Chapter 5: Eleven
Epsilon slowly opened her eyes to reveal, darkness? She sat up and it was dark outside. The stars twinkled friendly, but something was off. The smell of iron hit her nose. 'Blood'. She thought in a panicked tone. She quickly jumped out of bed and ran towards the smell. She jumped out a window and rolled at she landed. She had always been fascinated with parkour, so she mastered some techniques.
She sprinted down the street with not a single person in sight. 'That's weird.' The scent was getting stronger, so she didn't dwell on her thoughts. She turned the corner and her eyes widened. There were bodies of the villagers lining the roads, like a trail to follow. She ran, following the path the bodies showed her. They turned a corner, so she followed, but froze when she saw it. She took in the scene.
The trail of bodies led to a pile of more. In the pile, she saw the figures of her lean but fit mother, and her muscular dad. She spotted her school friends' bodies as well. She even spotted Naruto and Sakura in the pile. Her breath hitched as she realized something. Her breathing then quickened and her eyes widened, filling with tears. 'They... They're...' A lump rose in her throat. 'They're missing... Their heads...'
She noticed a person in a black cloak looming over the pile with large, blood soaked burlap sack slung over his shoulder.
"You!" She cried out, allowing anger to spill into her voice. The figure turned and displayed a crazed grin on his face. Her jaw dropped in sadness and disbelief. A tear silently made its way down her face.
"I'm glad you could join us, dear sister." He kept the crazed grin on his face and tilled his head. His hair was matted and dirtied and he didn't look like himself at all. Another cloaked figure came out from around the pile of bodies.
"Indeed." The other one spoke. Her eyes widened and stared in horror. Sasuke held a blooded whipsaw in his hands. "Hn. You look surprised." He slowly made his way towards her. "You should have known this was going to happen, considering you know the entire plot line." He taunted.
She couldn't do a thing except stare in horror their work. Her brother unslung the sack from his shoulder. "I'm sure you want to see our parents and your friends don't you?" And to her dismay, he dropped the bag.
It hit the ground with a thud, and all their heads came rolling out. She couldn't help it, so she screamed.
Epsilon bolted upright, panting heavily. Beads of cold sweat ran down her face. She glanced out the window. The sun was rising. It peaked over the treetops, signaling that a new day had arrived. She slowly swung her feet off the bed, throwing the covers away. She took in a shaky breath before getting out bed. She went to the drawer and pulled out her ninja outfit. She slipped her headphones off her head and set them to the side. She then took of her pjs and put her new outfit on.
It wasn't as formfitting as she had expected. It actually allowed a lot of room for movement. She patted her sides and found hidden pockets. How convenient. She wrapped both of her upper thighs in bandages and strapped her kunai pouches over top, filling them with said item. She folded back her sleeves just enough to wrap both her hands as well. She folded her sleeves back to their original positions and slipped her thumbs in the holes. She grabbed her brown scarf and wrapped it around her neck loosely, letting one end hang in front. She then placed her headphones around her neck and slipped her phone into her pocket. She spotted one of Kakashi's notes laying on the floor. She picked it up and shoved it into her hidden pocket without a second thought.
She made her way down the stairs and grabbed an apple on her way out the door. She flung the door opened and locked it behind her, when the voices came again.
Oh fresh air.
Let's have fun!
What should we do?
gO oN a KiLliNg SpReE
Epsilon immediately cut off her thoughts in an attempt to silence the voices, of course that didn't work.
Sounds like fun!
What fun should we have with the bodies though?
I know!
wE'lL tAkE tHeIr HeAdS
Epsilon slapped her cheeks and the voices went away. The dream flooded back to her. All her friends, all the people she knew, and both her parents' head rolling out of the bloody burlap sack. She shook her head and the thought disappeared, for now. She then took a quick look around and realized she had been walking. Not to far in the distance, she spotted the training grounds. She placed on her unemotional mask and ran towards it, ignoring the odd stares the people gave her as she ran.
In about a minute, she was there. Iruka and Asuma were already waiting for her along with a few other people she did not expect. Sasuke leaned against a tree that Shikamaru was sitting next to, and Neji standing next to. She ignored them all and walked up to Iruka.
"What are they doing here?" She jabbed her thumb at the three boys.
Iruka glanced over at their annoyed faces and chuckled. "They're going to be the ones to test your abilities." He looked back to her. "I also want to see if you can tell me their names."
Epsilon scowled, hating to do this. No matter how hard she tried, she just kept interfering with the plot line. She then turned to the boys and pointed as she spoke. "The one leaning against the tree is Sasuke. The one sitting and being lazy is Shikamaru. And the one standing is Neji." Iruka was scribing something on his clipboard as Epsilon walked up to the boys. Neji and Shikamaru's eyes were wide while Sasuke just raised an eyebrow. He already knew that she knew his name. She had proven it when they first met.
"How did you..." Shikamaru trailed off, his sentence unfinished but his point understood.
Epsilon turned to him. "It doesn't matter, does it?"
He rubbed the back of his hand and looked away. "I guess not."
A hand was placed on her shoulder and she stiffened. She turned and Iruka stared at her smiling. "Now now, no need to get testy. Guys, this is Zeta. Kakashi should be here soon, so let's get started." She glared at him and he removed his hand from her shoulder. "Neji, if you would to start with Taijutsu." Both Epsilon and Neji moved to a more open area. "Oh. Can I also ask you why you have two kunai pouches instead of one."
Epsilon stole a glance at him. "I'm ambidextrous." She replied. They all stared at her like she was crazy. "You don't know what being ambidextrous means?" They all shook their heads. Oops. She sighed but answered nonetheless. "It means you don't have a dominant hand. You can do something with one hand just as good with the other." Some still displayed confused looks, others looked understanding. Sort of.
"Anyways," Iruka started. "Let's get going."
Both she and Neji respectfully bowed before getting into a fighting stance. "Iruka." She said without looking away from the hyuga. "Is he allowed to use his Byakugan?"
Iruka nodded his head. "Yes of course. It's only a taijutsu battle." He then paused and registered what she had said. She already knew he had the Byakugan. She nodded her head in acknowledgement.
Kakashi then appeared next to Asuma in a puff of smoke. "You were going to start without me. How sad."
Asuma chuckled. "We knew you wouldn't miss a thing." He then turned his head back to the kids.
Iruka cleared his throat. "Begin!"
Neji activated his byakugan and went for her. "Gentle Fist!" Epsilon heard the voices again, although she hated to do it, this time she decided to listen. They had helped her in the forest, maybe they would do so again.
Left shoulder
Leg sweep
Right calf
Neji followed exactly what the voices said, so she dodged each blow. She then ran around him, trying to make him use the Eight Trigrams Palms Rotation. She smiled inwardly when he did just that.
She used this chance to back up and throw a kunai at him. She timed it so it would be at him when he stopped. She then threw another kunai towards the sky and threw a shuriken right after it.
He stopped his rotation just in time to dodge the kunai. The shuriken in the air, being faster than the kunai in the air, hit it and made it plummet straight down into the Hyuga's blind spot. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Sasuke's eyes widening in recognition. She cursed inwardly. Of course he was going to recognise that move. She had taken it off of his brother.
Having only a split second to react, Neji dodged the kunai. His forearm began bleeding.
He looked up, and they stared each other down. Neither of them moved a muscle. Her heart was thumping so hard to felt like it was going to burst through her chest any second.
Neji's form suddenly disappeared. Epsilon whirled around, but he wasn't there. A feint.
Heh heh!
The voices laughed.
She didn't know how, but she felt a presence behind her. She tugged out a kunai and pointed the blade backwards. Then, did a quick spin and nearly got him, but he jumped away.
"You are at least decent." Neji spoke to her.
"Is that supposed to be a complement or an insult?" She questioned.
"Take it as whatever you wish." Her eye twitched. Typical Neji. "Though you are slow." There it was. The presence again. She tried to turn around but a hand quickly pressed into her shoulder. "Gentle Fist."
He grabbed her upper arm when she attempted to spin around. She rotated around his arm to punch him with her other fist, but he ducked and pull vaulted her over his back. Her momentum flew her over his shoulder and straight into the ground. Her back ached in pain but she spun on the ground and attempted to kick Neji's legs out from under him with her legs. The same move she had used on Kakashi and the others. He jumped and her other foot shot out, connecting with his left knee cap. He couldn't land properly so he crumpled to the ground. Epsilon sat up and aimed a punch at his face. He moved his head and landed a couple more of his "Gentle Fist". When they both stood up, he spun and kicked her because she was unprepared.
The kick sent her flying.
Her back hit the trunk of a tree with a thud, and she slid to the ground. "That should do it." He paused, probably facing the jounin. "She's too weak though." Her blood began to boil.
Now, she would have thought that after his moves, she wouldn't be able to move. Yet the only thing that hurt was her back. She used the tree for balance and faced him. "Then train me to become better." He turned to her and a look of surprise momentarily flashed across his face. "Surprise surprise." She sprinted, and time seemed to slow down.
She ran at him and he wasn't quick to respond in the slowed state, so he received a kick to the gut and a jab in between the ribs. When she stopped running, it all took effect. Now it was his turn to fly back and hit a tree. She caught the look on all the jounin's faces. Absolutely priceless.
When the leaves stopped fluttering down, there was Neji. He stood propped up against the splintering tree, breathing heavily. She had dished him quite a good kick.
He placed his hands together and used the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms. Just like in the anime, rings appeared on the ground and the wind kicked up. Symbols appeared on the ground and a yin and yang appeared in the center. She shut her right eye from the wind, and it all disappeared. 'What?' She closed her left and opened her right. The rings became more vivid. She didn't understand, but used it to her advantage nonetheless.
Epsilon jumped back out of the range of the rings. He realized this and scowled. She looked at him and her eyes widened. She could see all his chakra points. Then her eyes narrowed, and she remembered how the gentle fist worked. She then concentrated the energy of her body, into the palm of her hands.
As soon as Neji removed the rings, she sprinted towards him again. He moved in slow motion as she ran. A single chakra point as the base of his neck blinked in and out, almost as if it was telling her to come to it. She pressed it and yelled, "Gentle Fist!"
Time returned to normal and a massive burst of wind shot outwards from the force. He slumped to the ground and she didn't bother to try and catch him. She too, was exhausted and bent over, placing her hands on her knees and breathing heavily. She peeked over at the jounin. Iruka and Asuma's jaw had hit the ground already while Kakashi stood unmoving with wide eyes.
She mustered enough strength and turned to face them. "Did I pass your test?" She spoke sarcastically.
Of course she did.
Iruka slowly nodded his head. "I'm sure you did." He glanced to the boy crumpled at her feet. "Neji, now what you think of her?" He spoke carefully.
The Hyuga wrinkled his nose with distaste. "Better than I thought, but still weak in form and strength. Her wit and speed makes up for it, a little." He looked away from her at that last comment, obviously displeased to be saying that.
Epsilon looked back to the jounin. "Now I fight Sasuke with Ninjutsu, right?"
Iruka slowly nodded his head. "Th-that's exactly right."
Lucky guess.
She took a step forward and a newfound pain sprung up in her right eye. She hissed in agony and collapsed to the ground. A hand held her up and the other covered her eye. Her body began to feel as if it were on fire. Her covered eye felt like it had acid poured into it, and her stomach felt like it was being stabbed over and over. Her breaths became choppy and labored at it got harder for her to breath. Blood dripped down off her hand and pooled on the ground below it. She pulled her hand away from her eye and found that it was covered in her own sticky red blood. It was dripping from her right eye.
Her given name, Zeta, was yelled and there was a thumping of feet towards her, but it was all muffled. Her vision began to get blurry along with the loud ringing in her ears. Not to mention the voices.
He he! She over used it!
But she did figure out how to use it.
So? She's still a brat.
She deserves some respect though! She did it without our help!
She will die without our help.
She's not strong enough to withstand much more.
She'll probably still die anyways. A wasted effort.
She'll survive if we help her.
Why would we help her?
Because she's the only one who can hear all of us.
Never had her mind been in such disarray before. Normally, there were only the same two or three, maybe four voices, but this time...
There were ten.
Then, she heard a different small voice, another one that she had never heard before. There was something different about this one though. She felt more, connected to it. And that scared her.
I guess she did alright. For a kid...
She couldn't focus on any of the voices though, because dark spots were starting to dance in her eyes. She felt someone shaking her. She felt her strength fading away. She slowly lifted her head and saw a few people with obvious concern on their faces, one of which was ghostly, and should have been dead.
And of course right after that, she lost all consciousness.
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