Chapter 3: Classes and Bad Memories
Heres the next chapter! I hope you guys enjoy!🤗💕
No One's POV
Riley and Tip were in the building and breathless. Tip was exasperated, "Riley!...You dragged me all the way to end of the lockers!" Riley apologized sheepishly, "Sorry.." Tip was confused, "What happened back there?" The other sighed, "I don't know. I just got weirded out since Jamie looks so different. I couldn't go and talk to him." Tip gave her a reassuring face, "I bet he hasn't changed all that much. He just looks different but he'll always be our Jamie." Riley smiled at her, "I guess so." Tip grabbed her schedule from her bag, "So my locker is 2445, what's yours?" Riley waved her arm, "It's upstairs so let's just go to your locker." The curly one nodded and they walked to her locker, which was close by.
As they were getting closer, they heard a familiar babbling girl around the corner, "..the beach was good too. You should see my back! It's as brown as milk chocolate. And that's the brownest I've ever been, you know, since I'm so white." The person she was talking to was Violet, who looked as miserable as ever, "Did the sun cook anything else," she murmured to herself, "like your brain?" Olivia didn't hear the second part, "Nah, I wish we had cooked some burgers, but you know, what are you going to do?"
"Hey, Violet," Tip called, "could you help me with something real quick?" Olivia shrugged, "All well, I got to go to class anyway. See ya Violet." She slipped away, and as soon as she was gone, Violet let out a breath of relief, "THANK YOU." Riley asked, "Why do you get annoyed with Olivia?" Violet shrugged, "She's so bubbly and sweet," she made a sour face, "and talks into your ear at the point where you can't take it." Tip commented, "Isn't Penny like that too?"
"She's different. Penny wanted to get to class early and I lagged behind, then out of nowhere someone called my name from behind. I turn around and Olivia leaps at me, knocking me over. In embarrassment, I disappear and she yells, 'OMG I SQUASHED VIOLET!! VIOLET, CAN YOU HEAR ME???'" Violet shakes her head, "Gave me a headache that's what. Penny wouldn't be that dumb." Tip hit Violet lightly, "Be nice!" Violet groans, "Sorry, but she annoys me so much." Riley rolls her eyes playfully, "Tip needs to get to her locker, so wanna come with?" Violet nods, "Sure, class doesn't start till five minutes so why not. What class do you have first?" Tip answers, "I think it's...Mr. Howdyshell?" Riley grinned, "Oh my gosh me too!" Violet smiled, "Same." Tip laughed, "Wow that's so crazy!" They giggled while talking to Tip's locker.
Hiro's POV
I walked to me first hour class, actually early for once and sat down. It was History class with Mr. Barshun and he seemed like a pretty mean teacher. But know, you're gonna get those. Besides, how bad could it be? I sat in my chair waiting for class to start, when I heard someone call my name, "Hey Hiro!" I turn around and saw it was Penny. I smiled back standing up, "Hey Penny." We gave each other a hug and she giggled, "It's crazy how we have the same first class as last year." Hiro smirked, "Maybe it's because we're meant to be." Penny blushed and I went in to kiss her.
"Hey," I stopped and turned and saw it was the teacher, with his arms crossed, "not in my classroom." I pulled away in a sheepish smile. Ok, that was a downfall on my part. I shouldn't have maybe went in and kissed her, but at the same time what's wrong with it? I also don't wanna be seen as one of those boyfriends who just makes out with their girlfriend. I don't that much at all. We kiss rarely and fairly short. Mr. Barshun, when the bell rang, told us and the other students that he'll tell everyone where to sit. Penny sat by the front of the room, being the first one to be seated. I watched as the others went to their seats and I slowly became the last one up in the front. As I walked toward the back of the room where the lonely chair was set, I realized what had happened. I just became the teachers enemy. He moved Penny and I away from each other for a reason, right? Because I invaded his space almost.
Mr. Barshun started talking to the class about what to expect and the ground rules of the school, "There will be no getting out of your seat without permission, there will be no calling out, and there will be no kissing in this classroom." He looked at Penny and I specifically and we sat there quietly as the others snickered silently to themselves and nudging each other. Wow, this is some strict teacher. He continued setting ground rules, then began the lesson 30 minutes in, "Ok class, as you know, 9/11 is tomorrow. I expect everyone knows what that is." We all nod as he continues, "9/11 was a terrible tragedy where the Twin Towers of New York were destroyed by hijacked terrorist flight crashes," he walked over to his desk and turned on the projector, "today we're watching a video about it." My stomach churned. I didn't like this idea, since I had a feeling it was graphic. The video started playing with a news story showing real footage from the incident, "The death of hundreds shakes the country.."
There was smoke coming from the tower, crashing down and people getting rescued. My heart started beating faster and I closed my eyes. The sight of Tadashi's body strewn across the ground in Disney World filled my mind. In my memory, I tried waking him up, "Tadashi! Tadashi can you hear me? Please don't leave me! I need you!" I opened my eyes, trying to calm myself. My breath was shaky as I saw people crying on the sidelines while the towers fell in the video. My head started to ache, getting dizzy. I was not ok. I raised my hand, "I need to use the restroom." Mr. Barshun gave me a look but let me leave.
I got up and headed out the door. I turned to the nearest bathroom, shut the door, and leaned on the wall. I breathed in and out but I broke at the bad dream. I sank to the floor and cried. I didn't know why I was crying. Tadashi was fine, safe and sound at home, probably working with Aunt Cass at the cafe. But I couldn't control myself. I was hysterical. It had to be my first class, of course. I looked at myself in the mirror after I laid on the floor, my eyes were puffy and red from rubbing them. How can I go back in there? I couldn't go in there.
So I waited in the bathroom for a little bit, regaining my sanity, then the bell rang and everyone headed out of the classroom. I snuck into the classroom to grab my stuff. When I thought I was in the clear, the teacher spoke to me, "You have an assignment on your desk." I didn't look up and just grabbed my worksheet, "Ok." I was about to walk out until he said, "Crying is for children and women, not men, so stay strong and don't let things get to you." I didn't respond and walked out the door.
Penny's POV
I wonder what happened to Hiro. I was a little worried when he left the classroom. He looked nauseous and awful. I get that the 9/11 stuff is tough but I wonder if it was something more. I has a flashback when there was a fire at the shooting of my movie being put on a stretcher. It gave me chills, however; whatever was wrong with Hiro gives me concern. I hope I can talk to him about when I see him again, maybe lunch.
Oh no! Poor Hiro! What do you guys think is happening with him? Will Penny be able to help him? Lemme know what you guys think! Please vote and comment your thought and I hoped you enjoyed! Love you all!!🤗💕
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