Prince Adam- Outcast (c)
Beauty and the Beast One Shot
Sometimes you wished that you never went to the local village. Even though it was the place where you had been born and raised, since you moved to the castle, it was as though you were an outcast. No one understood Adam and still saw him as the monster he had once been turned into and by association, you were just as bad. You were both outsiders and no one was willing to think otherwise or try to get to know you, even people who had once been your friends and families, only ever saw you as the strange woman of the castle.
You tried to not let it hurt you, but it was easier said than done. These were people who once loved you and now you were no one to them, those memories tore into your heart. You knew that Adam blamed himself for tearing you from the life you once had but you loved him, and you were willing to be an outcast if it meant you had him by your side.
Once again you returned home with a heavy heart, glad that you had friends who lived and worked in the castle but wishing the village could just open their minds. You fell into your seat in the library, trying your best to bury all of the pain you felt as Adam entered the room to greet you. Even if you tried your best, by the time he saw you, he could see the pain still upon your face.
"Did something happen again?" He asked.
You shook your head, using a fake smile. "Of course not, Love."
Adam frowned, knowing that you were lying.
"Tell me the truth."
Letting out a sigh, you decided to let the truth come out. "No one said anything to me this time, but it's hard to not hear things when everyone is saying the same thing."
"I'm sorry," he apologised, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "This is all my fault."
You gave him a sympathetic expression. You didn't blame him for how people acted. It was their own fault for keeping their minds closed but even beyond the pain the people of the village caused, you were more concerned by how he always knew when something was wrong.
"How did you know something went wrong?" You asked.
"It's something that happens every time that you go into the village," he stated. "But your face is also like a mirror showing me what you try to hide."
Adam let his hand run along your cheek lovingly.
"So, I let the truth out myself?" You frowned.
"I'd rather that than not know what you're going through."
Written by Charlotte.
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