Test week
The days had flown by so fast and it was the day of our first test. The school had a solemn aura which was coupled with the heavy rain that had started very early in the morning and had ended recently. Most students were seen trying to make their way to their test hall and those that weren't taking any test made their way to their lecture halls.
Sarah was not lucky enough to be among the latter, she had woken up very early to revise the last topic of her chemistry note but was still having difficulties remembering what she had read. It was like she hadn't read at all and her head felt blank. She decided therefore to go to the test hall an hour in advance maybe she will be able to revise with her colleagues.
"Bimpe. What's up? " I greeted one of my departmental mate on getting to the test hall.
"I'm fine ooh. Have you read Thermodynamics?" She asked.
"Yea, I learnt some of the workings but i can't really say about the rest shaa. The Note is somehow jare." I replied.
"Ooh okay, What about Chemical Reactions."
"I already read that and I think I can solve questions under it." I replied confidently since I had read the topic in and out.
"Okay, let's solve this past question then." She said and in under 5 minute, I was able to solve only 3 questions out of the 10 questions and I started to panic.
Wondering how I was going to solve 30 questions In 10 minutes when I couldn't even solve 10 questions In 5 minutes.
Thankfully, Dupzy arrived at that moment.
"Babes, how far?" She ask
"I'm not fine ooh, infact I'm scared. I have read everything in our lecture note and yet it feels like i haven't read anything." I lamented.
"Don't worry eehn, I understand how you feel. But it won't do you any good to read anything by this hour anymore. It will just confuse you, besides it's already 20 minute before the test. Just relax and pray jare." She said as she dragged me away to a silent corner to sit as we awaited the beginning Of the test.
The test started soon and everyone struggled to get in first as though that guaranteed we would come first but who was I to judge when I did same thing myself.
I prayed as I got to my seat and logged in to the computer to start my test and thankfully, my questions were ridiculously okay compared to the ones bimpe showed me earlier hence I finished the 30 questions In 12 minutes which left me with 3 minutes to go back and check again before submitting.
I smiled as I left the hall.
"The first test wasn't so bad after all." I thought.
The test weeks flew by as fast as it arrived and people were starting to prepare for their exams as test results were gradually been released.
I, on the other hand was happy. Two of my test results have been released and they were above average.
I and Tolu had also gotten close and we have become practically best friends, I'm still in love with him but of course he doesn't know that but I'm happy that he has started confiding in me and seeing me as a close friend unlike before and I trust him. That was one of the reasons why I decided to go to a club with him tonight to celebrate the completion of our tests.
I didn't tell Dupzy because I did not want her to question me and give me annoying advices. She was becoming as bad as my mom ever since I started getting very close with Tolu, she still has an illusion that he's a bad guy.
Thankfully for me, Seun isn't around hence he doesn't know that Tolu js taking me out and I lied to my roommates that I was staying over at Dupzy's house.
Happy about covering all my bases, I set out with one of the heaviest make up I have ever had on and one of my most beautiful and revealing dress. Though, I made sure to put a scarf on so that it would cover my open bust and legging to cover my legs which I would remove later.
"I hope he's impressed." I muttered thinking of all the ladies I had seen at the club the last time I was there.
They were dressed way more extravagant that what I was wearing but I hope he loves it.
I arrived at the club just in time as I moved to the back and empty area of the club to remove my legging and socks which I stuffed In my bag before I walked in.
I called Tolu who asked me to come in and try to locate the bar area. Walking in, I felt like I was the weird one out as I moved randomly through bodies. Some were drunk and staggering while some were dancing and grinding against each other on the dance floor. I also noticed a girl and a boy kissing and making out in a dark corner but I finally found Tolu.
"Hi." I said.
"Hey, what's up." He said giving me a small hug.
"This is definitely a lot more crazy than the previous time I was here." I said as i took my seat.
"Yes, that's because today is Saturday and most people are here to relax after the week days." He said.
"Ooh okay." I muttered feeling a but nervous as I slightly adjusted my gown a bit to make it look longer and cover my open thigh.
"Would you love something to drink?" he ask.
"Yes, coke would be fine."I said.
"Ooh baby, they don't sell soft drinks. All they have is alcohol." He said.
"I don't take alcohol but you can get me water then." I replied feeling extra nervous.
"How about I get you a drink and you try it, if you love it. You can drink it for the rest of the night." He said.
"Hope it's non alcoholic?" I ask.
"Don't worry about it, I will be right back." he said as he went to get the drink.
He came back with a red drink in an elegant glass cup. As he gave it to me, the smell of alcohol hit me and I hesitated.
"But, I said...." I started.
"Come on. Don't be a baby." he urged and that was my undoing as I took a sip not to look like a baby.
A'N: Hello everyone, Writers block is a bitch but I'm trying to conclude this book as fast as I can because I have new books and ideas but I don't want to start a new one without not completing my half written books.
I'm sorry for not updating for so long, I hope you loved it. Please remember to vote and comment.
Question of the chapter: What's happening!!! where's the story headed?
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