Chapter 5: Soccer Balls and Making Amends
Here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoy!😊💗
Btw hiccup is older in the but i like the pic so😂😂
No One's POV
"I swear you really need to start stretching your legs before gym class," Penny said pulling on Violet's legs outside on the soccer field. Violet grumbled, shielding the sun from her eyes, "What do you expect? I don't go out of my way to exercise."
"I don't either, but a small jog taking Bolt out on a walk really helps." Violet then went into a butterfly pose and Penny got up and pushed lightly down on her back. Violet groaned at the pain, "Ouch!" Penny was dumbfounded, "I don't understand. You're a super! Don't you have to make sure you stretch?" Violet closed her eyes as Penny continued to put pressure on her back, "I guess it wasn't instructed well enough." Penny was then finished and they headed with some of the other girls down to the guys where they were going to play a scrimmage soccer game. Hiro and Wilbur were in that same gym class also and it was a real treat for them.
Hiro smiled as the two girls headed over, "The Modern Four is together once more." Violet questioned, "Is that the new nickname?" Wilbur scratched his head, "I thought it was the Furtastic Four." Penny winced at the phrase, "That sounds so stupid!" Wilbur stated in his proudness, "Well, I think it sounds cool." Hiro was frustrated, "We had established last year it was THE MODERN FOUR." Violet crossed her arms and spoke, "Oh? And when was that, Hamada?" Hiro pointed his finger at the smug Violet, "It's been like this since last September before Prom! Get with the program people!"
"Hiro, Penny, Violet, and Wilbur." They all turned to the gym teacher, Mr. Parker and stood there quietly as he stared at them. Soon he continued his thoughts by talking about the rules of soccer and such..while Hiro and Wilbur continued to debate on their team name.
"The Modern Four."
"The Furtastic Four."
Violet hissed, "Will you shut up you two!" The boys stopped with wide eyes staring up straight. Violet gave them another look before turning toward the teacher. Wilbur soon grinned and whispered so only Hiro could hear, "My kitty's got claws." Hiro couldn't help but laugh at that but turned his attention to the teacher. Mr. Parker was speaking, " that's the safety aspect. Oh! And no superpowers or super abilities for advantages in the game." Penny smiled, "Don't got to worry about that." Violet commented, "He was directing that to me."
"Because he hates me, that's why. He thinks I'm going to reek havoc." Mr. Parker finished his long, agonizing speech and the students were all set to start. He gave out pinnies to wear to tell which team they were on. Violet and Hiro with others were on the orange pinny team, and Penny and Wilbur with others are on the yellow pinny team. Hiro grinned, "You ready, Violet?" Violet grumbled, "As ready as I'll ever be." Hiro notices her sarcasm and bumped her. She looked at him and stuck her tongue out.
Penny was quickening her feet getting ready to start. Wilbur gave her a look, "What are you doing?" Penny was focused, "Getting ready to start." Wilbur smirked, "It looks like you're getting ready to run a marathon, it's just gym class, Penny!" Penny ignored him and received the ball Mr. Parker. Hiro stepped up to the ball, two feet from Penny. He looked into her eyes and cocked, "You know Penny, I have some experience in this cultural sport so I'll take it easy on you." Penny smiled at her showy boyfriend, "Yeah..?"
"It's also a norm to shake the hand of the other teammate before you start a match," Hiro moved closer, "but we could kiss instead." Penny giggled, "Oh Hiro.." The whistle blew as Hiro started to lean in. Penny pulled away without a smooch and bolted with the ball, "Sorry babe!" Hiro groaned, "Shoot!" and ran after her. Penny passed the ball to her other teammate, who passed the ball back to Penny. Violet stood in front of her getting ready to block her on defense. When she saw Violet, Penny did a fake out and turned to a different direction making her friend lose her balance. Penny shot the ball and scored, making her team chant behind her. Violet laid on the grass blowing the hair from her face. Hiro walked over and offered his hand out to her, but was rejected with a swipe of her arm against his,
and she stood up on her own. Hiro shrugged his shoulders, "What?" Violet sent him a straight glance, "Your love struck heart for Penny cost us that goal." Hiro only said innocently, "Can you blame me?" Violet stared at him and sighed, "No, just TRY to hold your boy emotions together." He pointed at her, "Not unless you-"
"What was that, Hamada?" She gave him a scare and he answered, "N-Nothing." Hiro received the ball from the teacher, juggling it with his foot. Penny crossed her arms, "Stop trying to impress me." Hiro nervously said, "I'm not..but are you?" Penny didn't answer but only smiled as he served the ball. It flew over her head at Wilbur. He stopped it and punted it towards Penny, who trapped the ball with her feet. She dribbled in the direction of the net and passed it to someone else on the team. But the aim was off and was going to Violet. Finally, she could get the ball.
Unfortunately, her kick missed the soccer ball, making her fall on her rear, letting the other team take the ball and make a goal. Hiro frowned at her, "Well well well..maybe someone else needs to pay attention." Violet's face was red with embarrassment, but she covered it up with her black locks, "I was, but my foot missed." Hiro flung his arm, "All well it's just gym class right." Violet agreed but inside she felt stupid. By the time class was over, the yellow pinny team got five more goals, while the orange pinnies had one. They all said good game and went into the school to get to the locker rooms. Before they went in, Wilbur asked his friends, "Wanna all meet at my house later? Say 6 o'clock?" They all nodded and went to the lockers to change for their next class.
Jack Frost's POV
I can't believe I'm out of that nutcase called a school. I'm finally free! It wasn't all that bad though. I had a lot of crazy adventures, learned about myself and who I wanted to be. I also found my soul mate, Queen Elsa of Arendelle. She is just the most amazing woman I've ever met. I'm beyond happy that we're back together again. Would that make me the King of Arendelle? Well, I guess unless we got married I would...but I'm not thinking about marriage right now. Some people surprisingly are. I was talking to Rapunzel, Elsa's cousin, one day two weeks ago about her new boyfriend, Eugene Flintzherbert. I asked naturally how everything was going and out of nowhere she says, "I think I'm going to marry him." I'm just like, what? I mean, they just met over the summer and now they might get engaged? I don't know maybe it's just me.
Anyways, I am just sitting in my favorite tree looking through my phone when I see Elsa calling me. I smile to myself and answer, "Hey babe." She replies back, "Hey, how are you doing?" I look around my tree and respond, "You know, the usual. There's a squirrel up in the tree with me but he's acting all cold to me. But how about you? How's your banquet?" Elsa and her sister Anna usually have royal banquets or dinners with other local royal kingdoms. It's just the joys of being a thriving nation, however; she always takes a five minute break to talk to me. Elsa hums over the phone, "Oh you know, trade stuff and less time with you." I smile, "Yeah, but at least we get to talk." Elsa lets out some air, "I could barely get out of there! They wanted to talk forever but Anna helped me escape." Anna was like our #1 fan or something but she's pretty cool.
"You could always hang out with your other friends instead of always waiting for me." I felt uneasy, "Uh, I could but..they're probably all busy." Elsa said, "How about Tadashi?" I shook my head over the phone, "Nah, he's with Honey Lemon."
"Hmm..Eugene?" I rubbed my head, "I don't really talk to him." There was a pause until my girlfriend spoke, " about Hiccup?" I froze. I was hoping I wouldn't hear his name again. My old best friend who betrayed me by not sticking by me, constantly spending time with his girlfriend Merida, and started hanging out with Andy. I asked, "Hiccup?" Elsa sighed, "Look, Jack, I know you two aren't as close anymore and maybe never wanna lay eyes on each other again, seem like you need more friends to sit around with and just talk to. And besides, you guys could be better friends than before." I didn't say anything for a while. My anger was on a rise about what happened with Hiccup in the past. Then I just saddened when I thought about the times when Hiccup and I did have fun. I sort of..missed it. I missed him. I flung a ice slash on the nearest tree branch, "You're right, you're always right. I'll go talk to him." I felt Elsa smile over the phone, "Ok, I have to go, the Emperor of Russia needs to leave in an hour. I'll talk to you later babe!"
"Ok, love you." I hung up and closed my eyes leaning my head on the tree trunk. This wasn't gonna be easy, but I was going to try my best.
I flew from the tree where the wind took me. I had no problem getting to his house, I distinctly remembered the structure of that Viking cottage from its wooden lace and the old style. It was the nagging sensation in my head, He won't wanna see you. All your going to do is make things even weirder. I shook those thoughts out and continued my task.
On the way, I looked down and saw a shadow figure disappear into a bush. Huh, must have been that darn squirrel...
By the time I looked up, I was floating right over Hiccup's. I descended down to the front porch where my heart started to beat faster. Ok, Jack, you can do this!, I said to myself.
I knocked on the door and stepped back. I stood there in silence till I heard footsteps coming towards the entrance. The door opened to the familiar Hiccup, who looked the same shape, broad, and his hair fell the same way. Yet his eyes were faded and a more depressed look filled his appearance. I looked down at the ground, "Hey, uh can we talk?" He just stared at me with no expression. Was he upset? Angry? Then his mother called from inside, "Who's that at the door, Hun?" He answered looking at me in the eyes when he said it, "It's no one, mom. Just an old classmate." He shut the door behind him, going towards a path where I followed him.
Hiccup was upset with me, I could feel it. The tension is definitely there. I let it go and walked behind him towards a large log where I remember he and I would hang out with our group of friends. We sat down in silence. He spoke, "What did you come here to talk about?" I rubbed the back of my neck, "I just wanted to see how everything was going with you lately." Hiccup continued to act melancholy, "Everything's been fine." I look at him and sighed, "..And I'm sorry how everything went between us. We were great pals."
"Yeah, we WERE." Ok, was getting nowhere with this. Time for a different approach. I bounced up in front of him. I try to smile, "Sooo, how's that firy red head of yours? Is she as tempered up as usual?" Hiccup bent his head down, "I wouldn't know." I was very confused and asked, "What do you mean?"
"We broke up. It was during the summer, Julyish. She decided I wasn't good for her anymore." Merida broke up with Hiccup? Honestly, I sort of saw it coming; although I was hoping Merida would've been the one dumped. I palmed my forehead softly, "Oh, Hiccup, I'm so sorry, I had no idea-"
"It's ok, Jack," Hiccup said, holding his hand out looking heartbroken. Yes, Merida was a real witch sometimes, but I knew that Hiccup really liked her. I tried cheering him up, "Well you know those ginger princesses." Hiccup didn't smile but only nodded. The fake grin on my face faded for a moment, " about Andy? You two got close during our trip to Disney World." Hiccup stood up and walked to a tree, "It didn't last long, he slowly moved back to being friends with Tadashi again and spending time with Anna." I didn't know what to say. I groaned and flew in a circle in the air and leaned on the tree next to Hiccup.
After a period of silence, I had to smash that wall, "Listen Hiccup, I'm really sorry about how this happened to our friendship. I wanna still be friends and I hope you can forgive me someday." Hiccup turned to me and finally opened up, "Me too. I kinda miss hanging out with you." I laugh with relief, "I do too! We had a lot of good times," I held out my hand, "Friends?" He looked down at my offer and gave a smile back to me, "Friends." We shook on it. PHEW! I felt so much better after going to him about that. Elsa was right about visiting him. I spent more of the time catching up with him and getting my good friend back.
There is the chapter! What did you guys think? Did ya enjoy it? Lemme know your thoughts! Love you all!😊💕
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