Chapter 19: The Letter
Hey guys so im going to post this now cause im on vaca and ill forget but here you go and I hope you enjoy!😊💕
Penny said bye to her friends after school ended and Wilbur was suddenly walking along with her. She raised her eyebrow at her friend, "Uh, what are you doing?" Wilbur reminded her, "You owe me a ride. My time machine is at your house." She remembered, palming herself in the face, "Oh yeah, sorry Wilbur. I totally forgot." He smiled at her, "It's okay..but I'm a little worried about you." Penny sighed, "A lot has been on my mind lately.." Wilbur grabbed her hand being friendly, "I know, and we're all here for you." Penny laughed, "Wow, Wilbur..when did you get so sentimental?" Wilbur groaned, "Since I've had a girlfriend.."
"I like it." Soon Penny's mom pulled in and saw the two standing there holding hands. She unlocked the car and they hopped in. Ms. Forester spoke, "Okay, I'm gonna try to be happy for you two but I wish you guys would've told me you were a couple." Penny and Wilbur's eyes grew and they looked at each other with a disgusted gag. Wilbur laughed, "You thought..we were-?! Oh gosh no! Eww!" Penny frowned feeling offended, shoving him, "Yeah, we are NOT together, mom." Wilbur continued to rant, "That's disgusting! Absolutely absurd—!" Penny punched him in the arm and he whined, "Ow! Sorry.."
Ms. Forester smiled, secretly relieved, "Oh good! Because I see you two more as friends than anything else." That made the other two happy since they didn't feel that sort of connection to each other.
Then they soon arrived home and Wilbur said goodbye to them, flying away on his time machine. Penny walked inside and set her bookbag down and laid on the sofa. Her brain felt fried and she didn't wanna do anything but sleep. However she couldn't because if she did, she'd be sent with horrific nightmares. Her mom went into the other room and came back with something in hand, "I was cleaning the house today..and I found this laying under the couch." Penny looked up to see it was the letter from her dad she decided not to read the other day. She looked away, "Oh..that." Ms. Forester spoke again, "I think you should read it."
"Why? So I can read a bunch of lies written down for me??" Penny crossed her arms and turned away. She didn't mean to snap at her mom, she was just..angry. Her mom sighed setting the note next to her, "I know you're really mad at your father right now, but the least you can do is see what he has to say. If you don't want it, you can throw it away later. I'll be in my room if you need anything." Penny's mother left and the tenth grader looked at the envelope. She wondered what was written inside..but she was scared. What if she was going to be disappointed again? But..what did Robert have to say? She picked up the card and it had a nice signature of Penny written on the front. The girl slowly ripped the envelope at the top and pull out the card and opened it carefully:
Hey Penny,
you probably really hate me right now and don't ever want to see me again. But I have to let you know that leaving the way I did 10 years ago was the biggest mistake I've ever made. At the same time, I don't regret it when I later found my wife and my two kids. The mistake I regret the most from leaving was that I lost the relationship I could've had with you.
Penny,(or if you prefer Penellope now) you are such a talented, beautiful, and amazing girl. I see you sometimes on TV and I think to myself, "Wow, I wish I was apart of her life." And I still feel that way. You don't have to ever see me again, I get it. But I'm just apologizing for my wrong, insistent take off and how it may have impacted you.
I hope one day you could forgive me for my actions. No matter what, I will always love you Penny, it's not your fault me and your mother didn't work things out, always know that. Bye for now.
From, Robert Turner(Dad)
When Penny finished, she was on the verge to tears and suddenly it all swelled up like a fountain. She looked at it all again holding a hand over her mouth. Penny curled up into a ball on the sofa and cradled herself and just cried. This..was what she always dreamed of having. thinking this about her. She cried and cried for the way she acted at his house, the hurtful things she said to him, for what happened in her dream, for the sleepless nights hoping her father would come home..but never doing so. She wanted her dad.
Penny rubbed her eyes trying to see, but it only got harder. Her heart pounded out of her chest and she wasn't sure what to do. Penny cried out, "Dad! Come home! I need you and love you! I'm sorry! I'm sor-" Her voice cracked as she fell to the ground, laying on the floor and her mother rushed down beside her from the bedroom hearing her. She started to tear up, "Oh my baby.." Mary held her fifteen year old in her arms and tried soothing her, "Everything's gonna be okay.."
They laid there for a long time, holding each other till Violet called her. Penny got up and wiped her tears realizing how much time flew by. She had to go help look for Leila! She answered the phone sniffling and wiping her eyes with a tissue, "Hello? Sorry, I'm coming out.." Violet asked on the other line, "Penny, have you been crying?"
"Y-Yeah, but I'm fine now.. I'm on my way." Violet sounded saddened, "I'm sorry you're upset. If there's anything you wanna talk about, you can come to me anytime." Penny smiled, "Thanks Vi. Where are you guys at?"
"We're at Aunt Cass's Cafe. Hurry cause I don't know how much time we have."
"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can." She hung up, went out to the garage to get her scooter, not before she hugged her mom and telling her she loved her, and sped off.
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