Prince Adam- Curse (c)
Beauty and the Beast One Shot
It had been years since you lived in the castle with Adam. In all honesty you couldn't recall when you moved in there, not that you could remember much of your past other than the most recent of years. It had been a tough time living there, the two of you were the only humanoid people there, not that you could consider him fully human; whilst everyone else acted as servants for you as sentient objects around the castle.
Since you had been there you had fostered feelings for him, not that you could justify why, he had been cold towards you, more than cold actually. Lumiere, Cogsworth and Mrs Potts had tried to justify to you that he was just pained from becoming a beast. You didn't know when he had become the beast he was now as you only knew him as such but from tales of the past he had been human like you but with a foul personality, but that hadn't fully changed.
You wished that he could be so much more, your heart longed for him, but you knew he would never feel the same for you. It was terrible to feel that your love would be unrequited, but you had hope, that was all the truly thrived within the castle.
"Do not worry mademoiselle," Lumiere smiled gently, "he will change his heart."
Lumiere tried to lift your spirits but most days had fallen to you trying to avoid Adam and hiding in your room away from him.
You were currently laying on your bed with Lumiere sat next to you trying to cheer you up.
"He shall now, I doubt he even has a heart, I try hard to get him to soften but he cannot feel love," you sighed, feeling hopeless, something you wished you would never fall into.
"There is to be a ball tonight mademoiselle," Lumiere stated, "maybe you can get him to see his true feelings?"
Your head shook viciously. "Why would there be a ball? There are only two people in the castle with feet."
Even though you had attempted to fight having to go as you knew it was likely another ploy by your friends to get Adam to see the real you, but it never worked, usually it enraged him.
Lumiere ushered you along as you shuffled in your ballgown. He led you into the ballroom that you had never seen so lavishly decorated. On the other side of the room Cogsworth was ushering Adam into the room, dressed in formal garbs.
They pushed the two of you into the middle of the room practically forcing the two of you onto each other so that you had to hold each other close as music begun to play.
"Did you plan this?" He frowned down at you as you begun to slowly dance.
"No. Lumiere forced me down here, did you?"
The two of you bickered for a short while, still dancing not really focusing on how close the two of you were as you span around the room to the melodic music.
"Why would they do this?" He asked.
Your fuse had cut short and you didn't want to have to hide everything racing through your mind any longer.
"Because they know I love you. They know I wish you felt the same, and they want you to feel the same but we all know that shall never come to pass," you practically screamed out, wanting to cry and break down in deep pain.
Adam looked at you for a moment, before leaning close and pressing his lips to yours. It took you by surprise, but you couldn't pull away, you couldn't move as you were beyond happy that there may have been shared feelings between you and the man you had loved for longer than you could remember.
Even though your eyes stayed closed you could feel the sparks shooting from around you as your feet removed from the floor. Your mind became wild as thoughts and memories flew in. Memories arrived that you never knew you had experienced, memories of being with a human Adam, a love more powerful than any before; an enchantress coming to the door attempting to curse Adam and all your friends; the pain of failing to save him and the reason you lost all your memories in the first place.
Your feet touched firmly onto the floor as your eyes opened to see Adam, no longer covered in fur, his blond locks hanging down his face.
"Adam," you smiled gleefully wrapping your arms around him.
"Y/N," he smiled softly. "You broke the curse."
You shook your head. "No. We broke the curse."
Written by Charlotte.
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