Chapter 16: Sleep Equals Disaster PART 2
Here's part 2 to the last chapter! Hope you enjoy?
No One's POV
Violet and Wilbur went to their next class feeling like their faces were jello. Violet moaned, interlocking her hand in Wilbur's, "I feel like a pile of trash," she looked a herself as they passed a wall with a reflection, "I didn't even try to put makeup on this morning.." Wilbur smiled at her affectionately, "You're beautiful." She smiled back unsure, "If that's what you think.." Wilbur sighed, turning her to face him, "Violet, stop it! You're gorgeous..and I would love you even if you weren't attractive because your heart is even more amazing." She turned away but he pulled her in and kissed her softly on her bruise then on her lips. Violet loved him..what would she do without him? Wilbur loved her..what would he do without her? They pulled away and hugged. The duo walked into their classroom and saw Riley sitting at her desk. Violet sat next to her and Wilbur was on her other side. She didn't understand what Riley was doing. Violet spoke up, "Hey." No response, just a glimpse of her twiddling with a pencil. Her eyes looked..glazed. She was out of it. Was this about the Jamie disappearance thing? Wilbur looked at his girlfriend with a shrug.
Violet persisted to try again, "Hey, Riley...are you doing okay?" When she didn't answer again, she gave up and watched the front of her. The teacher rambled on an on about her unexpected engagement with this man she met online and stuff. Violet sighed sleepily and looked over at Wilbur to find that he was knocked out. Violet yawned and whispered loudly, "Wilbur! WILBUR!!" Nothing. She rolled her eyes and groaned, "That's it. I'm not afraid of you Leila. I can take you down." Soon Violet's eyes shut and she didn't wake up.
Wilbur's POV
My eyes opened to the sight of the school. What..wasn't I in the classroom? ..oh no, I fell asleep, didn't I? Okay, I just gotta stay focused. I looked around at the grassy front yard of the building, and there were different friend groups; jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, etc., spread out on the whole field. I tried to look for someone that I knew, anyone I can turn to, and that's when I saw Violet. My heart lightened. She looked exactly the same as usual, pretty and gorgeous, except she wore a football jacket and brighter makeup filled her complexion. I ran over to her and called her name, "Violet! Violet!" When I reached my girlfriend, I grabbed her hand and she spun around, "Uh, ew get off me!" She let go of my hand. What was happening? I tried to stay positive, "Come on,'s me, Wilbur, your boyfriend." Violet made a foul expression, "You are NOT my boyfriend," she pulled on my hair, "Your hair is too pointy, and your arms have no muscle," she pulled on my shirt, "And who would like an idiot like you? I don't." What was she saying? She's was usually feisty, but not this snooty. My body shattered, "W-What? But Violet...we've been together for almost a year! You said-"
"Whatever you think I said is wrong, and besides I already have a boyfriend." Suddenly, Tony Rydinger appeared beside her looking more buffer than usual. The football jacket must've been his, making my stomach twist in knots. Then she did the unbearable, she started kissing him! Violet leaned all in and and Tony did the same. Ugh, why did this have to happen?!?! Right now?? She pulled away, turning back to me, "Now get lost, loser." Violet kicked her foot into my side and I tumbled to the ground but the grassy floor fell through and I screamed to the bottom. My body dropped with a bang and it became dark and quiet. My heart ached. I'm gonna lose Violet. I'm not good enough for her..maybe all of it is just in my head and we shouldn't be together. That thought created tears and I yelled out into the darkness. A woman's voice boomed in my brain, "Oh poor boy. Pathetic. You really thought you and your love were going to be together forever?" Then Leila stepped into a light, "Maybe this was just a one sided relationship." She snapped her fingers and the white evaporated and soon everywhere around me were a bunch of Violet's. All beautiful but cruel at the same time. They spat different remarks and hurtful words into my ears and everything was spinning...
Violet's POV
I gasped as my eyes opened to a dark alley way. My breath quickened and I stood up from the ground. Ok Leila..I know you're here. I spun around and didn't see her anywhere. "Leila, come out! I'm done with this!" Then something came from behind me and grabbed my arm. I turned my head and someone socked me in the face. Stumbling back, I felt my nose and tried to find my bearings. Leila smiled, "Didn't expect that one, huh?" I stayed high, "Just giving you a first punch." I turned invisible and tried to be stealthy. She waltzed forward looking at the wall, "You really think that you can defeat me? Just because you have special abilities, doesn't mean you are a super." I leaped out at her as soon as she said that to kick her in the face, but she took me by surprise and grasped my foot in place, "Like that for instance." She flipped me over and I fell with my hair covering my eyes. Leila looped around with her feet in front of me, "You never be like what your parents were, amazing supers with fantastic agility, all given up for kids..who can't even defeat a measly teen-." I sweeped my leg under her and she fell as well. I got on top of her and held her hands to the ground, "You're wrong about me," Leila turned into smoke and appeared behind me, loading a punch, but I block it with my force field, "and you have no idea what I'm capable of." She smirked, "You're in my world now, I control all. So when you think you get the upper hand," she used her dark powers to grabbed my foot and hung me upside down, and she moved closer to my face, "you're just back where you started." I grunted while upside down and stared at her, "But again...I'll come back on top to stop you." Leila just stared at me do the longest time without a word, just an evil, stuttle expression. I wasn't afraid.
"You may not be afraid of me, Violet Parr, but I know what you're most afraid of;" She snapped her fingers and cages with people were in the air, "Failure." Those people in the cages turned out to be my best friends and I almost had a heart attack. She continued to talk, "You can't save everyone and you'll never be how great your parents were." My heart ached as they screamed my name.
"Violet, help!"
I breathed in and out as the blood in my brain rushed to my head. I spoke to myself, "..This isn't real. They aren't real.." Leila heard me and replied, "This may not be real right now, but this same situation can come up in the future..and facts still stand." I groaned and closed my eyes, "I'm..not going to be save everyone." I didn't hear anything for a minute and continued, "People can't be perfect and live up to someone who is more skilled and up to age.." Leila finally said something, "..Maybe sometimes you have to." Then I heard a slash and screams that distinctly sounded like my friends and I winced as they wailed and the cages crashed. I let a tear slip down my cheek and down my forehead. My brain felt dizzy from being upside down so long and I couldn't feel anything....
No One's POV
Wilbur and Violet gasped awake in their seats. They realized they were in the classroom and slowly calmed down. The teacher had no idea the two fell asleep because she was still talked about her engagement. Violet looked over at Wilbur and saw he had tears all across his cheeks and wondered what happened to him. The bell rang and everyone got up to get to their next class and they lagged behind. Wilbur didn't stand next to Violet but slowly back of her. Maybe I should give her some space.., he thought sadly and self consciously. Violet noticed and let him be. She'll figure out what's going on with him later. Okay Leila, bring it on, she thought.
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