Chapter 4: Getting Awkward
Here's Chapter 4 hope yall enjoy!
No One's POV
Riley was getting out of her 4th block class feeling slightly better from this morning. It was almost lunch time, so she had to get to her locker to retrieve her lunch. Riley told her friends to go in the cafeteria without her and just save her a seat. They agreed and waved goodbye. Riley headed for the stairwell, with her arms wrapped around her books, and to her locker, 3445. She saw her locker and walked to it. Riley took out the piece of paper with her combination. "Wow, this looks confusing," she said to herself. She shrugged and put her combination in and pulled. Nothing. Trying it again, Riley failed once more and sighed.
"Uh, would you like some help?" Riley hadn't recognized the voice and said while turning around, "Um I guess so, if you know how to-" She stopped, meeting the eyes of the voice. It was Jamie! What was she going to do? Just stand there like a fool? Jamie had thought the same thing. Don't just stand there like an idiot, he told himself, say something! They both opened their mouth and greeted, "Hey." They laughed nervously realizing they said it at the same time. Riley did a little wave still holding her books, "Hey." He said back, "Hey." It was quiet for a moment as they stood there awkwardly. Jamie asked, "Um, do you have your combination with you?" Riley remembered and handed it to him, "Oh, yeah." She gave the slip to him and he started putting in the combo. Jamie tried to start a conversation, "So, how was your first classes?" Riley rubbed her arm, "They were good, you?"
"For the most part." Soon he finished and opened her locker. Riley sheepishly smiled, "Thanks, you make it look so easy." Jamie faintly blushed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Well, you know it gets easier once you get the hang of it." Riley smiled, "Yeah, I guess so." They both got a little red and just laughed awkwardly. Finally, Riley was making progress with Jamie just like old times! Riley continued on, slightly lying making this statement, "I like your new look." Jamie looked down at himself and half smiled, "Oh, uh thanks."
"No pro-." Suddenly, someone came over beside Jamie. She had a black outfit and deep makeup. She turned to Jamie, "Hey Jamie," she looked at Riley and grimaced, "who's that?" Jamie timidly smiled at Riley and the girl saying, "Oh, Riley, this is Leila, she's new. Leila, this is Riley." What was that girl doing with Jamie, she thought. Riley frowned but wanted to be nice, "Hi." Leila didn't bother to greet her and just centered her attention on Jamie, "Wanna sit with me at lunch? I don't care if you say no, I'll just sit in the hall." She made a sad look at him. Jamie didn't want to seem like a jerk and said, "Sure, I'll sit with you." Leila grinned, "Awesome, let's go." She grabbed his hand and pulled him in the other direction. Ok, Jamie didn't like that she was holding his hand, but he was her only friend. So he let her pull him and Leila called from behind, "See ya Riley Anderson." Riley questioned, "How did you know my last name?"
"Lucky guess." Then they were gone. Riley saddened with her heart dropping to the floor. When she thought she was finally talking to Jamie, this random girl shows up and sweeps him away. Riley shakes her head, gets her lunch from her locker and walked towards the lunchroom.
Tip and Riley now sit with the Modern Four, which are Hiro, Wilbur, Penny and Violet. They were more than welcoming. Their table was already small so a few more people wouldn't be so bad. Riley walked over to Tip and Violet who were already there. Tip smiled, "Hey Riley!" Riley sighed sitting down in one of the chairs without response. Violet and Tip exchanged a glance and centered their focus on Riley. Violet asked, "Alright, what's up?" Riley leaned her head on her arm, "It's Jamie." Violet put her hands on her hips, "Oh, that 'James' thing? That's a little off." Riley looked over at them, "That wasn't even the real issue," she questioned bringing it up, but she did, "He had this girl with him." Tip shook her head, "Oh girl, getting a little jealous of Jamie's new admirers?" Riley frowned, "I am not jealous." Violet gave a sly smile, "So in denial, what's her name?"
"Leila." Tip shrugged, "Not a bad name, what's her last name?" Riley started taking the food from her lunch bag, "I don't know, but there's something off about her. She's so touchy, and sneaky, and..and so goth!" Violet rolled her eyes, "Ok, ok. Are you sure that's her real characteristics or what you see in her?" Riley groaned slamming her fist, "I'm not jealous!" It was silent until the other two giggled staring at what she slammed. Riley felt a gooey substance in her fingertips. It was her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Tip went into her bag and handed her friend a napkin and replied,
"Sure you aren't." Riley wiped the sticky goo off her hand, "Whatever. But there is something that feels wrong about her," she thought of it,
"Wait. She had known my last name when I hadn't even told her about it. How can you explain that?" Violet raised her hand, "There must be a logical explanation about-."
"Hey you guys!" It was Penny walking toward their direction with Wilbur next to her. Tip waved, "Hey girl!" When Penny arrived, her and Tip had to high five one another. Wilbur smiled approaching Violet, grasping her hand while she laid her head on his shoulder. Penny awed at them, "My favorite couple!" Violet winked at her, "Same for you and Hiro, my girl!" Tip walked next to Riley and sat down, "Speaking of, where is Hiro?" Penny saddened a little, "He left during our first class while we were watching the 9/11 footage. I think something was bothering him but I wasn't sure what."
"Hey guys," Hiro said coming over to them. He looked a lot better than before and placed his lunch money on the table. Penny smiled, "Hey Hiro." She went to him and gave him a hug, "How are you doing? You left so eruptive from class." Hiro looked away slightly then back, "I'm fine now, I just felt a little sick is all." Wilbur put his arm out, "Oh then, Penny, you should stay away from Hiro or he'll start to-" Hiro jabbed him playfully in the side, "You better watch yourself, bro." Violet crossed her arms with a smirk, "Boys, they're nuts." Wilbur put his hand up, "Oh no, don't you start! Girls can be wild too." Penny smiled, looking at Violet, "He's right you know." Violet replied, "Yeah well he isn't off the hook yet."
So Penniro and Willet, along with Tip on the girls team had a silly, dramatic argument about who was more crazy. After all of it, the girls proved to be the most wild. Wilbur smirked, "Haha, see I told you." Violet rolled her eyes, "Whatever, we lost because Hiro is no where near as wild as you are." Hiro solemnly agreed, "It's true." Wilbur shook his head with a laugh, "Oh, you should see him at my house full of sugar at our sleepovers. It's almost scary." Penny couldn't believe that her boyfriend would be that hyper, "Are you sure about that?" Wilbur just laughed uncontrollably while Hiro just rubbed his head embarrassed. There may have been a few times where he was out of control after eating four bags of gummy bears.. Tip giggled, "Oh well then, l gotta get some silverware so I'll be back." Everyone started to settle and sit at their usual spots around the table and eat. Riley had been quiet most of the time. She had been thinking about Jamie, staring over at the table where Leila was talking to her lover about something. Was he still the same guy she has liked? Was he into that Leila girl? Maybe she'll talk to friends about it later..
Dash's POV
I headed for recess with my buddies putting my swagger on. We had just finished eating lunch and thought we could play a nice game of kickball. I grabbed the bouncy ball and ran over to the field. 8th grade doesn't feel as different as it was the last few years, other than my voice getting lower and growing taller. Everything else seemed to stay the same. My friends stayed jockeys, The Sugar Rush Girls continued to be jerks, and the teachers..well let's just say are still old and bossy. But then there was one thing that had changed. "Hey Dash, can I play with you guys?"
Vanellope Von Shuitz. Vanellope was the most spunkiest, daredevil chick I've ever met. She has so much style and pulls everything off with a snap. Even if she had just learned it, Vanellope is already a pro. But that isn't the thing that was different from the last few years..she was much older and beautiful. Up to her infectious candy hair and down to her quick feet. Her hair grew long but still in its signature ponytail, along with her mint and sweet covered jacket. Her "imperfect" glitches show how unique she really is. I stood there staring at her wonderful complexion with the tune "Dying In Your Arms" playing in the back of my head.
"Dash? Dash." The sound of her voice shook me out of the daydream, "Huh?" She smirked, "Can I play with you guys, or not?" I grinned, "Of course. Why don't you start us off?" She took the ball from my hands, "Thank you."
"Your welcome."
No One's POV
The Sugar Rush Girls; Taffyta Muttonfudge, Candlehead, and Crumbelina De Caramello stood on the sidelines of the field watching vigorously at the kickball game, especially set on Vanellope. Taffyta growled, "That glitch is stealing all of Dash's attention!" Candlehead asked dumbly, "How do you know?" Crumbelina pulled out her phone, "Don't you see it? It's all in his eyes. He's drooling!" Taffyta's frown grew wider, "I'm going to make that glitch's life so miserable!" Candlehead raised her hand, "Vanellope likes him too?" Taffyta's eyebrows furrowed and she got up in her friend's face, "I don't care if that GLITCH hates him! She's stealing all his love when he should be with me! The popular kids need to be together, not the stupid orphan!"
Whoa snap! Lots of stuff going on! What do you guys think? Lemme know your thoughts! Love you all!😊💕
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