My Junkyard Boy (Shawn Hunter)
(Yo quick author's note, this was its own "book" but it was only one part so I'm moving it here. I last worked on this 2 years ago but wrote it probably back in 2016-17. And once more I'm trying to fix it.)
((Another note, I moved it again))
My name is Shawn Hunter, and I'm a teenage dirtbag. My friends say I'm not but I am. I'm trailer trash, a stupid, girl-driven teenage boy. And everyone knows this, well except this one girl.
You see she's new, though I feel like I've met her before. Anyway, she's really pretty, not popular pretty but cute pretty, like Topanga without the weirdness. She seems cool but she probably won't like someone like me.
"Shawn, hello earth to idiot." Cory says waving a hand in front of my face.
"Huh? Oh ah sorry Cory, is class over?" I say slowly blinking.
"Uh, yeah! Let's go eat. I'm starving." He says standing up.
I get up and pack my bag. We chat as we walk to the cafeteria, then sit down. Two girls plop down in the seats near us.
"Hey Cory, Shawn. This is Danny, she's new, as you know, anyway she's cool. Don't scare her away." Topanga says pointing at Cory and I. (Dude I can't believe I added Danny. She's from this book I was obsessed with)
"I don't think we're the ones she has to worry about." I say under my breath she slapped me.
"Ow, Topanga what was that for?" She just glared at me, and then Danny giggled.
'Wait what?' I think. 'Why is she laughing at us.'
"What's so funny?" Asked Cory.
"Oh, nothing. Just you guys are just so cute, you remind me of some kids I met when I was young." She smiled.
"Oh, do we now? Well was one of them as hot as me?" I ask smugly.
"Ah I, um, I was ten then, I didn't know the meaning of 'hot'. Plus who said you're hot?"
"Ah, plenty of chicks for your information. I'm one of the hottest guys here."
"Sure, if that's what you need to believe." She said patting my head.
"Hey watch the hair." I say swatting her hand away before trying to fix my hair.
The day went on like this teasing and laughing, like all four of us were best friends. Hell even months went by and she was our best friend.
"Hey, Shawn do you think I could go over to your house this weekend? You see my parents are going out of town and I don't want to be alone." Danny says, rubbing her arm.
"Um well you see I don't live alone, I have a very surprising roommate." I try to explain.
"As long as they won't do anything to me I'm fine."
"Ah, um, OK sure." I say unsure of how this is gonna turn out.
"OK, thanks."
"This is my house. John, I'm home." I say walking in.
"Oh hey Shawn, Danny." John says, not looking up from his newspaper.
"M...m...Mr Turner?" Danny says shocked.
"Yes, Danny." John looks up at her.
"You're Shawn's roommate?" She asks, still trying to wrap her head around it.
"Yes, I am. I thought Shawn would have told you that." He looks over at me with a questioning look.
"Heh, I told you surprising right?" I awkwardly laugh.
She turns to me. "Shawn how and why?"
"Long story." I say waving it off.
"Well, I've got all day." She said sitting on the couch. I join her.
I knew she wouldn't give up so I told her everything. The trailer park, my dad, everything.
"Wait were you still at the trailer park in 89?" She questions
"Yeah didn't leave till last year." I say.
"Hm that means, hm you were there. Wait you were, heh.... your style hasn't really changed. Your hair got longer and you got a leather jacket." She giggled.
"What are you on about?" I tilt my head.
"Remember those kids I talked about, the ones you and the others remind me of, well that's because you are them." She says looking into my eyes.
"You're my junkyard boy. The same one I found in the old shed." She says excitedly.
"It was ranger hut. Wait, mud girl?" I say shocked.
--- flashback ---
"Excuses me, boy? Why are you crying? Are you alright?" A girl covered in mud sticks in her hair asked. It looked like she didn't take the path. (Yes, that is a Peter Pan 2003 reference)
"Huh? Oh ah, yes I'm fine. Did, you take the path?" I ask her.
"Nope paths are boring, plus I didn't know there was one. I was just exploring. You see I just moved to this trailer park." She says rocking back and forth on her feet.
"Oh OK. Well, I'm Shawn." I say standing up to shake her hand.
"Hm, that won't do. Hmm, I'll call you junkyard boy. Yep." She says holding her chin to think.
"What why?" I ask surprised.
"Because if I know your real name it will be harder to say goodbye when I leave." She explains.
"Leave? But you said you just got here." I question.
"I'm staying for the summer with my pop." She points behind her to the trailer park.
"Oh, OK. Well, I shall call you, um, mud girl!" I said nodding at my decision.
They play all summer even Cory and Topanga.
"Goodbye, my junkyard boy!" She says sadly.
"Bye-bye mud girl." I say, trying to be strong.
They both wave with tears in their eyes. She was wrong it wasn't easier at all.
---flashback finished---
"Oh!" I say as she hugs me.
So I wrote this when I was like 17 and it's now 2020, 3 years later. (Oh boy it's now 2022)
I decided to read my own thing to see what I had done and found it so bad I had to do something about it.
I came back to try and fix this. (Somewhat better but had to come back and try again)
And I realized I never even finished the first and only chapter.
This is kinda cringe-worthy but I see what I was going for.
I was really into Boy Meets World at the time and I still love it and Shawn but I don't think I'll continue this.
But I'll probably try and finish the chapter at least.
I'm sorry if you had to read the original version it was full of spelling and grammatical errors. (Boy even your corrections were bad)
It was shameful to think a 17-year-old wrote that. (Or a 20-year-old)
As always tell me how it can be fixed.
(I'm always making mistakes)
Bye - Drew X
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