Chapter 20: Mission "Dark Beauty"
Heres the next chapter hope you enjoy and lemme know your thoughts!!
That vid up top has nothing to do with the chapter but its too precious to not put up
Hiro's POV
Violet hung up from talking to Penny, looking upset. What was that about? Wilbur asked his girlfriend, "Sooo..?" Violet answered putting her phone in her pocket, "She's on her way.." I asked concerned, "Anything wrong?" Violet looked as if she didn't want to tell me but she did anyway, "Penny said that she was crying," I made a worried expression and she probably noticed because she quickly added, "But she said she was fine now." I was still nervous for her. Was it about the dad thing? Or worse? Was she ok? I hoped she wasn't injured...
I crossed my arms and looked down at my feet as I fidgeted. Wilbur patted my back, "Dude, chill out. Penny will be just fine, she's on her way." I sighed looking at my feet, "I know..I just really care about her, you know? I want her to be okay." Violet looked me in the eyes, "She will be, she has a wonderful boyfriend." I finally smiled, "Thanks you guys." Soon, Penny arrived on her scooter coming to a stop. The stained tears on her cheeks were evident that she was crying. I felt bad for her. She was smiling though, seeing us, "Hey guys." I smiled back as she came over to hug me. As we held each other, I whispered in her ear, "Are you okay?" Penny whispered back a little hesitant, "Yeah..I'll talk to you later about it."
"Ok." We let go and the other two were grinning at us. Violet asked, "So, you guys ready to head out?" Wilbur nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah," he pointed his finger in the air, "Mission: Dark Beauty!" Penny smirked, "Really?" Wilbur shrugged at her, "What? I think it suits the mission." I moved from the conversation, "So, Violet, what's the plan?" She adjusted her hair an answered, "I think we should act casual and look around the dark alleys for any sign of something to find Jamie and Leila." We all nodded while Violet continued, "Penny and I will take the South way. Hiro and Wilbur, you guys will go North. We'll contact each other if we find anything."
Then we all moved our separate ways and Wilbur and I headed North. We casually searched different alleys and after a half hour we couldn't find anything other than stray cats, mucky puddles, and a creepy homeless man. Wilbur groaned, "Ugh, there's nothing here!" I yawned suddenly, "I know, and I'm getting sleepier by the minute.." And I could tell Wilbur was getting crankier. Wilbur rubbed his eyes, "I need sleep...!" I slapped my cheeks to try to stay up, "I too. But we need to stop Leila first."
Wilbur moaned having a mini fit. Okay, I've known Wilbur for a long time now and when he gets tired, he gets really grumpy. Even if he's fifteen, he has his child moments. It was silent as I decided to whip up a conversation to keep us up. I said slowly, " and Violet, huh?" A sudden spring of happiness came out of Wilbur, "Oh yeah! Dude, Violet is just amazing! We were talking earlier when you spied on us on our kiss-"
"-we weren't spying, you were literally making out in front of us!"
"Not the point!" He calmed down again, "But she said that I was her best friend! I wouldn't have imagined that coming out of her. It made me so happy.." Wow, that's pretty cool. That's probably how Tadashi feels about Honey Lemon, you know, since they're getting married now. I reply, "That's really cool, Wilbur." He then asked, "How about you and Penny?" I blushed when her name came through the air, "She's fantastic.. We just click! Penny's always there for me." Man I love that girl..
"That's great, bro." Who've thought that we'd ever get girlfriends? Especially attractive ones who have great hearts? I didn't. I thought that I would be single for life..but she showed up at my feet.
"Hiro?" I looked up to find Tip and Riley standing in front of us. Wilbur was shocked at the sight as well, "Uh, what are you guys doing here?" Riley spoke, "Tip was tracking Hiro on her phone." Everyone's eyes went on me and I turned faint red. Why was she tracking me?? I stuttered out, "Um..why were you tracking me?" Tip walked over to me, "I think we may have found a way to find Jamie."
"How?" Wilbur asked for me. Tip continued to talk as the shy Riley stood behind, "Jamie has a phone, right? Well, I have this locater app on my phone that can track any contact I have so we can figure out where he's at on his DPhone7." I can't believe this! This is what we've been looking for, "Yes! We're finally getting somewhere." Wilbur was happy too, maybe more excited to get some sleep soon, "Ok, let me call Vi." He dialed the number and we rejoiced.
No One's POV
" we just laid there for what I guess a half hour or so and then you called." Violet wiped her teary eye at what Penny had to say, "Wow, Penny, that's crazy. what you've been asking for." Penny nodded trying not to ball her eyes out again, "I know...I just can't believe it." Then Violet's phone buzzed in her back pocket. She spoke, "It's Wilbur."
"Well..answer it!" Violet laughed, "I am!" She answered, "Hello?"
"Hey Vi! Guess what? We ran into Tip and Riley and they found a way we can find Jamie!" His girlfriend grinned, "Really? That's great! What's the luck that you guys bumped into them?"
"Oh, well Tip was tracking Hiro through her phone."
"Nothing, it's all mutual." Violet looked over at Penny with a shrug, "Okay then, I guess we'll meet you guys at..," she looked back at the store across the street, "Starbucks. You guys come over here and we'll see what we should do."
"Alrighty, love you."
"Love you too, bye." She hung up and turned to her friend who had hearts for eyes. Penny awed, "You guys are so cute!" Violet rolled her eyes playfully, "I know, now let's go to Starbucks and get some lattes..and clean up the tear stains." So the two girls walked to Starbucks and into the bathroom to wash the dried up tears away. Then they looked in the mirror. Penny realized something she hadn't noticed before, "Whoa..we've grown so much." Violet did as well seeing her long hair, her 5ft 5in self, "You're right..we were way smaller than this." It had been a while since they've known each other and things have changed so much. Then they finally got freshened up and headed out the door. Violet asked as they stood in line, "So, what are you gonna get?" Penny looked over at her, "Oh, the usual. The Caramel Macchiato. How about you?" Violet turned her head up at the different choices, "I think I'm gonna get the Midnight Mocha."
"Ooh, I've always wanted to try that one!" The woman at the desk smiled brightly at them, "What do you two girls want today?" They told them their orders and Penny got out her credit card and Violet put her friend's hand down, "No, Penny, let me buy it."
"Vi, it's okay I got this," she looked over to the cashier, "How much do I need to pay?" She smiled, "Nothing." The two were shocked. What? The cashier gestured in front of them, "Those two young boys over there paid for your lattes." The tenth graders looked over at two guys that did not look like "boys". They were very good looking guys that looked about in eleventh grade, and were pretty muscular..maybe TOO muscular. Penny and Violet walked over to them confused. The superhero smiled at them cautiously, "Uh, heh you guys didn't have to do that.." One of the boys said, "It's totally cool for two lovely ladies." The other spoke grabbing Penny's hand, "My names Alex and this is Thomas."
Alex kissed Penny's hand fondly. She giggled uneasy from the sudden attention and pulled her hand away, "Yeah, um.. again, thanks for buying our drinks. It was nice." Thomas looked at Violet, "What are you beauties names?" The black haired girl felt her cheek, "Oh, I'm Violet and my friends name is Penny." The lady at the counter called their names and set their Starbucks in front of them. The two took them and put their straws in while the boys just stared. Penny started to move toward the door, "Well, I think me and my friend gotta we'll maybe see you later." Alex moved in and blocked her, "Wait a sec." Thomas did the same and Violet was up against the wall, "Yeah, why don't you give us a kiss before you go.." Violet was trying to keep cool under the pressure, "Um, no thanks we're fine-"
Then he leaned in and that's when Vi had enough. She put out a force field around her and Thomas's lips landed on it, with a confused expression filling his face. Suddenly, Hiro and Wilbur walked in with Tip and Riley following. They were confused to find what was happening in front of them. Penny grinned, "Oh look," she shoved Alex out of the way and hugged Hiro, "It's my BOYFRIEND." Violet went over as well, "Mine too!" She pushed Thomas and kissed Wilbur's cheek. The muscular boys grumbled at the sight and headed off. Hiro asked concerned, "What..was that about?" Violet answered for the two, "We'll tell you later. Now let's go find Jack."
{Time Skip}
After an hour of walking through the woods, they found no sign of Jack. Wilbur sighed, "Where is he?" Penny answered looking up at the trees, "I'm not sure.. He's usually here." Hiro thought for a moment, "Maybe he's at Elsa's or hiding out somewhere." Violet also added, "Or looking for Jamie." Riley asked with her heart aching at the sound of Jamie's name, "Does Jack know that he's missing?"
"What about me not knowing who's missing?" It was Jack coming from the trees with Elsa along as well. Tip looked up at Jack happily, "There you are! We've been looking for you." Elsa smirked at the kids, "Why have you guys been looking for him?" Hiro grew serious, "Because we found a way to find Jamie." Jack frowned, "Yeah, I wasn't sure where he went..where is he?" Violet felt her hair, "This girl named Leila, the daughter of Pitch took him." Jack's eyes turned angry, "Pitch..I thought I'd never hear that name again." Penny said to Jack, "We need your help to go find him." Elsa put her hands out, "Whoa whoa whoa! Do any of your parents know you're here?"
When none answered the Queen, she looked worried, "I'm not sure how safe this is for you could be really dangerous." Suddenly, Riley came from behind the crowd, "Look, Jamie is with that witch somewhere, maybe hurt or worse. And I'm not going to rest till my best friend..and whatever else we are, is back to us safely. So if you're not going to help, we'll just go on our own." Everyone was shocked. Did Riley just say all that? Jack looked at his girlfriend, "Come on, babe. They need us." Elsa was still unsure. All of them stared at her intently for an answer. The ice queen sighed in defeat, "Fine. I guess we'll help just to watch out for you guys. But when I say, get back, you better listen." They all nodded and jumped up and down.
Hiro looked at his friends, "Okay guys, before we go, we need to have a plan. Let's meet up at my place at midnight and we'll head out." Violet stood next to him, "Hiro's right. We need to go when it's dark and unexpecting. Get fully geared up and ready to go." They all nodded and started to head their separate ways. Elsa leaned on her boyfriend, "Are you sure this is safe for them? I mean, they're just kids." Jack kissed her cheek, "Oh come on, they had to take down an evil robot themselves and they managed to get out of a fire alive. These are some special kids."
"Okay, I believe you. I just don't want them hurt." She leaned in and started to kiss him and her hands rested on his arms. Jack had a sudden rush of pain flow through his body. He groaned, pulling away from Elsa holding his hurt arm. The ice queen looked worried for him, "Jack?" He breathed in and out, squinting and holding his arm, "I'm okay, I'm okay.." No he wasn't, she thought. Elsa went over to him and pulled his sleeve up. Jack moaned again and the jacket sleeve was all the way up, ripping the bandage off of it. Frost's arm had suddenly changed from last time. The black dot was more distinct now and vine looking scars stretched across his whole forearm. Elsa gasped at the sight. She covered her mouth with her hands, "Jack..this is not good-"
"I'll be fine, babe. I..I just need to put ice on it or something is all." He was still holding his arm trying to hide the pain he felt, "Let's head back to your place." Not wanting to fight with him, Elsa did preparing in what was going to happen later tonight.
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