I Am Not Fine
Hey guys so this is a story that takes place where Tadashi is in 10th grade(ALIVE AND WELL BTW) and Hiro is in 7th grade. Its been 9 years since the Hamada parents died and the family is going to go through another year without them, but their friends will be by their sides(enjoy that Tadahoney edit I found up top!) . So I hope you enjoy this and lemme know ur thoughts!
Dedicated specifically to Cra_Cra_Potter who has been reading ALL of my Disney content lately and wanted me to make more😊 love you all and bare with me because I haven't wrote any Disney stories in years so I may be a little rusty...
Tadashi rose out of his bed that morning with a yawn of exhaustion. The sun came through the window, revealing the spring weather from outside. He could hear the birds chirping outside while feeling the warmth of the covers from being in the sun against his skin. It seemed like it would be a good day, but then his phone beside him made a DING-ing sound.
Stretching his arm, he grabbed his DPhone 6 to see what the notification was. Scanning his lock screen he saw the message was from a few of his friends;
10:51 AM
Thursday, April 23rd
Gogo: (10:51am) Hey Tadashi, take it easy today I know its rough.. Hope you all are okay 😕
Honey Lemon: (9:42am) Praying for you all that you have a decent day today. I'm sorry about your parents and I know its a touchy subject but call me anytime if you need to talk to someone. 💗💗💗
Fred: (9:06am) Yo dude I just wanted 2 tell u I hope u and ur family r ok today. 😭💔
Wasabi: (6:33am) Just wishing you all the best today. I'm sorry about anything you had to go through. Stay strong buddy! :(
Tadashi remembered what day it was and felt a pit in his stomach form. It was another year without his parents. They had died over 8 years ago, but it still left a marking in his heart thinking about them. He knew his friends were being very supportive and understanding for everything; however, he always felt weird having people give their condolences to the family. Nothing was bad about doing that, he was just more used to not being the center of attention.
The Hamada boy sighed and decided it was time to get out of bed. Aunt Cass usually let him and his brother Hiro sleep in and miss school that day so they wouldn't have to stress which he was thankful for. Pulling the blanket from his legs sent a rush cold as the air hit his toes. Once the young man stood up, he realized that Hiro wasn't in his bed. He's probably downstairs having breakfast, Tadashi thought with a shrug.
So as the sophomore headed down the stairs towards the cafe, already all dressed and ready for the day, he responded to his text messages, most like this;
Tadashi: Thanks but don't worry I'm fine :)
Fine...was that really the word? How could he be fine when both of his parents were dead? How could he be fine when he doesn't even know how they died in the first place? Tadashi just didn't want his friends worrying about him, but was pushing aside the pain really a way to go?
Finally, Tadashi made it down the stairs and saw that the Cafe was jam packed with customers today. The smell of glazed donuts and brewed coffee filled his nose as he took a whiff of air. His eyes looked all around and landed on Aunt Cass whom was tending to a elderly lady at the front counter. Tadashi walked over to her, maneuvering around all the people.
Tadashi eventually made his way to her and spoke, "Hey Aunt Cass." She turned her body towards him and smiled warmly, "Good morning hun." She kissed his cheek and greeted the next guest. The boy continued to stand next to her, grabbing a powdered donut from a twelve batch being made. He took a bite out of it that sent off yummy sensations in his mouth. He moaned happily and took another taste.
Aunt Cass finished up with the customer and now gave her full attention to her nephew, "How are you sweetheart?" As she said this, the woman took him in her arms and held him for a long while. Tadashi just played it off, grinning weakly, "I'm fine...how are you doing?" Aunt Cass pulled away, revealing the black lines under her eyes and a weary expression, "I'm just trying to push through the day."
He nodded with understanding. Aunt Cass was really close with their dad, who was her brother and their mom who was her sister-in-law. (Idk if that's how it was in the movie I tried searching it but didn't find anything so yeah) It was really hard for her but she tried keeping it all together for her nephews. Tadashi felt bad whenever people try to carry a burden for him, so it hurt him when he saw her trying to carry on with work.
He glanced around him and then asked, "Where's Hiro?" Aunt Cass replied, pulling the hair from her eyes, "He's eating donuts in the back room." The young man itched the back of his head, under his hat, "Hope he isn't eating all of them.." Cass giggled, "I cant stop him." Tadashi decided he'd go check on him. The young man walked towards the back of the Cafe and opened the door to the break room.
As he opened the door, he saw Hiro laying on a package of flour, staring at his phone screen, biting into a chocolate donut. Tadashi watched him while shutting the door, "Morning, Knucklehead." Hiro looked up his brother and then back at his phone, "Hey Dashi." Tadashi kneeled beside him and analyzed what he was staring at. Not surprisingly, it was another bot fighting website.
"You know Aunt Cass doesn't like you messing around on those sites..," the older one said cautiously. Hiro replied without much expression, "Who says she has to know?" Tadashi crossed his arms, "Hiro..." The other rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, Dashi. You can't be serious that you'd tattle tale on me TODAY of all days." Frowning at his behavior, Dashi answered, "Just because today is a little touchy, doesn't mean I can't tell her."
"Well, how about I do your homework that you're missing today tomorrow?" Hiro was a kid genius so his work level is about the same as his brothers. Tadashi didn't like the persuasion though, "That won't work this time, Hiro." The young Hamada pouted, "Aw, bro! What do you want me to do??" The older one thought for a moment until he had an idea, "How about you and I help out Aunt Cass at the Cafe for the day?"
"Deal!" Hiro answered with a smile, hopping from the flour pile. Tadashi figured that his Aunt would like the extra help, plus it'll do his brother some good to do something productive today.
{Time Skip}
Now it was 6:30pm and Tadashi stayed till closing to help with Aunt Cass at the Cafe, while Hiro left to have plans with his friends at 3:00pm. The older Hamada boy swept the floor as Aunt Cass counted the money in the cash register. Thoughts scrambled in the boys mind, clouding his senses. What really happened to his parents? Was it safe to bring it up? I know I wasn't old enough for people to think I was ready to hear it, but I want to. Am I ready to hear it?
Suddenly Tadashi dropped the broom in deep thought, causing him to feel frazzled. Noticing this, Aunt Cass shut the cash register and walked over to him, "Hey, are you alright?" Tadashi turned to her, not making much attempt to hide his tense feelings, "I'm fine, Aunt Cass. Just...thinking." She seemed to understand, beginning to rub his back soothingly, "I know there isn't a whole lot you know about your parent's death, you were only 8 years old! But if you feel comfortable, you're always free to ask about it."
This was his chance. Tadashi made eye contact with her and spoke, "How...did they die?" Aunt Cass acknowledged the question and sat down in a nearby chair, and patted a seat next to her for Tadashi. He sat down next to her and she took his hand, squeezing it tightly, "Well, when you were away at school, I had received a call from the police that a neighbor had called them because she heard gunshots next door in your house at the time-," Aunt Cass chocked and rubbed a tear quickly, "and when they entered the house, they found your parents both on the kitchen floor. Your mother was wounded in the chest and your father was shot in the chest and the leg...and 3 year old Hiro was found laying on top of your mother crying, thank God he wasn't hurt.."
Aunt Cass sighed trying to blink the tears away. Tadashi swallowed his tears and remembering when he heard the news for the first time. It still hurt to this day thinking about it. A question that he had been keeping in came out, "Who..who killed them?" The aunt breathed in a shaky breath, "They...never found who it was. All the police knew was several hundreds of dollars were stolen and the person left without a trace. He probably fled out of the area."
Tadashi tried to process it all, but it was more than he thought he could handle. Memories spiraled in his head, the endless nights crying himself to sleep, Aunt Cass stressing to keep things all together for the boys, and the years without them. The older boy hung his head and his aunt rubbed his back, "I know it was alot...I'm sorry if I said too much." The older one tried to hide it, "No...no it-it's alright. I'm fine," he tried to change to subject, "Do you need anymore help packing up?"
Aunt Cass knew Tadashi wasn't okay, he was easier to pick out than Hiro was when it had to do with how he was feeling. She decided to play it off, "It's okay, I only have a little more to pack up and then I'm going to read for a while." Tadashi nodded, "Okay, I think I'm going to take a walk," he soon stood up and waved to his aunt, "I'll be back before it gets dark." She smiled at him, "Alrighty hun, see you soon." As he left, Aunt Cass frowned to herself, "Please let him be okay."
{Small Time Skip}
Tadashi sat on a park bench not too far from the house and just stared at the pond a little ways ahead of him. Those thoughts of his parents flooded back and he rubbed his face exhaustedly. Tears sprang from his eyes and ran down his cheeks. Tears turned to crying which led to him sobbing into his knees. His heart hurt for his parents. He missed them so much. They were good people, why would anyone want to kill them?? Everything that he held back came out at that moment. Hiro never really got upset whenever the anniversary of their parents' deaths came around. He was just too young to understand it all, which Tadashi wasn't too worried about. Why couldn't he be just as numb to the pain?
After a while Tadashi collected himself and breathed in and out and stared at his feet. He suddenly felt a little lonely sitting out there by himself. Hiro was still with his friends and he wanted to let Aunt Cass relax. Who could he call? Then a name immediately came to his head...
Tadashi pulled out his phone, looked for the contact, and put the phone to his ear. After a few rings, the phone answered, "Hello?" He smiled a little, "Hey Honey Lemon."
"Tadashi! I hope your day was okay! How are you? What's up?" Hearing her cheery voice was already making him feel better, "Could you meet me at the park right now? I kinda would like to talk with someone..."
"Oh of course! I'll leave right now! Be right there!!" She hung up quickly which left Tadashi to laugh a little.
{Time Skip}
Soon Honey Lemon arrived at the park wearing a light pink tank top with a oversized sweatshirt, along with leggings and her bulky, three-inch heels. She had her hair up in her signature bun and her eyes sparkled through her wide glasses. Tadashi smiled when he saw her arrive. Honey Lemon grinned making eye contact with him, walking quickly over to him. She plopped next to him on the bench, adjusting her glasses, "Hey Tadashi!"
"Hey Honey Lemon, how was your day?" The girl shrugged, "It was an alright day. Nothing too crazy happened. Oh by the way, the only thing you missed in Chemistry was a worksheet on the periodic table," Honey stuck out her tongue disgustedly, "but anyway, was your day...decent?" Tadashi watched her bubbly expression fizzle away as he gave a sad fake smile. She can really read me well, can't she..., he thought to himself. Tadashi messed with his baseball cap, wiping his dry tear stains, "It was...alot."
For almost a half hour, Honey Lemon sat there and listened patiently as Tadashi vented about his day and what he learned about his parents' deaths. His friend seemed to understand his discouragement, "I'm sorry you have to go through this, but I'm here for you." She leaned her head on his shoulder causing Tadashi to blush and smile. They sat there for a while until Honey Lemon spoke, "In the past, I was alot like how you were. I was scared, confused, and stressed. When my parents divorced, I always wondered why it had to be me, asking myself if I was the reason they split up...but I never talked to anyone about it, until I met you," she sat up and stared at him, "You were so open and kind to me that I trusted you to talk about it. You've always been so selfless and never asked for anything. Please don't think you have bottle things up to protect everyone. Just let it out when you need to. I'm here for you.."
Honey Lemon glanced away feeling herself flush a little. Tadashi's heart was beating faster after hearing all that she had to say. He smiled at her, "You're incredible, you know that?" Honey turned back to him and giggled. The two wrapped each other in a hug that lasted for a while, not really wanting to let go. They pulled away smiling, then Honey Lemon suggested, "Wanna go grab an ice cream cone?" Tadashi smirked, "Isn't this the third time you've had ice cream this week?" Honey shrugged, "Who cares, ice cream is good for the soul." Tadashi chuckled, "No it's not..." They both then headed for the ice cream shop, changing this day for the better Tadashi. I guess today wasn't so bad after all, he said to himself..
Sorry that this was a long chapter for anyone and also that its been almost a year since ive updated... I do wanna write more though on this book, but what should I write? Please comment some ideas that youd like me to do!! Also do you think I should change this to a Disney Short Stories book instead? Pet me know! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this and lemme know your thoughts!!! Love you all
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