{How to be a charmer}
Jungkook moved along with the thick crowd of the city's morning commuters. Being taller then most he could see the bright shops signs above, the buildings orienting him as he walked forwards. The city listened to his paced footsteps, the clicking of his shoes against the pavements as he moved, eyes momentarily flickering over to the buildings beside him where he saw the windows reflect the glow of the morning sun. It empathised his frustrated groan as he pushed past the crowd of strangers, tired already after waking up so early.
Beside him, Taehyung strolled along with a bit of a skip in his step. The blue haired male held tightly onto the straps of his backpack, a result of his skateboard balancing between his bag and his back. A clever way to carry it. However, the sides of the board would sometimes bump against strangers, causing Taehyung to be frequently jostled, but he didn't seem to mind.
"Been around this area?" Taehyung piped up, leading Jungkook in no specific direction, more so just covering the general area around the tattoo parlour.
Sliding his hands into the pockets of his oversized black hoodie, Jungkook shook his head, "I don't live on this side of the city... I just came around for your tattoo store."
Taehyung rose a brow, "So you're living alone I'm guessing?"
"Yep, alone since 16."
Taehyung's whole face lit up, "Woah same!"
Jungkook frowned, falling pokerfaced at Taehyung's unexpected response, "Really?" Jungkook couldn't help but feel curious as to how such a bright spirited male had been left on his own from such a young age. He swallowed thickly, lidded eyes locking with Taehyung's, "What's your story?"
Jungkook watched as Taehyung's shoulders slightly slumped, grip on his backpack loosening in the slightest as sadness clouded his features, "Lets just say my family wasn't the most accepting type." he began, eyes falling to the pavement, "It's okay though... Hoseok found me." he spoke, the smallest of smiles tugging at his lips.
Jungkook studied Taehyung's expression, "Not Namjoon?"
Taehyung sighed, "Well, of course Hobi would've found me. I was actually-"
Crackling sounded through both Taehyung and Jungkook's earpiece, cutting the males short of their conversation as they both brought a hand to their ear, listening closely to the voice breaking through.
"Guys I've got movement in the back alleyway outside the store across the street." Hoseok sounded through the earpiece, still located back at the mansion as he glued himself to the computers, "The surveillance is shit though, so I've only got a blurred image."
Taehyung's mouth was set in a hard line, "We can check it out-"
"Wait... they're heading out from the alleyway." Hoseok added, cutting off Taehyung's words.
Eyes darting to the alleyway across the streets, the two males hid themselves against the people in the crowd. Jungkook was quick to lift his hands to his hoodie, wrapping his lengthy fingers around the material as he hurriedly pulled the hood over his head, concealing himself incase the shady people were in fact Jeons. From beside him, Taehyung could sense the younger's slight unease.
From the pavement, the two males watched as a black Porsche rolled up to the side of the curb across the street. The windows were heavily tinted, no way for the males to take note of the driver's identity whilst the car was parked.
Narrowing his eyes, Taehyung watched as three figures emerged from the said alleyway. They strolled out in a group, heads held high and confidence practically radiating from their forms. The two up front were men dressed neatly in suits and ties, behind them was surprisingly a single lady. Her heels clicked against the pavement at her feet, hands momentarily fidgeting with the hem of her skirt as she kept the short length from revealing anything. Her blonde hair was gently curled and styled to perfection, makeup giving her skin a gorgeous glow as she emerged from the shadowed alleyway into the sun.
Taehyung and Jungkook watched as the men opened the car door for her, the woman giving a slight bow in appreciation before slipping into the backseat. As the other men hopped inside the car, the Porsche was quick to head back into motion, rolling away from the curb and heading back into the traffic.
"Hoseok... track that car." Taehyung spoke sternly, so foreign to Jungkook who had only ever seen his chipper side. Taehyung lowered his hand from his ear, "We're going after it." he stated, surprising Jungkook as he snatched the younger male's hand, picking up his pace as he tugged Jungkook down the city street.
Taehyung pushed past the lively crowd without a care, face almost emotionless. Jungkook couldn't help but feel somewhat amused by this side of Taehyung. It had been so long since he'd felt the rush, the adrenaline of hunting someone down. He was raised for this his whole life, he knew nothing better and nothing more exhilarating.
Stopping Taehyung and Jungkook in their tracks, the sound of a car engine rolling up on the road beside them caused the pair to stop, heads snapping in the direction of the vehicle. The tinted window of the silver car rolled down, revealing Seokjin's face, "Get in, we're following." he spoke sternly, watching as Taehyung was first to step towards the car.
Tugging Jungkook behind him, Taehyung pulled open the car door, swinging his backpack inside and tossing his skateboard against the floor. As the blue haired male slipped inside, Jungkook followed, shutting the door beside him and buckling up his seatbelt.
As Seokjin switched the gears into drive and pulled away from the curb, Taehyung spoke up, "No one has ever done business on our territory." his eyes burned with questions, "This is unusual."
With his hands clenched tightly around the cool leather of the steering wheel, Seokjin didn't have to drive for too long before he heard Hoseok's voice sound over his earpiece, a slight crackle before the voice emerged, "Located... it's stopped outside the club."
"Thanks Hoseok." Seokjin replied, holding a hand down against his ear before he turned the wheel to the side, rolling up against the curb a few metres away from the club. Switching the gears into park, Seokjin shut off the engine, eyes darting up to his revision mirror to check the two males seated in the back, "You two head in."
Taehyung gave an enthusiastic thumbs up, "Got it!" he exclaimed, waiting for Jungkook to hop out onto the pavement before he followed, leaving his backpack in the car but not forgetting to take out his ID.
The pair were standing just outside the club yet they could already hear the blast of the music from inside, unusual for a club to be active so early in the morning. People were stumbling out the front, hair and clothing dishevelled after a long night of drinking and partying. Jungkook could practically smell the alcohol on their breaths as they pushed past him from the entrance and swayed drunkenly out onto the street.
Jungkook couldn't help but scoff at their carelessness.
Following Taehyung, the pair headed inside, not forgetting to show their ID's before entering the party zone.
It was an unusual scene to walk into, heading in from the light of day it made them feel as if they had suddenly been plunged into the night. Music drummed against their ears, the floor vibrating under their feet from the loud volume of the beat. Neon lights caused their skin to glow under shades of blue and purple, Taehyung blending in almost aesthetically with his blue hair and colourful clothing.
Sticking close to the blue haired male, Jungkook pushed past the gathering crowd. The club felt electric, everyone feeding off of smiles and fast dancing. Jungkook knew he could party all night long if he wanted, feet moving to the crazy beat like he belonged to the music. Girls moved their dresses like their hips were made to sway, their sequins catching on the disco ball light that twirled above- launching every shade of the rainbow into the darkness.
Slipping through the crowd, Taehyung made a B-line straight for the bar. "There she is." Taehyung spoke, voice almost completely drowned out by the blasting of the music over the dance floor.
Jungkook's eyes trailed over to the woman at the bar. Her hair was salon perfect, falling softly over her tightly fitted dress, the lower part riding up a little as it hugged her curves in all the right places. With a manicured hand she was reaching into her purse, eyes flickering into the crowd every so often as she eyed the dancing figures.
And that's when Jungkook felt Taehyung leave his side, holding himself tall and confidently as he strode towards the gorgeous woman. Jungkook moved himself aside, watching from afar as Taehyung slipped into the bar chair in front of the girl, leaning himself against the counter.
Jungkook was in awe. Taehyung was so relaxed, so natural in his approach. From the way he caught her attention, to the way a heart-stopping smile spread its way across his face. And then he spoke, his voice still loud and clear over the earpiece that connected the team.
"How did a gorgeous girl like you wind up in a club all alone?" Taehyung's words rolled off his tongue like rich honey, so deep and alluring. He crossed one leg over the other, hair falling softly over his entrancing eyes. Jungkook couldn't help but swallow thickly, watching as a flush crept up the girl's face... because lets be honest, who wouldn't feel something towards such a handsome man?
The girl regained her composure, sweeping her hair from her shoulders to reveal her chest and her smooth, doll-like skin. "I could ask the same for you." she smiled, "How come a handsome man like you is roaming the place alone?" she assumed, leaning forwards a little in her chair.
Taehyung simply rose a brow with a smirk, "Touché" he gestured towards the bar, "Mind if I grab you a drink?"
"If you promise you're not a creepy predator."
Taehyung snickered, "Honey, I can assure you I'm nothing more then a gentleman." he spoke, holding strong eye contact with the woman, a cleaver alluring strategy to pull the girl into his trance. Jungkook watched from afar as Taehyung moved in a little, waiting for the bartender to slide them a couple of alcoholic beverages.
From there, Taehyung continued to converse with her, his carefully selected words drowning out the woman's surroundings so that she would be focused on nothing and no one but him. When he spoke he would open his mouth slowly, complimenting her and approving of her words to allow for the conversation to flow in her direction. Every time he laughed he would slightly lean in, brushing their shoulders or giving her a light touch. They were getting closer and closer by the minute, proximity growing small.
"Hey... so tomorrow night I'm having a business dinner." the woman finally spoke up, swishing around the alcohol in her wine glass, "I don't wanna be that girl who sticks by the food table alone, so would you be so kind as to accompany me?" she grinned, cheeks flushed as she took out a piece of paper, sliding it across the counter and towards Taehyung's overly pleased form.
The sound of crackling erupted from the earpiece, "Holy shit this is gold! A business dinner is exactly what we need!" Hoseok chirped from the other end of the line.
Jungkook couldn't help but feel somewhat impressed at how skilled Bangtan's lure really was. He wasn't just a handsome face like most, no, he was smart... and witty as all heck. Taehyung had such an alluring way with his words, it only made Jungkook grow more curious of the team.
From the bar, Taehyung placed down his drink, sliding the piece of paper with the girl's number towards him. His lip ticked up into a sly smirk,
"I would be honoured."
{Author Note}
BTS have finally announced publicly that their next album will be released early next year! I'm gonna take a wild guess and say February... only because January feels too soon and March is a bit further into the year.
I'm really hoping it links up the Bangtan Universe because boy I've been waiting for the whole story for years. I'm kinda hoping it'll be more of a darker theme as well, their songs have been very mainstream sounding lately and as much as I hate to be one of those people... I miss their old distinctive sound.
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