Chapter 7: Hanging Out and Crush Trouble
Hey guys new chapter! Hope you enjoy!💕😊
No One's POV
Wilbur waited on the couch watching whatever popped onto the flat screen TV. It was My Little Pony and the pink pony with frizzy hair was acting like a nut. Wilbur wasn't very into it, but watch the show to amuse himself for a little bit. The pony started singing a song about cupcakes. It was sort of catchy to Wilbur. He smiled at the funny pony until he heard someone cough behind him. He turned to meet the gaze of his father. Wilbur gave him a sheepish smile, a little embarrassed, "Oh, hey Dad! I was uh-just scrolling through the stations when-" His dad stopped him, "You don't need to give an explanation," he walked over to grab his coat, "I just wanted to check and see if you're going to keep the house looking like the way it was when your mother and I come back."
Cornelius Robinson, Wilbur's father, was going to a meeting about some new invention he's whipped up for the government's use. The other family members are chaperoning to watch, leaving Wilbur home alone to invite his friends over. His dad is always so critical of him sometimes and thought Wilbur was able to maintain the house. Wilbur waved him off, "Oh you know it. This place will be fine and ship shape for your return." His dad raised an eyebrow not really sure if he believed his son. Wilbur persuaded him, "Trust me. Everything will be just fine." Cornelius sighed, "Fine, Wilbur. But if I arrive with the house flipped upside down, there will be consequences." Wilbur wasn't too worried since he was ALREADY grounded but he nodded anyway. His mother called coming down the steps, looking as beautiful as ever, "Cornelius, let's get moving ok?" His dad's jaw dropped and had to fix his glasses, quickly recovering, "Yes dear."
They both say goodbye to Wilbur and shut the door. Wilbur flopped back on the couch. He turned back to the stupid show and groaned. Wilbur had already set up the food and drinks, now Wilbur will just have to wait for his guests. The doorbell rang and he yelled to it, "Come in!" But he realized My Little Pony was still on. Wilbur jumped up and started to crazily look for the remote. Hiro walked in with a truck load of gummy bears in hand. Hiro was going to spend the night, but his Aunt told him to do the chores he forgot to do last night. The girls will be only there for a little while as well. Wilbur found the controller and switched it to the next channel and faced his friend coming in. Wilbur stood casually leaning on the wall, "Why hello my good friend." Hiro smiled back, "Hey Wilbur.."
His gaze fixed on the TV with a perplexed look filling Hiro's expression. Wilbur turn to what he had been looking at and he cringed. What had turned on that was playing on the screen wasn't what he had hoped. It was a romantic station, usually for young adults. There was a couple on the show having a make out session in front of them. This was at a max-cringe rating for Hiro and Wilbur, if there was one. Wilbur quickly just turned off the TV and threw the remote behind him. Hiro just stared at him very disgusted. Wilbur put out his hands, "It is not what it looks like." Hiro rolled his eyes at him and went towards the stairs, "I'm gonna go set my candy up in your room." Wilbur followed behind him after a few seconds. They walked up while Wilbur explained the TV scenario which made Hiro laugh a lot. Hiro held his head, "Dude, what even?"
"I don't know how it happened! But it was funny-" Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Hiro stood up, "That must be Penny."
"How do you know it's Penny? It could be Violet."
"Yeah well, you know Penny is usually persistent and when has Violet been on time?" Wilbur had to shrug for that, "True." So the two went down the stairs to go open the door for Penny. Wilbur started to open the door, "Hey Penny-" Once he opened the door, he saw it was actually Violet standing there. She had changed to more comfortable cloths and her hair was pulled back. Wilbur made a nervous laugh, "-Violet! Wow, you're earlier than usual." Violet walked in taking off her shoes, "I had nothing better to do, and why did you call me Penny?" Wilbur was about to answer when Hiro did, "Well Penny is usually here before you and we just thought it was her." She nodded but looked confused, "Yeah, I texted her a bit ago, but she hasn't responded back. Actually, I haven't heard from her since we got out of school." Hiro looked a little worried, pulling his phone out, "Me either. Do you think she's ok?" Wilbur was probably the calmest out of all of them, "Penny is fine. She's probably running late and her phone died." Violet clinged to Wilbur, "Wilbur is right. Penny is not dead, she'll probably be here any second." Hiro sighed and agreed with them.
It had been ten minutes and Penny hasn't shown up. Hiro getting a bit nervous, chewing on the gummy bear's heads. Wilbur and Violet were snuggling on the couch looking through movies that they could watch, but Hiro's worrying was distracting them. Violet got up and walked over to Hiro, "Okay, don't get your undies tied into a knot. Relax!" Hiro turned to her, "I know, I know. It's been ten minutes!" Wilbur was getting pretty annoyed, "Ten minutes isn't that long."
"To me it is!" Violet rolled her eyes and was about to answer, until the doorbell rang. Hiro gasped and his tooth gap showed, and headed towards the door. He opened it to Penny, who had a straight expression.
Violet's POV
Penny had arrived and the love sick Romeo over there was relieved to see her. But I wasn't relieved. I crossed my arms and stared at Penny's plain expression. Something was not right. Penny was putting on a good act, her being an actress, but she couldn't fool me. She took her boyfriend's hand, "Hey Hiro."
"Hey babe, are you alright?" She gave a little smile, "Yeah, I was just running late." They stepped in and shut the door. Penny looked concealed, holding her arm conserving, and her hair and clothes looked okay, but there was one thing that I could spot; her eyes were glossed over. Anytime I've ever seen Penny, she had the most shimmering eyes with lots of energy. Now it looks like she was motionless and having a lot on her mind, like she wasn't even all there. We sat down on the couch wondering still what we should watch. Wilbur suggested, "We can watch the Back to the Future." Hiro smiled, "I'd love something with Marvel." I smiled, "I'd like to watch maybe Avengers. What do you think Penny?" We all looked at her, but she didn't respond. Penny was looking off somewhere. I asked again, "Penny..?" She looked over, "What?" I didn't ask the question, "Are you sure you're alright?" Penny didn't answer for a long time and there was some concern and tension around us. She answered, "Yeah, I'm alri-"
"No you're not," I said standing up. She turned her head away from me. I grabbed her hand and turned to the boys who looked confused and concerned. I took her into the bathroom and shut the door behind me and I turned to see Penny put her head down. I asked her, confused what was even happening, "Penny, what's up with you? Why are you acting like this?" Then to my surprise, Penny started crying. I was shocked. Penny was the most joyful person I knew, she rarely got upset. She said through her tears, "Oh Violet, I don't know what to do!" Then she told what was happening, well wailed it to me. I guess her father sent her a letter that I said he wanted to invite her to dinner--with his new family. I can see how this could pain her. She's never gotten to ever have a good relationship with her father growing up. He just left her and her mom.. I felt awful, I actually started crying too. "Oh, Penny. I'm so sorry!" I hugged her and held her in my arms while she cried.
Penny's POV
All those memories were coming back. The fighting and screaming..him driving away and my mom holding me in her arms.
No One's POV
The two guys, Hiro and Wilbur heard crying from the other side of the door. Wilbur was worried, "What's happening in there??" Hiro didn't even let Wilbur finish his thought. Hiro swung open the door and saw Violet and Penny in a comforting embrace. They saw the boys and pulled away wiping the tears. Hiro held Penny's hands and looked her in the eyes, "What's going on?" Penny hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck, "My father wrote me...and wants to have dinner with me and his new wife and kids. I don't know what to do or how I feel about it." Relieved that she wasn't physically hurt he held her tighter, "I'm sorry Penny. But you know what?" She pulled away just to see his face, "What?" Hiro stared into her beautiful complexion, "We--and I will always be there to help you through this cause we love you, I love you."
"I love you too, Hiro." They leaned in to kiss when Wilbur interrupted, "So, since we're all better, wanna watch a movie?"
Hiro's POV
No One's POV
Hiro groaned at him but felt Penny kiss his cheek and turn her attention to Wilbur, "Sure I'm up for it." Hiro smiled, "Great. Let's watch Marvel." Wilbur looked at him, "Um..I thought we were watching Back to the Future." The two boys went back and forth in banter and the girls looked at each other and laughed. Violet patted Penny's back, "But Penny, if you have anymore trouble with this father's new family thing, please come talk to me?" Penny grinned, "Ok, Vi, thanks."
"Anytime." So they settled down the guys and they had a pretty nice night from then on.
Tip's POV
"I see your true colors shining through, I see your true colors, that's why I love you.." Riley sang as we sat in her room after having dinner with her parents downstairs. I look at her and smile, "You have a great voice." Riley turned to me with a sheepish grin, "Thanks, but I don't know about 'great'." I roll my eyes at her. She's so hard on herself and doesn't see how amazing she is. I look over at her side table where there laid a journal, a camera, a picture of Riley and her parents, and one of me, her and Jamie. I went and flopped on her bed, rolling over to look at her camera. I heard Riley ask cautiously, "Uh, what are you doing?" I smiled turning on the camera, "What does it look like?" The camera turned on and I saw she organized her pictures. There was a section named "DisneyWorld". I smirked clicking on it, "You took pictures at Disney? I didn't see you had your camera." Riley stood up with her eyes wide, "Wait, don't touch that!"
Once I did, I saw a few pictures of Hollywood Studios and Epcot, and our group. Then there were a few pictures that were of one particular person; Jamie. It was of him not knowing he was getting his pictures taken and he was smiling and laughing in all of them. It was a great quality photograph and I wondered why Riley had never showed me it. Then I realized, after looking at her flushed look. Riley put a strand of hair behind her ear and took the camera, "I never really show people those.." I was shocked and just watched her, "Wow, you really like him, don't you?" Riley was turned away looking at the picture of Jamie in her camera.
No One's POV
Jamie stared at the group photo of him and his friends, Tip and Riley sitting on his bed melancholy. Jack Frost, who had come over, crossed his arms at the sad looking boy, "Jamie, why are you so upset? I thought the new look could've lifted your spirits." Jamie sighed, "I know. The makeover was nice and all but," he stroked Riley's face in the picture frame, "nothing seems to be working." The ice boy nodded floating over by his side, "So the girl hasn't seemed interested?" "James" set down the picture and put his head in his hands, "How am I gonna make her like me? She so beautiful and talented..," he laid back on the bed, "there is so many amazing things about her that make her special."
Jack smirked at his friend, "If you want her to know how much you care about her, then why don't you tell Riley how you feel?" Jamie face showed he was uneasy about that idea, "I can't tell her that face-to-face! I'll freeze up!" Frost waved some snow on him, "Literally." Jamie wiped the shards of ice off his hair as Jack continued, "But I'm serious. You should tell her how you really feel instead of bottling it up," he thought about it, "..How about instead of telling Riley in front of her how you feel, you write it down on paper." Jack bounced over to Jamie's table drawer and the boy followed and asked, "Like a poem?" Jack shrugged, "Why not? Girls dig those kinds of things. Besides, I've seen what you write, you're good." Jamie rubbed his head, "I'm not so sure about that.." Jack didn't believe it, "You're so down on yourself, accept that you're really good at literature." Jamie smiled, "Ok, fine. I'm good at writing, now what?" Jack sat on the bed after handing Jamie a piece of paper and a pencil, "You tell me." The sophomore took them and knew what he had to do. He sat down and put down everything in his heart.
Theres alot of stuff going on in this! I hope you enjoyed and lemme know your thoughts!!😊💗
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