Gaston- Obsession (h)
Beauty and the Beast One Shot
You'd be lying if you said you always agreed with your older brother's actions.
He was your brother, so of course you cared about what he decided to do with his life but he definitely made some stupid decisions.
You were the younger sibling, but you had been the first to marry meaning there was pressure on Gaston to marry in order to produce an heir to the family name.
The man who you had married, luckily, didn't have the exact same mindset as the majority of men in your town.
That meant that you were allowed to work in the tavern that your in-laws owned, and that your brother ever so frequently visited.
It was the middle of the day, the tavern was practically deserted, and yet your brother was sitting in his chair by the fireplace.
He was muttering to himself over Belle for the millionth time that day, and that was nothing new.
You were good friends with Belle, you had a similar mentality to her in the way of not wanting to be a housewife and there not being any need for you to be married.
Since Belle had moved to your small town, Gaston had been obsessed with her whilst you opted for forming a friendship.
It had gotten to the point with your brother's obsession where you were utterly done with Gaston complaining and pining over Belle.
Due to the tavern being half empty, you had left your spot behind the bar and made your way over to your brooding brother.
Your husband had been working alongside you, so it did not matter that you weren't technically serving drinks.
As you sat down on the arm of the large arm chair, that your brother had claimed as his, Gaston looked up at you.
"What do you want sister?" he quizzed in an unamused tone, clearly not wanting to converse with anyone.
You sighed and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder "You haven't moved from your chair in two hours" you stated whilst he had a scowl on his face.
He did, however, place one hand over yours "I just don't understand why she does not want to be with me" he said more to himself than to you "I'm handsome, smart, handsome, funny, handsome" he reeled off what he deemed as good qualities about himself.
"Brother, you know I love you" you spoke up in order to gain his attention "And I just want to see you content with your life, not spending it all pining over Belle" you spoke in a soft tone, not wanting to agitate him.
The expression on his face told you that he definitely did not agree with your words "I am not giving up on Belle" he talked through gritted teeth "I will have her" he stated, but confirmed it more to himself rather than to you.
Shaking your head, you continued to rest your hand on his shoulder, "This is no longer healthy for you Gaston" you told him, causing a surprised expression to cross his face, "You are obsessed with her. You cannot spend the rest of your life chasing her. I want to see you happy, not distraught because Belle refuses to say yes" you explained to him.
He stood up abruptly after you had spoken to him, looking as you as if you had insulted him "How is me seeking Belle different to you with her?" he questioned, his voice raising at each word.
Before talking again, you got your brother to sit back down and take a few somewhat calming breaths.
You sat back on the arm of the chair whilst Gaston attempted to not raise his voice again – he had a temper but you knew that he had always told himself that his younger sister would not get the brunt of it.
"Belle is my friend Gaston – there is a large difference between a friendship and an obsession" you responded to your brother's ridiculous question.
Gaston went to respond to you, but held his tongue when realising it could result in an outburst.
You stood from the arm of the chair and began to walk away, but then stopped short to turn to face your brother "There are plenty of girls in this small town brother" you told him "Set your sights on one of them instead of being an obsessed fool"
Written by Hannah.
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