Chapter 9: Something Sweet and Something Strange
Heres the next chapter hope you all enjoy!
Jack Frost's POV
I sat on my tree branch after seeing Jamie go and waited for Elsa to arrive. We were going to go visit Hiccup at his Viking village. She had found out from me that everything went great making amends with my once best friend. Elsa had told me, "I told ya so!" as soon as I told her. She was so cocky about it, but she looked cute doing it so I wasn't bothered at all. She was definitely right about everything working out , and I really need to listen to her more often, haha. Anyway, I sat in the tree waiting when I saw her in the corner of my eye. Elsa wore a jean jacket with a blue tank top and blue jeans and sneakers. She was(is!) drop dead gorgeous! I decided to sneak up from behind her, just to be funny. I flew across the trees, making sure she didn't see me. Elsa looked so elegant today my heart felt like butterflies waiting to erupt. It's not that easy to keep my feelings for Elsa a secret anymore, ever since I confessed my love for her at the Disney World tragedy. But I continued to be quiet coming from behind her. I put my hands on top of her eyes, making her gasp. I quickly say, "Guess who!" Elsa smiled, letting her muscles relax, "My frosty boyfriend."
"Bingo." She turned to me and I grinned at her, seeing her crystal eyes sparkle. I pulled her in and started kissing her lovingly. It had been a while since I had saw her, so I was a little excited. Elsa kissed back but I could tell she was trying to pull away. I let go and noticed she looked a bit shaken up. Elsa breathed in and frowned, "Sorry, Jack. I'm just..a little nervous right now." I rubbed her arm, "What's wrong babe?" Elsa sighed, "It was..," she turned her head away but I pulled her back in with my hand and she continued, "it might sound a little stupid, but I felt like someone was following me." I quickened my breath when she said that. Someone following my girl? No way! I held her protectively, "It's not stupid. If you think someone's following you, then I'll make sure you're safe." She smiled, "Thanks Jack." I smiled back, kissing her cheek, "Anything for you. Now let's get to Hiccup's." So we started to walk to Hiccup's, wrapping one arm around her waist looking around at the forest life. Soon we approached the Village looking at the old fashioned buildings. I remember looking around Hiccup's neighborhood years ago thinking it was sorta dumb, but now I feel how well created it really is. Elsa thought so too, "This is amazing, better than that isolated castle I lived in." I agreed with her, adding, "And my tree.." We laughed at that just reaching Hiccup's street. As we turned, I noticed Hiccup standing outside his lodge, along with a girl I've seen once or twice at school. I think her name was Astrid..yeah Astrid. I recognize the blonde hair and Viking attire. I was surprised to see her there talking to him, since she used to be too tough and all wrapped up in dragon flying to socialize. We got closer and I could overhear their conversation:
"Thanks, Hiccup for letting me take some of your leftover firewood."
"Don't mention it. It's the least we can do when your dad gave us all those welding equipment."
"Well you know..I'm glad I got to see you. It's been awhile since we've talked even though we live in the same village."
"Yeah this was great." ..Interesting.
I interrupted their convo by saying, "Oh hey, Hiccup, it seems like you have some company." Hiccup and Astrid turn to us and Hiccup's eyes got suddenly nervous. He answered me, "Ah, Jack! Uh, Astrid and I were just talking after giving her some firewood for her family." Elsa smiled, "Well, that's nice you two get to chat a little." Hiccup rubbed his neck, fidgety, " was." Astrid gave a normal smirk and commented, "It was great seeing you guys," she looked at the Viking, "it was nice seeing you again." He smiled, "You too, Astrid." Soon she walked away and Hiccup gazed at us as we smirked at him. He asked knowing full well what we were thinking, "What?" I cross my arms still smiling, "Astrid, huh?" He didn't respond for a long time and then just says, "Maybe."
No One's POV
Tip hurried into the lunchroom very happy that it was finally time for lunch. She had an "accidental nap" in Science and had an awful dream with Leila everywhere she went, laughing like a maniac! She needed to tell her friends about this morning or she'd just go crazy. When she arrived, she whipped her head around to find the table with her friends sitting at and went over to them. "Guys! Guys! Something happened-" she tripped on herself, but Wilbur had caught her. Everyone looked at her in worry, wondering what had happened. Penny asked with concern, "Tip, what's wrong?" Tip calmed down, getting out of Wilbur's arms and sat down. Tip had to refrain from saying anything about getting tempted to kiss Hiro for many reasons.. She spoke after catching her breath, "..Leila is being very strange lately." Riley asked rolling her eyes at the thought of Leila, "You mean her usual self?"
"Well yeah, but have you guys ever noticed how she knows everything that you never even said out loud?" Violet nods understanding, "Yeah..and how she pops out of nowhere." Tip points at Vi meaning she was following. Hiro crosses his arms, "Ok, sure she knows her facts but what does that even mean?" Wilbur points his finger up, "She's a time traveller!!" Penny raises her eyebrow, "A time traveller?" Wilbur shrugged, "Why else do you think she knows so much and just pops out of nowhere?" Violet thinks about it, "It's an idea, but I don't think that's what we are missing.." Her boyfriend frowns, "Fine, if you find out she's actually a time traveller, since I should know cause I am one, don't come running to me." Everyone shook their heads and laughed with him. Violet stares off at her boyfriend and wondered about his proclamation. Was she a time traveller? Maybe she'd have to investigate on it later.. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Penny speak, "Have me in your prayers tonight guys..," she sighs, "I'm going to my father's tonight for dinner." Tip replies, "Good luck!" Hiro hugs Penny, "You'll be just fine. Just go with the flow and don't forget to breathe." He tickled her and Penny laughed happily. Wilbur smirked, "Oh, young love." Violet bumped him in the side, "Shut up, Wilbur." She had said that playfully with a smile.
Soon lunch was finished and later school was out. Hiro walked with Penny to her house and it was silent. Penny looked anxious to Hiro and he held her hand, "Penny, please don't worry about the dinner. I hate seeing you like this." She sighed, "Sorry, it's just..he has a totally new family, replacing me and my mom, " she turned her head to her boyfriend with a hurt expression across her eyes, "Why did he leave us?" She started to sniffle and leaned into Hiro, who wrapped his arms around her. He wasn't sure how to answer this tough question. He put his head on hers, "I don't know..but what I know is he made a mistake leaving such a wonderful girl like you." Penny smiled at that, "You're so sweet."
"It's true." She held onto him a little longer then she arrived to her house. Penny rested her hand on the door and looked at Hiro before she shut it saying, "I'll see you tomorrow..and I'll text you how it goes." Hiro waved to her, "I'll be praying." She smiled, "Thanks." Soon he left and she shut the door behind and her smile quickly faded away with worry.
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