genuinely having so much fun and I really appreciate how much Jimmy is involved in with the group, it makes me so happy when american interviewers or hosts make the effort.
Anyways, this chapter was bomb... the next chapter will be even better...
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