Act Dumb
Hey so this was a scraped idea I had for a story. I got an idea from a fanfiction I read and it gave me a lot of good ideas. So this takes place in 6th grade when the modern four never met. We start out with Hiro and his struggles through school where the only friend he has is his older brother Tadashi(WHO IS NOT DEAD THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! hehe :)) Anyway he gets bullied everyday at school for being smart and gets the impression that-- why don't I just let you read the story shall we? I hope you enjoy!
Hiro sat in his classroom waiting. He wasn't waiting for class to start. "Alright class," Mrs. Zucaro usually said, "Take out your worksheets from last night and we'll go over it right now." Great, let the tormenting begin, Hiro thought. The teacher read the first question, "Now who would like to answer?" No response. No hands up. Hiro sat stiff in his seat. She was gonna call on him, he could feel it. Mrs. Zurcaro's gaze fell on him with hope in her eyes, "Hiro, did you get the answer?" Of course he did, he was the smartest in the class. The only genius in the class. He smiled back, "The answer is 123." She smiled brightly, "Correct. Good job Hiro." A classmate behind him mimicked quietly, "Correct, good job Hiro." There were other remarks.
"Teacher's pet."
"Why does he have to act like a know-at-all?"
"He's a smarty pants that's why."
Those comments fought and assaulted his mind and body. He couldn't help being smart, it was a part of him. "Does anyone know question two?" Silence once again, just eyes glaring at the genius. Mrs. Zucaro also looked at him, "Hiro?" He stuttered with hesitation, "-14^2."
"Correct." Question after question, Hiro had to answer every one. He sank farther into his chair feeling like an idiot. Kids snickered and whispered into each other's ears. Hiro closes his eyes getting dizzy. But soon the bell ends the horrible nightmare once again. He sighs and sat in the chair waiting for everyone to leave before him. Hiro received hits and cackles from the class.
"What a geek."
"How does he have friends?"
"He doesn't."
He tried to ignore it. He didn't want to admit his loneliness at school. Yeah he was friendless, but all he cares about right now is meeting up with Tadashi and going home. Tadashi stood at the corner waiting for his little brother. Hiro plastered a fake smile on his face for the sake of his brother. He didn't want Tadashi seeing him upset. Tadashi grinned bumping him in the arm, "Hey Hiro, how was school?" He shrugged, "It was...the usual." His brother raise an eyebrow, "The usual?" Hiro sighed, "A monotonous, unrelieved day." Tadashi laughed and punched him playfully, "Monotonous? Unrelieved? What a geek." Hiro froze. What a geek? Why did Tadashi say that to him? He knew Tadashi was only playing but it still hurt him. He shut his eyes tightly and those voices filled his head:
"Haha! What a loser!"
"You're an outsider dweeb!"
"Don't you understand you won't ever belong?"
"Shut your stupid mouth for once in your life!"
Hiro put his hands to his ears trying to block the sounds, but they were stuck in there. Tadashi noticed and was immediately concerned. The older one goes to the younger moving his hand to him, "Hiro, are you-?" Hiro swung his arm out, "Just leave me alone, ok?" Tadashi obeyed pulling his hand away as Hiro walked in front of him now. What was going on with him, he thought. They made it home but Hiro ran up to his room before Aunt Cass could say hi to him. Tadashi bit his lip watching Hiro slowly disappearing into their room. He decided to see what's wrong. After talking to Aunt Cass, the older Hamada walked up the stairs into his room. Hiro was sitting in the bedroom on the computer. Tadashi was hesitant to ask him about the walk home. Tadashi spoke, "Hey knucklehead, why don't you do something other than messing around online. Go out and hang with people." Hiro glared at his brother. He was always bugging him to make friends. He would if he knew anyone who liked him. When he got no answer, Tadashi pressed in, "What you on the walk home?", he moved closer, "Are you ok?" Hiro lied after a short silence, "I was having a bad headache, that's all. I'm fine." He was still feeling shaken. Tadashi looked down and saw that his friend Fred was calling him, "I gotta take sure you're ok?"
"I'm alright Tadashi. Go talk to your friend." His brother was second guessing leaving him, but did. Hiro closed his eyes in relief. He didn't like fibbing about things. Tadashi was the closest thing he had. He just didn't wanna get into all of it. Hiro then went and searched Ask Me and typed: 'What do I do if I get picked on by being smart?' He didn't think anyone would answer him but he wanted to try it out. When he was about to close out of the computer, a text popped up. He looked closely at it and saw it was directed to him. Hiro couldn't believe it. It said: 'Act Dumb.' Act dumb? How would that help? I guess nothing else is working so he decided to give it a try.
The next day, Hiro walked into the school clinging on his backpack strap looking at his feet. His nerves were getting the best of him. He really didn't wanna get picked on again. Suddenly, he bumps into someone and immediately closing his eyes, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! Forgive me!" The guy he bumped into was sympathetic and chill, "Hey no worries dude. You don't have to apologize." Hiro looked up to see a boy smiling at him with black pointy hair. The guy made a face, "Seriously dude, you gotta loosen up. Are you feeling ok? You look like you're going to be sick." Hiro breathed a little and rubbed his head, "No, no I'm fine, just need to get to class." The boy smiled, "Ok, before you go, let me introduce myself," he held out his hand, "The names Wilbur Robinson. I'm the super cool, attractive ladies man. What's your name, dude?" He grabbed Wilbur's hand, "H-Hiro Hamada." Wilbur smiled, "Nice to meet ya, Hiro. You got anything cool about yourself?" Hiro only thought of the one thing that made everyone hate him, being a 11 year old genius. He shook his head, "Sorry I don't, I need to get to class now. Nice meeting you." He walked away while Wilbur was saying bye.
So that was all I wrote! I never finished it but I feel like it has a lot more potential the I gave it.. Let me know if you enjoyed this short and please be sure to vote and leave a comment down below your thoughts on the story! I love hearing from you guys! Love ya! :)
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