Vee's views on being Enby.
Hey, this isn't written by Vee on the computer, it's Alex, but taken from a note that Vee wrote in our notebook.
I'm an enby. I'm non-binary, neither male not female. I present more masculine. It doesn't make me less of an enby. It doesn't make me a cis guy.
I don't care if you want to wear dresses or what have you, your clothes do not make you less you. Not one person can tell you that to be an enby you must present in one way. There is no set way to be male, there is not set way to be female, there is no set way to be between them, there is no way to be nothing. Only you know how you want to dress.
I use all pronouns, I don't care, you may think that I won't want to be called male because of my deadname and birth gender, but honestly I don't give a fuck, Alex calls me he all the fucking time. Sometimes I get called Viktor, but I don't care, sure it's not my name anymore, but it doesn't really matter, I know who I am. I am Vee, and that's good by me.
So be you, and nothing other than you, you may be single, you may be multiple, but be you, authentically you.
I don't care if you do drugs, I don't care if you smoke, I do, I'm not allowed to in the body because of asthma, but I do on the inner world. I give no damns what you do so long as you are safe. So long as you are responsible I don't care, doesn't matter to me.
Your identity doesn't matter to me, I'll respect it and validate it, but in the end it doesn't effect how I see you.
Just stay safe.
Before we get anything saying shit like "You should have asked Vee's permission" I did. - Alex.
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